City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order.
Budget Review:
Office Manager Passage presented the Budget Comparison Analysis for June, 2018. A review of the Road & Bridge Budget, Water/Sewer Budget and the MFT Budget was held.
High Usage Request:
Office Manager Passage stated that Jackie Miller had withdrawn her high usage waiver request, as the usage had
Office Manager Passage presented a high usage waiver request from
Office Manager Passage stated that the high usage occurred from June 4 to July 3. Superintendent Sutherland stated that he had talked with Ms. James and she showed him the cooling tower that was leaking and the 2” copper elbow that was leaking. The copper elbow was under the concrete floor. A discussion was held regarding the two leaks and how much of the water did not go back through the system. Superintendent Sutherland stated that the leak under the concrete floor did not go back through the system and that the leak had surfaced, therefore a good portion of water was used.
Office Manager Passage stated that Alderman Hughes had entered the meeting and Chairman Gould requested that he be allowed to take his seat.
Office Manager Passage stated that the water/sewer charge for said time period was $716.84 and following the formula for waiving the whole amount to be considered would be $207.00. Mayor White recommended that the $207.00 be waived. Chairman Gould asked for a consensus of the committee. The consensus of the committee was to waive the $207.00 and forward the request on to the Sanitary District and directed the office manager to remove $207.00 from their bill.
Speed Bumps – Plaza Drive:
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that he received a cost to place a decal on the pavement stating Speed Bump from Midwest in the amount of $422.00. This cost is to place the wording Speed Bump on both sides of the roadway. He explained that he would work with the city engineer to obtain the proper distance the signage needed to be. The consensus of the committee was to proceed with placing Speed Bump on the roadway. Alderman Hughes stated that there also needs to be more signs advising the traffic of the speed limit on Plaza Drive. A discussion ensued and the committee directed the superintendent to obtain
Lighting On Fourth Street:
Office Manager Passage presented a map showing the two TIF Districts and where the light poles are located within the districts. The map showed a total of 12 light poles – 4 in the Central TIF, 7 in Plaza TIF and one not in a TIF district. Superintendent Sutherland stated the cost to replace the lights to LED lights would be $630.58 from Laser Electric. The breakout of the cost is as follows:
TIF Business $2,522.27
TIF Plaza $4,414.04
Road & Bridge $ 630.58
The consensus of the committee was to present to the city council for approval to replace the lights.
Sidewalk Program Applications:
Office Manager Passage presented the following applications for the sidewalk program to the committee
Name Address City Share
Aaron Ritter 725 Sixth $1,000
Matt Chapman 1428 Santa Fe $1,000
Doug Coventry 1359
DAK Management 620 Sunnyside $1,000
DAK Management 1328 Finney $1,000
Geneva Wallace 1134 Beech $856 or $1000
Office Manager Passage stated that on Geneva Wallace’s application the amount of sidewalk replaced was not the same from both contractors. Superintendent Sutherland stated that he had contacted the contractor to determine what exactly would be
Chillicothe Christian Church- Parking:
Office Manager Passage stated that Travis Richards from the Chillicothe Christian Church was in the audience to answer and questions. Office Manager Passage explained that the church would like to add a parking lot to their property. She explained that the Church purchased the old gas station property that sits along Fourth street in front of their existing property. She presented a drawing that the church had submitted showing the area they would like to pave as overflow parking for the church. Mayor White advised the committee that he had talked with the Pastor of the church regarding the Fourth Street Improvement Study the city had just completed and requested that the
Moffitt Entrance – Cell Tower:
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that on property owned by Scott Hemstreet, at the corner of Fourth Street and Moffitt Street a cell tower is being installed. He was contacted regarding having an entrance to the tower off of Moffitt Street. He stated that this was for information purpose and was advising the committee of this as there has been concerns regarding the amount of gravel on Moffitt Street. City Engineer Coulter advised there is currently a concrete entrance at said location that should help.
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that he received an invoice from the EPA, in the amount of $1,000.00 for the City’s permit regarding MS4 storm water regulations. Engineer Coulter stated that he has contacted the EPA as the city has separate sewer and storm water, therefore; the permit should only be $500.00. He has not heard back from the EPA. This will be an annual fee.
Project Update:
Engineer Coulter advised the committee that a requirement
Old Business:
Nothing to report
Council Agenda Items – Lighting on Fourth Street
Sidewalk Program Applications
Land – Birren Street
Chairman Action – None
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m.