Village of Princeville Board met Aug. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Princeville Village Board met on the above date and time at the Village Hall, 206 N. Walnut Street, Princeville, Illinois 61559. President Troutman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL Roll call showed the following board members were physically present: President Troutman, Trustee Sutherland, Trustee Gilroy, Trustee Haley, Trustee Geiger, Trustee Ehnle, and Trustee Delbridge. Absent: None. A quorum was present for the meeting. Others Village member present: Treasurer Hofer, Superintendent Gardner, and Clerk Wilson.
MINUTES Princeville Civic Association (PCA) report: Julie Delbridge spoke advising nearly 300 sandwiches and 130 pieces of pumpkin pie were given away at the 3rd Annual Community Awareness Day held on Saturday, August 19, 2017 at Troutman Park. Mrs. Delbridge advised the PCA was looking again to hand out free hotdogs and lemonade to trick or treaters and residents on Halloween from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Akron-Princeville Fire Department Firehouse; Holiday Homecoming and breakfast with Santa on December 2, 2017 and host a Christmas concert. Mrs. Delbridge advised two (2) $400.00 scholarships were awarded to seniors at Princeville High School this year; Received $1,800.00 in donations with a $1,000.00 donation made by the Lions Club of Princeville to purchase 30 flags and poles to be put up during special events throughout the downtown Princeville area and PCA was still looking for additional donations at this time; Kewanee Community Band Performance in the Gazebo and Ice Cream Social would be hosted by Lillie M. Evans Library, starting at 3 p.m. in Stevens Square Park, on Sunday, September 17, 2017; and a parade would be held in conjunction with Princeville’s High School Homecoming, starting at 4 p.m., on Friday, September 22, 2017.
Consider request for street light at 300 block of S. Cottage Grove: Request made by Mr. Potter to place a street light before Blanchard and South Street. Superintendent Gardner will check with Ameren on what is needed by Village. Trustee Gilroy spoke advising thought there was already a street light in the middle of this location and thinks it may be out. President Troutman spoke also advising believed there was a street light and that it may be out, and Superintendent Gardner will look into whether or not the street light is out or if there may be need for a street light to be placed at that location. President Troutman spoke advising there continues to be a street light operating 24/7 near Troutman Park, and Superintendent Gardner will look in to that issue.
Consider and vote on quotes for computer in President’s Office: President Troutman advised Treasurer Hofer secured an additional quote for a computer at $770.00 and this included the PC tower, 22” monitor, and setup. Trustee Haley inquired what about computer for Manager Nate Rice at the Princeville Aquatic Center, and President Troutman responded was unsure. Trustee Gilroy spoke advising Manager Rice would like a tablet and not a PC tower. First quote to purchase a computer in the President’s Office was $1,021.97. Trustee Delbridge spoke advising the prior proposal had more up-to-date options. Trustee Haley spoke inquiring if use of the computer by President Troutman would be mostly for emails and possibly PowerPoint presentations, and President Troutman responded mostly for email.
Consider and vote on quotes for computer in President’s Office (continued): President Troutman spoke advising quote secured for $770.00 was from Talley Technical Services. Trustee Geiger made a motion to approve $770.00 for desktop computer for the President’s Office from Talley Technical Services with costs to cover routine service calls; seconded by Trustee Sutherland.
Approved by roll call vote. Yeas: Trustee Sutherland, Trustee Gilroy, Trustee Haley, Trustee Geiger, Trustee Ehnle, Trustee Delbridge; Abstained: President Troutman (reason: vote for PC is for President’s Office) Nays: None.
President Troutman declared the motion passed.
Representatives from Ameren to speak with Board: Chad Whitehead and Energy Advisor with GDS Associates, being subcontracted by Ameren Illinois, and Tom with Ameren Illinois spoke with regard to incentive programs available to municipalities and businesses. Mr. Whitehead spoke about the Staffing Grant Program through Ameren and advised did not require the Village to hire someone stating the individual could be an already existing person on staff. Mr. Whitehead advised there would be an additional staffing grant in 2018 available to the Village to consider. Mr. Whitehead spoke advising of other lighting opportunities and noted if any businesses within the Village were interested to contact Mr. Whitehead. President Troutman spoke advising German-Bliss had submitted a TIF request to upgrade lighting but that request was denied based upon TIF rules, and Mr. Whitehead asked that a representative from German-Bliss contact Mr. Whitehead to further discuss possible opportunities available. Trustee Gilroy spoke inquiring if all lighting could be considered; such as: lights at the swimming pool, the water and sewage treatment plans, and Mr. Whitehead inquired on what type of lighting was currently utilized. Superintendent Gardner spoke advising incandescent. Mr. Whitehead spoke indicating if currently lighting system was screwed-based and Village would want to consider looking in to LED incentive programs and discounts available. Superintendent Gardner spoke inquiring on if there was a list available for review, and Mr. Whitehead responded advising there were currently 80 types of lights that may meet the program and Mr. Whitehead will email the list to Superintendent Gardner and stated to tell suppliers, when purchasing lights, to ask for the Ameren discount. Tom spoke advising Program Ally can help with Staffing Grant should Village wished to consider applying in 2018. Mr. Whitehead spoke advising $115 per VFD, and Tom spoke advising if done before November 30, 2017, there would be 15 percent off that cost. Trustee Gilroy spoke inquiring with Superintendent Gardner if it would be worth the Village having further discussion with Mr. Whitehead and Tom, and Superintendent Gardner responded would be a benefit to Village. Trustee Gilroy and Superintendent Gardner had discussion on types of streetlights currently utilized within the Village and yearly costs, and Tom spoke noting Ameren was looking to replace current street lights with upgraded lighting in near future. Mr. Whitehead spoke suggesting Village put together plan of what is annually spent on utilities and how much could be saved by utilizing certain incentive programs and then showing the savings to residents of Village year after year. Trustee Gilroy spoke recommending the Village look further in to cost savings within the Village. Tom spoke advising would work with Superintendent Gardner at looking at energy efficiencies. Mr. Whitehead recommended Superintendent Gardner put together an energy policy with potential savings and Mr. Whitehead noted would work with Superintendent Gardner on putting together this energy policy. Mr. Whitehead spoke noting projects must be completed by November 15, 2017 in order to qualify for the 15 percent incentive but new incentives with Ameren would start January 1, 2018 and run through December 2018.
Consider and vote on Bruner, Cooper and Zuck sewer feasibility study: President Troutman read letter in part with regard to feasibility study: Capacity and Maintenance Study of Sewer and Facility Plan of eliminating South Plant. Superintendent Gardner advised the feasibility study would take approximately six (6) months to complete and cost would be around $25,000.00. Trustee Haley spoke inquiring if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was good with Village requesting a feasibility study, and Superintendent Gardner responded the EPA gave okay knowing the cost involved and, once feasibility study complete and decisions made, the water loan should be paid in full and Village could look in to securing a loan from the EPA. Trustee Delbridge spoke inquiring on the other option to leave the South Plant in place, and Superintendent Gardner responded advising the study would be to look into leaving the South Plant with modifications and that all items would be included in the feasibility study. Trustee Sutherland spoke inquiring on how close to capacity the sewer system was at this time, and Superintendent Gardner responded the system handles approximately 300,000 gallons per day. Trustee Gilroy spoke inquiring if it were possible to have the feasibility study completed in less than six (6) months, and Superintendent Gardner responded it may be possible but with upcoming holidays vendor had requested six (6) months to complete. President Troutman spoke noting once the Village decides on final project and the amount of the EPA loan that the EPA would likely determine rates, pricing and fees for sewer service in order to ensure timely repayment of the loan. Mr. Whitehead spoke advising to have Bruner, Cooper and Zuck include incentive designs. Trustee Sutherland made a motion to approve the sewer feasibility study by Bruner, Cooper and Zuck not to exceed $25,000.00; seconded by Trustee Haley.
Approved by roll call vote. Yeas: Trustee Sutherland, Trustee Gilroy, Trustee Haley, Trustee Geiger, Trustee Ehnle, Trustee Delbridge, President Troutman; Nays: None.
President Troutman declared the motion passed.
Superintendent Gardner noted the study may be TIF eligible and recommended President Troutman contact the TIF Project Representative.
Committee reports: None.
Any action needed to be taken regarding committee reports: None.
Building permits: None.
Report from the Superintendent of Public Works: Superintendent Gardner spoke advising the crew for Public Works had finished oil and chipping as many roads as possible this year before running out of oil. Superintendent Gardner spoke noting touched up areas being seal chipped. Superintendent Gardner spoke noting saved around $19,000.00 by being able to utilize oil and chipping on South Cottage Grove. Superintendent Gardner noted the next project for Public Works was to winterize the pool at the Princeville Aquatic Center; as well: test new holiday decorations and put up new decoration along with looking at gazebo and wrap or attempt to paint before weather turns adverse. Superintendent Gardner spoke advising a traffic feasibility study would need to be done by the Report from the Superintendent of Public Works (continued): Illinois Department of Transportation prior to reducing speed on North Santa Fe. President Troutman spoke noting there was a stop sign with water sitting in pole and leaning, and Superintendent Gardner will look in to that issue.
Police report: Officer Patterson read three (3) incidents/occurrences within the Village: August 13, 2017, vehicle operator arrested for driving on a suspended driver’s license; August 14, 2017, criminal sexual assault; and August 14, 2017, an occupational accident. Superintendent Gardner spoke indicating neighbor at baseball field was being lewd, and Trustee Haley and Trustee Gilroy echoed concern with neighbor at baseball field being lewd in front of minors. Officer Paterson spoke advising parties to contact the police if the issue occurs again. Trustee Delbridge spoke inquiring if anything could be done with dog barking at the corner of Santa Fe and South, indicating just west of Casey’s General Store, and Officer Patterson spoke inquiring if Municipal Code Officer (MCO) Sullivan was aware of the dog noise and inquired if the Village had an Ordinance. Trustee Sutherland and Superintendent Gardner spoke in response advising the Village does have an Ordinance in place.
Any other business that needs to be brought before the Board: President Troutman spoke advising on South Street around the 200 block that all weeds were now down and weeds just need to be removed from the property. President Troutman spoke advising the other address on South Street had an orange sticker placed on it and the vehicle in question. President Troutman spoke noting had not heard back from MCO Sullivan with regard to repeat offenders. Clerk Wilson spoke bringing up issue of tall grass and miscellaneous debris sitting on residential property located across from Princeville Baptist Church. Trustee Ehnle spoke advising there is a vehicle improperly sitting on a residential property located on Town Avenue. Trustee Geiger spoke inquiring on property with no fence and with a pool, and President Troutman responded advising MCO Sullivan was to send a letter to that resident and Russ Hyde was continuing to make contact with the resident on Craig Street. President Troutman spoke with regard to a benefit to be held at Troutman Park for Michelle Lumberry, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., on Saturday, September 30, 2017, to assist with offsetting the costs for medical treatment. Trustee Geiger spoke with regard to apartment complexes with the Village inquiring if Village had requirement inspect apartments in order to ensure they are to code, and Trustee Haley responded there was not any requirement for the Village to inspect apartments within the Village.
Adjournment: Trustee Haley made a motion to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting; seconded by Trustee Gilroy.
Approved by roll call vote. Yeas: Trustee Sutherland, Trustee Gilroy, Trustee Haley, Trustee Geiger, Trustee Ehnle, President Troutman; Nays: None.
President Troutman declared the motion passed and meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.