Village of Peoria Heights Board of Trustees met January 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Phelan at 6:02 pm.
2. Everyone stood for the Pledge to the Flag.
3. Upon roll call, the following Trustees were present: Harn, Goett, Dan Mariscal, Reichert, and
Carter. Trustee Diane Mariscal was absent.
4. Minutes: Trustee Goett moved to approve the minutes of December 19th Board Meeting.
Trustee Dan Mariscal seconded the motion and it was approved by a voice vote of all ayes.
5. Correspondence: Clerk Gauf had no correspondence
6. Announcements: There were no announcements.
7. Trustee Reports:
Economic and Community Development: Trustee Dan Mariscal had nothing to report.
Police: Trustee Carter had nothing to report.
Buildings/Property Management: Trustee Goett had nothing to report.
Fire: Trustee Reichert gave a year end report on the Fire Dept. activity which included 22 file
calls, 503 Ambulance Assists, 15 False Alarms, 2 Gas leaks, 59 Emergency non-fire calls, 54
special duty calls, for a total of 689 calls. They were also involved in 17 Public Assists, several
Public Relations events (including 100th anniversary celebration of PHFD), and Mutual Aid
Responses in Dunlap, Chillicothe, Princeville, and Limestone. Also, the PHFD will receive a
$1,000.00 grant from the Gudat Foundation on 1/23/2018.
Public Works: Trustee Harn commented on a fine job done by the Public Works during the
recent snow storm.
Administration/Personnel: Trustee Diane Mariscal was absent so nothing to report.
8. Comments from the Audience: There were no comments from the audience.
9. Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
10. New Business: Trustee Dan Mariscal made a motion to accept the resignation of Bruce Brown
from the Business Development District Advisory Committee. Trustee Goett 2nd the motion and
it was approved by all with a voice vote. Trustee Dan Mariscal made a motion to defer the vote
on Ordinance 2018 – 1538; an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a
Predevelopment Agreement by and Between the Village of Peoria Heights, Peoria County,
Illinois, and PH Samuel, LLC. Trustee Harn 2nd the motion which was approved with a vote of 5-
0. (Trustee Harn, Goett, Dan Mariscal, Reichert, and Trustee Carter all voted aye. Trustee Diane
Mariscal was absent). Trustee Goett made a motion to approve Ordinance 2018 – 1539; An
Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and
between the Village of Peoria Heights and Peoria Heights Community School District #325. This
Ordinance mirrors the agreements on TIF I and TIFF 2 and is intended to prevent loss of tax
dollars to Peoria Heights School District. Trustee Harn 2nd the motion and it was approved with
a vote of 4-1 (Trustee Harn, Goett, Reichert, and Trustee Carter all voted aye. Trustee Dan
Mariscal voted nay. Trustee Diane Mariscal was absent).
11. Treasurer’s Report: Trustee Reichert made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Trustee
Carter 2nd the motion which was approved by a vote of 5-0. (Trustee Harn, Goett, Dan Mariscal,
Reichert, and Trustee Carter all voted aye. Trustee Diane Mariscal was absent).
12. The meeting was adjourned at 6:17pm upon a motion from Trustee Goett and a second by
Trustee Carter.