Village of Spring Bay Village Board met March 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Village Clerk Maria Warner. The members of the Board were present as indicated above.
Tony Regenold motioned to appoint Ralph Atherton as acting president. Scott Selburg seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tony motioned to approve the January minutes as presented. Jerry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Tony motioned to approve the February special meeting minutes. Jerry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
PUBLIC: Angie Angle mentioned that there has been a great deal of confusion regarding the election. People have been told that there is only one candidate on the ballot. That is not correct. John McCarty’s name will be on the ballot and people can vote for him. If John were to win the election, the seat would be vacant and the Board would appoint someone to fill the position. She encouraged everyone to come out and exercise their right to vote.
Norm Schaer replied that a call to the IL election board provided incorrect information, which was later corrected during an additional call.
Ralph expressed appreciation to Angie, Anita, and Amy for the dedication John showed to the Village.
Roy Bockler was present to discuss a handout that he had provided. In January there was a meeting at Woodford County. Woodford County had a revolving loan fund. In January the state decided to no longer continue the program. Woodford has approximately $1.3 million in funds to distribute to villages, towns and townships for projects that are related to the American Disabilities Act (ADA). There is an informational meeting occurring tonight.
By April 9th the committee would like an idea of the projects the Village would like to complete and an estimate of the costs associated with those projects. The information needs to be delivered to the Woodford County Finance Chairman.
Dave Atherton was present. He provided the board with an estimate to chip and seal 4 streets at the end of town. The approximate cost is $26,000 plus engineering. The area covered is: Lake from Galena to Zimmerman, LaSalle from Lake to the end, Josephine from Zimmerman to the end and the radius, Zimmerman from Lake to Tremont. There would also be some patching needed. Additionally, there is also a dip in Josephine where the ground has settled that we could include in this work order. Scott motioned to authorize Dave to ask the engineer, Patrick Meyer, to proceed with the bidding process as outlined, including the dip in Josephine and also, if funds allow, the drainage situation at the corner of Lake and Caroline on the south side of the ditch. Kim seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Don Bishel asked Norm if he has gone to Woodford County to “sign the papers” related to Kim Schilling’s property taxes. He then asked the Board to direct Norm to go to Woodford County and sign the paper indicating that Kim has moved into the home.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Tony Regenold reviewed the balances in the accounts.
CD’S: The one CD rolled over in December.
BILLS: Kim Schilling motioned to approve the bills as presented. Tony Regenold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kim motioned to employee Mitch Atherton for snow removal at a rate of $12.00 per hour. Tony Regenold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Board agreed that John McCarty’s salary would be paid for the first quarter.
Betty informed the Board that the bills for the month equal the income for the month so if there are any additional expenses the funds will need to come from the savings account.
STREETS & ALLEYS: A resident called and left a message regarding an alleyway that needs some gravel.
PARKS: The lower park is shut off until the roads are less muddy.
Tony motioned to hold the annual spring clean-up the week of April 22nd through April 29th with pick-ups on Monday, Friday, and Monday. Scott seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The health committee and the park committee will meet to discuss possible projects to be submitted under the Woodford County revolving loan fund and bring a proposal back to the Board in April.
Kim motioned to appoint Ralph as the primary contact with the Village attorney, with Maria assisting as needed. Tony seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Maria informed the Board that Spring Bay Materials LLC has been discontinued as a business.
Kim motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion died for lack of a second.
Between meetings, Jerry Bishel had asked Maria to send a letter to all village residents regarding the dissolution of the police department. Some of the Board members were concerned with a letter being sent without Board approval. The Board declined to send anything at this point.
Kim motioned to adjourn the meeting. Scott seconded the motion. Motion carried.