City of Chillicothe Economic Development/Finance Committee met Jan. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the Committee:
The Economic Development/Finance Committees met on January 19, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at city hall.
Present: Chairman Connor, Alderperson Jenkins, Alderperson Gehrig, Chairman Vanbruwaene Alderperson Braun, Alderperson Sharp, Mayor Hughes, ED Director Beadles, Office Manager Passage, Superintendent Sutherland.
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m.
Office Manager Passage stated that if both Chairman agree she would start the meeting. The both agreed. Office Manager Passage stated the purpose of the meeting was to review the American Rescue Plan Act and how it affects the City of Chillicothe. ED Director Beadles has prepared a presentation and will present the information to the committees.
ED Director Beadles stated the purpose of the meeting is to review the American Rescue Plan Act regarding how it relates to the City of Chillicothe and the grant funding from the act the city received. ED Director Beadles presented a power point presentation. She explained that she was advised from the treasury the city should claim Revenue Replacement for the grant funding. The presentation focus was to review and discuss how the city was going to spend the funding. The total amount of funding received is $818,343.20. She explained that she worked with Office Manager Passage and Superintendent Sutherland to gather potential expenditures.
ED Director Beadles explained that two area shown in the expense projections did not have a potential expense. Office Manager Passage explained that the drainage on Pine Street was to put a liner in the pipe, however; at this time no cost estimate was received. Superintendent Sutherland stated he is working on obtaining that cost. ED Director Beadles explained that one of the expenses could be for essential pay for employees who worked during COVID. Alderperson Jenkins stated that he did not believe the money should be used for essential pay, as employees who worked received their wage. ED Director Beadles advised the committee that the hourly employees receive pay for working overtime; however, Supervisors are salary employees, not contracted employees and do not receive any overtime pay and there was a lot of extra time put in during the COVID time period.
Chairman Connor stated that she believed the school district gave a bonus to teachers.
Office Manager Passage explained that the Drainage line item was the drainage west of town. The amount of $175,000.00 was the amount needed from corporate funds to complete the overall project. Reminding everyone that the amounts used are only estimates at this time.
A review of the public works projects was held. Below is the itemized list of the projects included in the project expense number.
Public Works
Bore 1" line under Truitt
Fire hydrant replacement on 2nd and Walnut
Leak detection machine, Water/sewer (Sub surface)
Booster pump for Wilmot along with labor and parts. Reduced Frequency Drive (RFD's) for pump houses Replumb Wilmot, Walnut West & Walnut East
Chemical feed pumps ( Stenner Fluoride pumps)
Rehab Wilmot & Chestnut wells Pull up and inspect & clean❘
Mike Stoddard
Chlorine scales - 6 pump stations
Fluoride Scale
Install 8 incerta valves
Rehab Lift Stations - Chestnut, Hickory, Fennels | DJ Willis ???
A discussion was held regarding the projects.
Mayor Hughes stated that as a possibility we could use ARPA funds to reimburse for Dr. Culbertson's cost to have money to give the supervisors a bonus. He also agreed that supervisors did put in extra hours during COVID.
A discussion was held regarding the time table to committee the money and to spend the money. Office Manager Passage stated that it would be in the best interest of the city monitor when the money as if the city spends over $700,000 in federal grant funds in one fiscal year it would require a more extensive audit.
A discussion was held regarding purchasing the leak detention machine this fiscal year. The use of ARPA funds is a line item in the General Fund, therefore money may be spent this year.
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he will need to know if the public works expenses will be included in ARPA because he is preparing his budget for fiscal year 23/24 and if they are not paid through the ARPA funds he will need to include them in his budget.
After discussion the consensus of the committees were to seek approval from council at the first meeting in February, to purchase the leak detection machine and to instruct Superintendent Sutherland to not include the public works projects presented in is budget for fiscal year 23/24. It was also agreed that another joint meeting will be held to further discuss the remaining items.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:51 P.M.