Organization Directory
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Tammy Baer for Douglas County State's Attorney
Political Committees | Committee - Trade/Business
Most recent 04/08/19 - Tammy Baer for Douglas County State's Attorney owes $20,025 in fines
Tazewell County Democratic Central Committee
Political Committees | Committee - Political Party Local
Most recent 06/29/23 - How much did Mary Burress for State Senate spend in Q1 to be biggest spender in a city within Tazewell County?
Tazewell County Republican Central Committee
Political Committees | Committee - Political Party Local
Most recent 06/29/23 - How much did Mary Burress for State Senate spend in Q1 to be biggest spender in a city within Tazewell County?
Tazewell County Republican Organzation
Political Committees | Committee - Political Party Local
Most recent 07/22/21 - Tazewell County GOP honors Veteran of the Year
Tazewell County Republicans
Political Committees | Committee - Political Party Local
Most recent 03/26/25 - Chairman of Tazewell County Republicans: 'This violation undermines the safety and mental wellbeing of girls'