Bellevue Village Board met Tuesday, Oct. 25.
Here are the minutes as provided by Bellevue:
Village of Bellevue Minutes 10/25/16
Meetings are recorded-Call meeting to order @ 6:00 pm
Roll call- Aaron Lannert, Marty Schuettler, Dean Merman, Francis Heskett,Leroy Wiseman, Chad Murphy-All Present
Approval Of minutes 10/11/16-Francis motioned-2 nd
-Dean-All in favor
Approval of bills-Chad motioned-2 nd
-Leroy-All in favor
Discussion from residents
Terry Easton- Nothing
Brenda –talked to Terry (mayor) about neighbors yard she is trying to get her house appraised and it wont appraise for what it should because of the neighbors.S he also wants to think the village crew for taking care of the roads they do a good job.
Mary Tribbet- said that people are complaining about fires and asked what exactly we can burn,etc. She was told wood only no garbage or building materials.
Thomas Schafer- Nothing
Bill Johnson- Nothing
Rich Stoneburner-(zone officer)- talked about the dumbing on Anna Hill has a meeting with owner on Friday 28th.
Steve Wilson-(road commissioner)-Pat Prather wanted to see if we would entertain the thought about giving TIF money. Terry (mayor) said he would need to put a plan together bring it to board. Leroy asked if that property can be enterprise zone? Lane (lawyer) answered yes.
Most boards members would like to see a business go in the building(old Mail Tech).Building does have some damage on roof.
Peoria County animal shelter representative Bridgett was present to explain the increase in the contract what we get with their service and what we get without contract.Board voted to approve contract-Chad motions-2 nd -Aaron- all in favor
Discussion from board
Aaron-wanted to know if we can mandate garbage pick up? If we mandate it it still wont solve residents not taking it to curb and it would raise everyone's taxes and not solve the issues.
Marty- nothing
Dean- nothing
Chad- nothing
Francis-4928 Closen Rd has garbage stacked by keep. Terry (mayor) told Rich (zone officer )to check it out.
Leroy-tires by Bittner on Bellevue Ave –Terry (mayor) had already stopped and told them they can’t have them.
Lane- (lawyer)- P & W builders didn’t get the documents filed and will talk to them. If discussion don't work then we will decided to put stop work order. 612 Byron CT we got a check cut to pay taxes on the property. 5311 Katherine letter was sent out they have until 11/1/16 to fix. 5319 Katherine will receive letter this week. Fire Chief noted that there is such poor conditions John (village inspector) will give a letter of violations that need to be fixed on the Bellevue Hardware property.
Terry (mayor) 323 Limestone Ave David Crum called he said Cat executives want to rent the upstairs out asked if that was ok? Terry (mayor) said that as long as alcoholic beverages or food aren't being sold then he could have over whomever he would like.
Tax Levy ordinance 723 –Dean motioned-2nd -Marty- All in favor.
Reminded everyone meeting 11/8/16 moved to 11/09/16 due to election. Matt Raible & Steve Wilson Salary increase of $4.35 an hour- it is staed in steve’s contract that if Matt gets a raise he shall get the same
amount- Chad motion - 2nd - Leroy- All in favor.
There was talk about giving zone board $20.00 a meeting- Terry Elston stated he doen’t want any money for his position. It was decided not money for zone board meetings.
Mike Seghetti (lawyer) will email Crystal(village Clerk) all the information about the caucus she will need.
Steve Wilson- TIF district will run out in 4 years –Bellevue Plaza if village ends up with the property then Village should take care of it
Officer Andrews- keeps getting complaints about people at the stop sign on Byron and Closen. Keeping an eye on it.
Meeting adjourned-Francis-motioned-2nd -Aaron- All in favor