Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
Jennifer Baerren, Ward 1 Alderworman | City of Batavia Website
City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met Nov. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Roll Call:
Present: Ald. Barazza, Lanci, Beck, Pieper, Malone, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Leman, Ajazi, Cerone, Vogelsinger
Absent: Ald. Malay
Also Present: Lori Botterman, Max Weiss, Police Chief Shawn Mazza, Peggy Colby, Drew Rackow, Gary Holm, Scott Buening, Fire Chief Craig Hanson, Mayor Schielke, City Administrator Laura Newman, Ellyn Theis.
3. Approve Minutes For: November 12 2024
Motion: Items 9-12 were incorrectly marked as voted upon on 11/12.
Maker: Beck
Second: Leman
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
6. Consent Agenda:
a. Resolution 2024-149-R: Approving Police Authorized Towing Contracts (SM 11/20/24) GS
b. Resolution 2024-148-R: Authorizing Execution of Task Order No.48 with Engineering Enterprises Inc. for Design Engineering Services of the Year 3 Lead Service Line Replacement Project (JPB 11/20/24) PU
Motion: To move Resolution 2024-149-R: Approving Police Authorized Towing Contracts to regular CoW for further discussion; approve item b on Consent Agenda as presented.
Maker: Beck
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
7. Public Hearing – Public Hearing 7:05 Pm 2024 Tax Levy
Ald. Wolff opened the hearing at 7:23pm; hearing closed at 7:43pm.
7.5 Resolution 2024-140-R: 2025 Budget Resolution
Motion: Approve Budget as Presented
Maker: Wolff
Second: Malone
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
8. Ordinance 2024-067: 2025 Tax Levy
Motion: Adjust tax levy ask to $500,000 with $500,000 sourced from reserves
Maker: Wolff
Second: Uher
Roll Call
Aye Barazza, Beck, Solfa, Wolff, Baerren, Ajazi, Uher
Nay Lanci, Pieper, Malone, Leman, Cerone, Vogelsinger
7-6, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
9. Ordinance 2024-068: SSA #30/ Storm Water Detention Area Tax Levy
Motion: Recommend to Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
10. Ordinance 2024-069: SSA #42/Storm Water Detention Area Tax Levy
Motion: Recommend to Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
11. Ordinance 2024-070: SSA #62/MainStreet Program Tax Levy
Motion: Recommend to Council
Maker: Wolff
Second: Beck
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
13. Resolution 2024-150-R: Authorizing Agreement With Apptegy To Develop Website And Mobile App For City Of Batavia (LB 11/20/24)
Motion: Approve Ordinance as Presented.
Maker: Lanci
Second: Uher
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
14. Ordinance 2024-058: Amending Land Cash Ordinance (SCB 11/18/24) CD
Motion: Approve Ordinance as Presented.
Maker: Wolff
Second: Uher
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
16. Resolution 2024-147-R: Authorizing Mayor To Execute Mutual Release Of Claims With Michaels Signs Inc. For Termination Of Contract (GH) CS
Motion: Approve Resolution as Presented.
Maker: Uher
Second: Solfa
Voice Vote: 13-0, 1 Absent, Motion Carries.
19. Executive Session
a. Setting the Price of Land for Sale (SCB)
b. Personnel
Motion: Enter Executive Session at 9:30pm
Maker: Uher
Second: Lanci