
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 3, 2025

Brimfied Village Board approves Cross Creek Farms annexation request

Webp meeting 02

The Brimfield Village Board met May 2.

The board serves as the legislative arm of the community.

Here are the minutes of the May 2 meeting as provided by Brimfield: 

President Fishel opened the public hearing to address the annexation request of Cross Creek Farms/KressCorporation at 7:05 pm with roll call attendance: A. Porter-present, Meinders-present, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-present, Dye-present and B. Porter-present. Attorney R. Johnson and Clerk Johnson were also in attendance.

Items clarified/discussed were that the rezoning of the property to Industrial was written into the agreement since a use exists that would not be permitted in the R-1 zoning district, the zoning classification that property is normally annexed in at. The height and size of the fence were also included in the agreement with no requirement for a variance due to the safety issues that are connected with the type of use that exists. Neither the Village of Brimfield nor the Brimfield Sanitary District will be responsible for any costs associated with the connection to Village utilities should they be desired. At this time these connections are not anticipated. It was stated that the primary use of this property would be a grain storage facility with vehicles associated with that type of business being stored there as well. It was noted that Kress Corporation equipment could be stored there temporarily from time to time.

The property being annexed in is owned by Cross Creek Farms Inc. it will eventually be re-platted to include an adjacent parcel that is owned by Kress Corporation and located in the Village. The new plat combining both parcels will be owned solely by Cross Creek Farms Inc. Having no further discussion President Fishel asked for a motion to close the public hearing. B. Porter made the motion seconded by A. Porter, the motion was approved and the hearing was closed.

The Village of Brimfield Board of Trustees meeting was called to order on Monday May 2, 2016, at 7:12 pm by President Fishel with roll call attendance: A. Porter-present, Meinders-present, Gilles-present, Arbogast-present, Dye-present, B. Porter-present. Attorney R. Johnson and Clerk Johnson were also present.

The minutes of the April 4, 2016 regular meeting were presented for approval B. Porter made the motion seconded by Arbogast motion carried 6 to 0.

The April 2016 Treasurer’s Report was presented for filing Meinders made the motion seconded by Dye to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried 6 to 0.

The April 2016 bills were presented for payment with a motion by B. Porter seconded by Gilles. Roll call vote: A. Porter-yes, Meinders-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes, B. Porter-yes motion carried 6 to 0.

Old Business- none

New Business- Ordinance 2016-1 Annexation request from Cross Creek Farms Inc./Kress Corporation was presented for approval. B. Porter made the motion to approve the annexation seconded by Arbogast. Roll call vote: B. Porter-yes, Dye-yes, Arbogast-yes, Gilles-yes, Meinders-yes, A. Porter-yes. Motion approved 6 to 0.

Cruise-In for Diabetes- Cindy Sandall informed the Board that this year’s date is Saturday August 6th, and marks the 10th anniversary for the annual cruise-in. The committee is seeking permission to have a band in Rookie’s beer garden from 8 pm to 12 am. They are requesting a temporary entrance outside with security to prevent alcohol from leaving or entering the beer garden. The normal road closure of US Hwy 150, Knoxville Street, from Washington Street to Monroe Street is also being requested. B. Porter made the motion to allow the temporary entrance from the beer garden and the outside music from 8 pm to 12 am on Saturday August 6th, 2016, A. Porter seconded. The motion was approved 5 to 0 with Arbogast abstaining.

Village Engineer requested a special meeting to be held Monday May 9th at 7:00 pm for the awarding of the contract for the 2016-2017 street maintenance. Dye made the motion seconded by Meinders motion carried 6 to 0.

The Fiscal 2016-2017 Village of Brimfield Board of Trustees meeting schedule was presented for approval -June 6, 2016; July 5, 2016 (Tuesday due to Holiday); August 1, 2016; September 6, 2016 (Tuesday due to Holiday); October 3, 2016; November 7, 2016; December 5, 2016; January 2, 2017; February 6, 2017; March 6, 2017; April 3, 2017; May 1, 2017. Meinders made the motion seconded by Arbogast to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

President Fishel made the following yearly appointments and asked the Board to approve them: Secretary/Clerk/Collector-Holly Johnson, Treasurer-Karen Heinz, Zoning Officer-Steve Williams, AuditorsGorenz  & Associates, Engineering Firm-Bruner, Cooper & Zuck, Civil Defense Director-Robert Forney (Fire Chief), Legal Service-Johnson, Bunce and Noble, Resource Clerk-Jeanne Challacombe, and Liason to School District-Brian Porter. B. Porter made the motion seconded by Arbogast motion approved 6 to 0.

President Fishel established the following standing committees with chairperson’s to be appointed as needed Finance, Streets & Sidewalks, Building & Lights, Water & Sewer, License, Parks & Trees, Health Insurance/Police. Arbogast made the motion seconded by Meinders to approve the establishment of these committees. Motion carried 6 to 0.

Resolution 2016-B Request to close US Hwy 150, Knoxville Street, from 8:00 am Friday June 10th-10:00 pm Saturday June 11th 2016 for the BAMC annual Smoke on the Prairie. Gilles made the motion seconded by Meinders, roll call vote: A. Porter-yes, Meinders-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes, B. Porter-yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.

ATV-Golf Cart Licenses-Trustee Dye stated that several surrounding communities have passed ordinance to license and place restrictions on these type of vehicles, primarily golf carts. There was discussion that ATV’s are louder and capable of going much faster making them more dangerous. It was decided that more information needs to be gathered before making any decisions.

The establishment of a park board was discussed. President Fishel asked attorney Johnson to investigate how to proceed with developing and implementing that board.

Development of the building at the park in continuing. The septic is being installed, the proposed building will be a 20 x 30 block structure with concessions, bathrooms and storage.

Planning Commission appointment-tabled

The Brimfield Area Historical Society asked the Village for financial support to enable needed repairs to the Guyer Log Cabin. B. Porter made the motion seconded by Meinders to donate $2500.00 to the Society to perform these repairs. Roll call vote: Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes, B. Porter-yes, Gilles-yes, Meinders-yes, A. Porter-yes. Motion carried unanimously.

Arbogast made a motion seconded by Dye to hold the annual budget meeting on Wednesday May 11th at 5:00 pm. Motion carried 6 to 0.

Meinders made the motion seconded by Gilles to approve the compliance hearings with shut offs as needed, motion carried 6 to 0.

Seeing no further business President Fishel asked for a motion to adjourn B. Porter made the motion seconded by Arbogast motion carried meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.