
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board met May 21.

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Canton Union School District 66 Board met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Board President Leonard Barnard called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the boardroom at the Canton School District Administration Building.

2. Roll Call

Board members present and answering roll call were Leonard Barnard, Ben Bishop, Matt Kees, Jane Lewis, Tom Snowman, and Mark Tarter. Absent was board member Lori Coleman.

3. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Board President Barnard led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Amendments To The Agenda

There were no amendments to the May 21, 2018 regular Board of Education meeting agenda.

5. Good News Items

A. Recognition of District 66 Purple Team and Gold Team for Participation in the Special Olympics State Basketball Tournament

Members of the District 66 Purple Team (CHS) and Gold Team (Junior Team) were present to be recognized for their participation in the State Special Olympics Basketball Tournament. The Gold Team finished as State Champions and the Purple Team finished second in the state.

B. Recognition of State Qualifiers for the 2018 IESA State Track Meet

Middle School athletes and coaches who were state qualifiers for the IESA State Track and Field Meet were present to be recognized for their participation in the 2018 IESA Class AA State Track Meet. Certificates were presented to each athlete.

C. Recognition of Canton High School Students Phillip Murphy and Nicholas Dailey for participation in the ICTM State Math Competition

Canton High School students Phillip Murphy and Nicholas Dailey were present to be recognized by the Board for their participation in the ICTM State Math Competition. Certificates were presented to the students.

D. Title IV STEM Classroom Grant Activities – Shawn Snowman, Lorie Rude, Susan Sandman, Felicia Appel

Presentations were given by CHS teachers Shawn Snowman, Lorie Rue, and Felicia Appel and Westview Elementary first grade teacher Susan Sandman illustrating their use of Title IV grant dollars allocated for STEM classroom activities. Mr. Snowman’s students created and presented to elementary students activities focused on introducing young people to engineering; Ms. Sandman’s presentation, featuring her first grade students, showed Engineering Building kits (Math Manipulatives), created by her first grade students, demonstrating various uses for their kits and what the students learned from the activity; and Ms. Rude and Ms. Appel’s students’ projects focused on Read Across America Day and were centered around creating a Dr. Seuss project, relating to life lessons learned from a Dr. Seuss book, for presentation to fourth grade students. Music, Art, and Foods were used as tools for engaging the elementary students.

E. Recognition of Brian Duvendack, Student Representative to the Board of Education, August 2016 to May 2018

CHS student Brian Duvendack was presented a plaque in recognition of his service as student representative to the Board of Education from August 2016 through May 2018.

F. Donation from Good Neighbor Charitable Organization

A monetary donation in the amount of $100 was received from Good Neighbor Charitable Organization. A thank-you letter will be sent from the Board.

G. Twenty-four Canton High School Students Inducted into National Honor Society

The CHS National Honor Society inducted 24 students this year and $460,000 was awarded in scholarships to the Class of 2018.

D. Additional Good News Items

Additional Good News Items presented: 1) IMS seventh grade students will be given the option of Robotics or Android Coding as an eighth grade Encore class; 2) the CHS Guidance staff, District 66 IT staff and the District 66 Maintenance and Custodial Staff did an outstanding job taking care of details for a smooth running Commencement; Live streaming of the graduation ceremony was well received by the community; and 3) Streaming was provided of the Incubator Program Shark Tank event. The winning student created business was takeout food service, and is already open for business.

6. Recognition Of Audience Requests To Address Board Of Education

There were no audience requests to address the Board of Education.

7. Consent Agenda – Consider Approval Of All Items Noted (*) As Included On The Consent Agenda

Board member Bishop moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Kees, Lewis, Snowman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried.

*8. Minutes

A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, April 16, 2018

B. Minutes of the Closed Session, April 16, 2018

C. Minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting, April 30, 2018

D. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting, May 7, 2018

E. Minutes of the Closed Session, May 7, 2018

The minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on April 16, 2018; the minutes of the closed session on April 16, 2018; the minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting on April 30, 2018; the minutes of the special board meeting on May 7, 2018; and the minutes of the closed session on May 7, 2018 were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda (On File)

*9. Financial Activity

A. Consider Payment of Bills and Payroll

The May 2018 bills and payroll were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Treasurer’s Report

The April 2018 Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*10. Personnel

A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignations

1. Retirement, Gene Stanko, Maintenance Worker, Effective June 6, 2018

2. Retirement, Steve Mitchell, Custodian, Effective May 31, 2018

3. Resignation, Jazmin Voice, Kindergarten Teacher, Eastview Elementary School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 School Year

4. Retirement, Christopher Thomas, Maintenance, Effective June 1, 2018

5. Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective the Beginning of the 2018-2019 School Year

The retirements of Gene Stanko, Maintenance Worker (effective June 6, 2018); Steve Mitchell, Custodian (effective May 31, 2018); and Christopher Thomas, Maintenance Worker (effective June 1, 2018) were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

The resignation of Jazmin Voice, Kindergarten Teacher at Eastview Elementary School (effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year) was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Employment

1. Kim Malone, German and Social Studies Teacher, Canton High School, Effective Beginning August 2018 (Pending background check and required paperwork)

2. Joshua Kemper, Construction Trades Teacher, Canton High School, Effective Beginning August 2018 (Pending background check and required paperwork)

3. Catherine Calvert, Secretary, Eastview Elementary School, Effective Beginning Fall 2018

The following employment of staff was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda: Kim Malone, German and Social Studies Teacher at Canton High School, Effective Beginning August 2018 (Pending background check and required paperwork); Joshua Kemper, Construction Trades Teacher at Canton High School, Effective Beginning August 2018 (Pending background check and required paperwork); and Catherine Calvert, Secretary at Eastview Elementary School, Effective Beginning Fall 2018. (On File)

C Transfers

There were no transfers presented on the May 21, 2018 regular board meeting agenda.

D. Extracurricular

1. Resignation, Ashley McKown, Eighth Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately

2. Resignation, Cody Smith, Freshman Football Coach, Effective Immediately

3. Employment, Dennis Owens, Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach, Canton High school, Effective Immediately

4. Resignation, Jay Murphy, Sophomore Girls Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective the end of the 2018 Season

5. Resignation, Chuck Wright, Bass Fishing Sponsor, Canton High School, Effective Immediately

6. Employment, Jennifer Watts, Student Council Advisor, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year

The following extracurricular items were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda: Resignation of Ashley McKown, Eighth Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, effective immediately; Resignation of Cody Smith, Freshman Football Coach, Effective Immediately; Employment of Dennis Owens, Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach, Canton High school, effective immediately; Resignation of Jay Murphy, Sophomore Girls Basketball Coach, Canton High School, effective the end of the 2018 Season; Resignation of Chuck Wright, Bass Fishing Sponsor, Canton High School, effective immediately; and Employment of Jennifer Watts, Student Council Advisor, Ingersoll Middle School, effective beginning the 2018-2019 School Year. (On File)

11. Action

*A. Consider Approval of Destruction of Audio Recording of Board Meeting Closed Sessions Held on October 17, 2016 and October 24, 2016

The Board gave approval for destruction of the audio recordings of the board meeting closed sessions held on October 17, 2016 and October 24, 2016 as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*B. Consider Approval of Revisions to Board Policies – 2nd Reading:

• (Press Plus Packet #97):

2:26 Uniform Grievance Procedure (adopt as presented)

4:40, Incurring Debt (adopt as presented)

5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited (adopt as presented)

5:20-E, Resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment (adopt as presented)

5:200, Terms and Conditions of Employment & Dismissal (adopt as presented)

5:170, Copyright (change to footnote)

• Other District Policy:

6:100 AP-1, Using Animals in the Educational Program as it Pertains to Live Animals (adopt as presented)

Revisions to board policies 2:26, 4:40, 5:20, 5:20-E, 5:200, and 5:170 and district Administrative Procedure 6:100 AP-1 were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*C. Consider Approval of Food Service Agreement Between Canton Union School District #66 and the Regional Safe School Program for the 2018-2019 School Year

The Food Service Agreement between Canton Union School District #66 and the Regional Safe School Program for the 2018-2019 school year was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*D. Consider Approval to Allow the Superintendent or his Designee to Apply for the Following State and Federal Grants: Preschool For All Grant; Rural and Low Income Grant; and ESSA Title I, Title II, Title IV Grants

Under the Consent Agenda the Board gave approval to allow the Superintendent or his designee to apply for the following state and federal grants: Preschool For All Grant; Rural and Low Income Grant; and ESSA Title I, Title II, Title IV Grants.

*E. Consider Approval of Letter of Understanding Between the Canton Union School District #66 and the City of Canton for the School Liaison Officer, for a Period of August 2018 through July 2019

The Letter of Understanding Between the Canton Union School District #66 and the City of Canton for the School Liaison Officer for the period of August 2018 through July 2019 was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*F. Consider Approval of Final 2017-2018 Official School Calendar

The Final 2017-2018 Official School Calendar was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attachment)

*G. Consider Approval of Temporary Summer Custodians: Dana Clore, Chuck Hall, Jordan Jackson, Pam Johns, Raynee Kessler, Vickie LaFleur, Greg Mathis, Heidi Putman, Leslie Shockency, and Dee Wolfe; and Temporary Student Helpers: Bryce Adams, Logan Beam, Kelsey Clark, Madison Decker, Christopher Driscoll, Aaron Evans, Gabriel Gossett, Kalan Lancaster, Kilee Lancaster, Cameron Lucas, Trenton Mayberry, Brandon Mortland, Taylor Nelson, Elijah Postin, and Charles Putman

The list of temporary summer custodians and temporary student helpers was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.

*H. Consider Approval of Resolution with MidAmerica National Bank for Canton High School

The Board approved a Resolution with MidAmerica National Bank for Canton High School as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attachment)

*I. Consider Approval of Resolution with MidAmerica National Bank for Lincoln Elementary School

The Board approved a Resolution with MidAmerica National Bank for Lincoln Elementary School as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attachment)

*J. Consider Approval of Canton High School Volleyball Team Trip to Rolla, Missouri, May 31 to June 3, 2018, For Participation in Volleyball Camp

The Board gave approval as presented under the Consent Agenda for the Canton High School Volleyball Team to take a trip to Rolla, Missouri from May 31 to June 3, 2018 to participate in a Volleyball Camp. (On File)

*K. Consider Approval of Canton High School Wrestling Team Overnight Trip for Wrestling Meet, Linn-Mar High School, Marion, Iowa, January 5, 2019

The Board approved under the Consent Agenda an overnight trip for the Canton High School Wrestling Team to attend a wrestling meet at Linn-Mar High School in Marion, Iowa on January 5, 2019. (On File)

*L. Consider Approval of List of Volunteer Coaches for Canton High School for 2018-2019 School Year

The Board approved the list of Volunteer Coaches for Canton High School for the 2018- 2019 school year as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*M. Consider Approval of CHS Student Bailey Norton as Student Representative to the Board of Education, Effective August 2018 to May 2020

The Board approved Canton High School Student Bailey Norton to serve as Student Representative to the Board of Education effective August 2018 to May 2020 as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

N. Consider Approval of One-Year Employment Contract for Eleanor Hess, Assistant Principal, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective beginning July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

Board member Jane Lewis moved to approve the one-year employment contract with Eleanor Hess for the position of Assistant Principal at Ingersoll Middle School, effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 as presented. Board member Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Tarter, Bishop, Kees, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File) Ms. Hess was present at the board meeting and was introduced to the Board of Education.

O. Consider Approval of Proposed 2018-2019 Student Handbooks for Ingersoll Middle School and District #66 Elementary Schools – 2nd Reading

Board member Bishop moved to approve the proposed 2018-2019 Student Handbooks for Ingersoll Middle School and District #66 Elementary Schools as presented. Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Snowman, Kees, Lewis, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

P. Consider Approval of District Improvement Plan for 2018-2019 School Year

Board member Tarter moved to approve the 2018-2019 District Improvement Plan as presented. Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Lewis, Bishop, Kees, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

Q Consider Approval of Resolution for Attendance at the IASB-IASA-IASBO Joint Annual Conference, November 16-18, 2018

Board member Bishop moved to approve the Resolution for Attendance at the IASB- IASA-IASBO Joint Annual Conference on November 16-18, 2018 as presented. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Tarter, Kees, Lewis, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

R. Consider Approval of One-Year Renewal of Food Service Contract with Arbor Management Inc., Effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy reported that this renewal contract reflects a 2.1% increase from the previous contract. This is the fifth year with Arbor before the District solicits bids the following year.

Board member Bishop moved to approve the one-year renewal of the Food Service Contract with Arbor Management Inc. effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 as presented. Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Lewis, Kees, Snowman, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

S. Consider Approval of District Motto, Vision, and Value Statements

Board member Tarter moved to approve the District Motto, Vision, and Value Statements as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Kees, Bishop, Lewis, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

T. Consider Approval of Job Description for Supervisor of Custodial, Buildings and Grounds

Board member Bishop moved to approve the job description for the Supervisor of Custodial, Buildings and Grounds as presented. Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Snowman, Kees, Lewis, Tarter, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

12. Reports

A. District #66 Metrics Report

The monthly updates to the District #66 Metrics were provided to the Board in their packet. There were no questions concerning the data. (On File)

13. Discussion Items

A. Discuss Cum Laude Program for Canton High School

Board members discussed the proposed Cum Laude Program Requirements, focusing on the number of hours of Community Service required at the specific grade level a student declares participation in the program. The proposal will be brought back to the Board for action in June. (On File)

B. Canton High School Clay Target Team Grades 6-12

Curriculum Director Jason Parsons presented a proposal for consideration by the Board for implementing a Clay Target Team for the Canton School District, providing students (Grades 6-12) the opportunity to participate on a Clay Target Team. Mr. Parsons and Bruce Reinmann visited the Brimfield School District to observe their program and were provided information and background on various aspects of the sport (safety, equipment, location, cost, coaching needs, and competitions). Consensus of the Board was to move forward with the proposal.

C. Discuss 2018-2019 Handbook for Canton High School

Board members discussed two proposals which addressed the topic of Semester Exam Exemption for consideration in the 2018-2019 CHS Student Handbook.

D. Discuss Facility Upgrades (Baseball Dugouts and Shot Put Sector) at Canton High School

The Board heard that facility upgrades to the Baseball Dugouts and the Shot Put Sector at Canton High School could be accomplished for an estimated cost of $1000. (On File)

14. Action

A. Consider Approval of 2018-2019 Handbook for Canton High School

Board member Bishop moved to approve the 2018-2019 Student Handbook for Canton High School, Tarter seconded.

Following further discussion, Board member Kees made a motion to amend the handbook section on Semester Exam Exemption to read: Students who have not been absent more than two regularly scheduled days and are earning a “B” or better in their class, have no ISS/OSS discipline, and have no unexcused absences during the semester will not be required to take semester final exams or to attend school on semester exam days. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call to amend the Semester Exam Exemption portion as presented were board members Kees, Tarter, Bishop, Lewis, Snowman, and Barnard. Amendment carried.

Voting yes by roll call to approve the Amended 2018-2019 Student Handbook for Canton High School as presented were board members Bishop, Tarter, Kees, Lewis, Snowman, and Barnard. Motion carried. (On File)

15. Information Items

A. May 2018 Building Reports

The monthly building reports from each of the District 66 schools were provided to the Board in their board packet. The building reports will continue next school year. Board requested the end-of-year enrollment in the June 2018 board packet. (On File)

B. Staff Institute, Friday, May 25, 2018: 7:30 am-Refreshments, CHS Cafeteria; 8:30 am-Staff Recognition & Awards, CHS Auditorium

Board members were invited to attend the Staff Institute on Friday, May 25, 2018 at Canton High School. Refreshments at 7:30 am in the CHS cafeteria will be served by the Board, with staff recognition and awards taking place in the CHS auditorium at 8:30 am.

C. Summer Maintenance Schedule

There were no questions concerning the Summer Maintenance Schedule provided to the Board.

D. Little Giant Education Foundation Meeting

A annual meeting of the Little Giant Education Foundation will be held on May 29, 2018 at 4:00 pm in the boardroom.

16. Future Agenda Items

A. Yearly Planning Calendar

There were no new items provided for inclusion on the Yearly Planning Calendar. (On File)

17. Closed Session

A. Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the District – [5 IlCS 120/2(c)(1)]

B. Discuss collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]

Board member Jane Lewis moved to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district – [5 IlCS 120/2(c)(1)] and to discuss collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees – [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)]; Board Member Mark Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Tarter, Barnard, Bishop, Coleman, Kees, and Snowman. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 8:57 pm. The Board returned to open session 9:30 pm.

18. Adjourn

Board member Bishop moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Snowman, Barnard, Kees, Lewis, and Tarter. Motion carried.

Board President Leonard Barnard declared the regular meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm.




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