The Peoria City/County Landfill Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17.
Here is the meeting agenda as provided by the Peoria City/County Landfill Committee:
Announcements, Etc.
Citizens' opportunity to address the Committee:
Request for approval of the July 20 meeting
Item 1: Report from Foth Infrastructure and Environment LLC
a. Special waste approvals as needed
b. Permit approvals as needed
c. Updates regarding compliance activities, measures and progress
Item 2: Receive and file landfill monthly financial report for July
Item 3: Report from Waste Management
a. Monthly activity report
b. Permit approvals as needed
Item 4: Report from Peoria Disposal Co.
a. Update on IEPA permit modification submittal for Landfill No. 3
b. Request for schedule presentation regarding Landfill No. 3 development permit for October 19 landfill meeting
Unfinished business
Item 1: Update regarding renewable energy
Item 2: Update regarding the landfill fund balance reserve policy
New business
Executive session