City of East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:
Jim Weber, Belinda Young, Mark Hill, Michael McCarthy, Ed Zosky, Deno Ori, Mike Kelley
3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
4. Public Hearings:
a. Case 18-R-21 Petition of Melanie Spurgeon to rezone property from R-1; One-Family Dwelling District to R-3; Two-Family Dwelling District for property located 303 N. Summit Rd. (P.I.N.: 02-02-19-411-002)
b. Case 18-SU-23 Petition of Joe Fussner to allow for a Special Use to allow for the outdoor storage, display and sale of materials associated with the business on property located at 103 N. Summit Dr. (P.I.N.: 02-02-19-411-011)
5. Regular Business:
a. Deliberations:
b. Old Business:
c. New Business:
6. Citizens’ Opportunity to Address ZBA on non-agenda items
7. Adjournment