The village of Dunlap Board of Trustees met Feb. 8 to address the current economic environment.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
The Dunlap board of trustees serves as the legislative arm of the community. Members meet at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall.
Village of Dunlap
104 N. Second Street
Dunlap, Illinois 61525
Dunlap Village Hall
February 8, 2017, 7:00p.m.
A. Opening
1. Call to Order
2. Review/Approve minutes: January 11, 2017 Meeting
3. Review/Approve minutes: January 23, 2017 Special Meeting
4. Monthly Bills
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. D. Bishop’s Monthly Report
7. Individual/Public Communications to the Village Board
B. Committee Reports
1. Personnel - Jack Fennell
2. Police/Publicity/Festivals/Special Events Committee - Colleen Slane
a. Review Police Reports
3. Community Development - Sheila Taylor/Lori Parkhill
4. Parks/Buildings/Streets/Equipment - Jack Esterdahl/Aaron Barrington
5. Water/Sewer/Sidewalks - Sheila Taylor
6. Ethics Officer - Sheila Taylor
7. Annexation/Census/Cemetery - Lori Parkhill
8. Zoning Commission – Bob Anderson
C. Other Business
1. Current Economic Environment and its impact on Dunlap- Jack Fennell
2. Approval of sprayer/accessories purchases-Dale Bishop
D. Adjourn