Mayor Rita Ali | City of Peoria Website
Mayor Rita Ali | City of Peoria Website
City of Peoria Joint Commission on Racial Justice and Equity - Steering Committee met March 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes – February 20
3. Working Group reports & 2025 SMART goals
4. Discussion / Approvals
a. New Applications & Working Group assignments
b. JCRJE “elevator speech”
5. Information and Reports
a. Nominating Committee:
i. Orientations
ii. Charter
b. Communications & Outreach Committee:
i. Cloud storage
ii. Annual report
iii. Annual meeting planning
c. Funding & Advocacy Committee
i. Economic Mobility & Opportunity Grant application
6. New Business
a. Next meeting (April 17) – Agenda items
7. Adjournment