The Chillicothe Public Library District Board met March 28.
The Chillicothe Public Library District Board oversees all library operations. Regular board meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month in the library meeting room, 430 N. Bradley.
Here are the minutes of the March 28 meeting as provided by the Chillicothe Public Library District:
1. Call to order at 5:33 p.m. present: Sue Mowbray, Jane Harrison, Jay Rudd, Judi Thornton, Patty Pierson, Patty Audo, and Ben Krokum.
2. Public Comment: Message forwarded to Jay Rudd complimenting the library.
3. Secretary’s report: motion to accept by Patty Pierson and seconded by Jay Rudd. All voted in favor.
4. Treasurer’s report: motion to accept by Jane Harrison with Patty Audo seconding. All voted in favor.
5. Director/Staff reports:
a. Brock Peoples spoke about library programs, marketing and updates to the facility.
6. New Business
a. FY2017 Plan of Service and Operating Budget: motion to approve Jay Rudd and seconded by Patty Audo.
7. Board Concerns: Board member Jay Rudd will possibly be absent from the June meeting and Jane Harrison will be absent from the May meeting.
8. Announcements: Patty Pierson invited the Library Board members to attend the Chamber of Commerce Golf outing if they were interested in forming a team.
9. Adjournment: 6:37 p.m. motion made by Patty Audo and seconded by Sue Mowbray.