
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Peoria City Council and Town Board met May 9

City of Peoria City Council and Town Board met May 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A Regular Meeting of the Joint City Council and Town Board of Peoria, Illinois, was held on May 9, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, Council Chambers (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, with Mayor Ali presiding, and with proper notice having been posted.


Roll Call showed the following Council Members were present: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10. Absent: Jackson - 1.


Mayor Ali requested a moment of silent prayer or reflection and then she led the pledge of allegiance.

Mayor Ali offered heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of former Mayor Richard E. Carver, who passed away on Friday, May 5, 2023. She reviewed his illustrious career after graduating from Bradley University, including his service as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, leadership roles for local businesses and organizations, and positions in the Federal Government. She said he served the City of Peoria as Alderman from 1969 until he was elected Mayor from 1973 through 1984, noting the 1973 Council recently held their 50th reunion. She reviewed former Mayor Carver's many accomplishments through building consensus with the Council Members, including moving the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria from Gale Avenue to where it stands today, the refurbishment of Council Chambers, as well as the creation of many facilities including: a new Police Station, Public Works facility, Central Fire Station, Fire Training Academy, and the Peoria Civic Center where the Carver Center is located and named after him. She discussed his impact on City management, structure, transparency, and accountability, noting he said he believed local government was the most important political body. Mayor Ali thanked former Mayor Carver for his contributions to our City.


Public Works Week (May 21–27)

National Salvation Army Week (May 15-21)

50th Anniversary of the Peoria Rugby Football Team


Council Member Riggenbach moved to approve the minutes of the City Council Meeting held on April 25, 2023, and the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on May 2, 2023, as printed; seconded by Council Member Velpula.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa,

Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.


(23-159) REQUEST from the Town Officials to APPROVE the APRIL 2023 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES and to APPROVE the MAY 2023 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES for the Town of the City of Peoria.

Trustee Grayeb moved to approve the April 2023 actual expenditures and to approve the May 2023 anticipated expenditures for the Town of the City of Peoria; seconded by Trustee Cyr.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Chairwoman Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

(23-172) APPOINTMENT by Supervisor Leary to the DECENNIAL COMMITTEE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY with a Request to Concur:

Evonne Fleming

Irene Lewis-Wimbley

Commenting that Township Attorney Redlingshafer requested additional time, Trustee Grayeb moved to defer the item to the May 23, 2023, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting; seconded by Trustee Riggenbach.

Motion to DEFER the item to the May 23, 2023, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Chairwoman Ali – 10; Nays: None.


CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE, with Recommendations as Outlined:

(23-160) Communication from the Mayor and Corporation Council with a Request to APPROVE the DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY.

(23-161) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources with a Request to AUTHORIZE the Payment of a WORKERS COMPENSATION JUDGEMENT, in the Amount of $120,147.55, to a Former Police Officer Injured on OCTOBER 28, 2016, and OCTOBER 7, 2020.

(23-162) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources with a Request to AUTHORIZE the Payment of a WORKERS COMPENSATION JUDGEMENT, in the Amount of $113,553.93, to a Public Works Maintenance Worker Injured on AUGUST 15, 2018.

(23-163) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE a SETTLEMENT of the Litigation Matter JOYNELL STRONG-DOUGLAS V. CITY OF PEORIA, et al. 20-L-0018, in the Amount of $130,000.00.

(23-164) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources with a Request to APPROVE Existing Liability Coverages with CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY and BERKLEY INSURANCE through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, at a One-Year Cost of $616,983.00, and to Add Cyber Liability Coverage with CRUM AND FORSTER INSURANCE, at a Cost of $42,047.00, and Crime Coverage with HANOVER INSURANCE at a Cost of $2,778.00.

(23-165) APPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur:

Adam Maurer (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2027

(23-166) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the POLICE PENSION FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES with a Request to Concur:

Andre M. Leverett (Voting) – Term Expires 5/9/2025

Mayor Ali questioned if the Council wished to have any of the Consent Agenda items removed for further discussion.

Council Member Kelly requested Item No. 23-160 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.

Council Member Allen moved to approve the Consent Agenda items as outlined in the Council Communications; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

Item Nos. 23-160 through 23-166 (excluding Item No. 23-160 which was removed for further discussion) were approved by roll call vote under the Omnibus Vote Designation. Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa,

Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

(23-160) Communication from the Mayor and Corporation Council with a Request to APPROVE the DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY.

In response to Council Member Kelly regarding the plan to cease the Declaration of Local State of Emergency in response to the State's announcement of ceasing theirs,, Corporation Counsel Patrick Hayes said the Declaration of Local State of Emergency presented was scheduled to expire with the State's on May 11, 2023, and there was no plan to extend it. He said Staff had been working with boards and commissions regarding changes to the remote attendance allowances afforded by the Declaration of Local State of Emergency that would no longer be available after it expired.

Council Member Kelly moved to approve the Declaration of Local State of Emergency; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS, with Recommendations as Outlined:

(23-167) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to APPROVE the Funding Recommendations from the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PUBLIC SERVICES COMMISSION for the Non-Profit Capital Program.

Community Development Director Joe Dulin said the CDBG Public Services Commission recommended funding the Non-Profit Capital Program to compliment the Capital Funding Program for local businesses approved by the Council in January 2022. He said this would create a program with lasting and impactful results for the community addressing capital needs for local non-profit organizations. He reviewed the application and selection process that resulted in a recommendation to fund the proposed capital projects submitted by six organizations. He commended Staff and CDBG Public Services Commissioners for their efforts awarding funding that would impact the community for years.

In response to Council Member Allen regarding feedback for those organizations that were not awarded funding, Director Dulin said individual feedback was provided to the applicants, noting the CDBG Public Services Commission considered physical capital projects, such as buildings, in determining their recommendations, noting the scoring of applications was very close.

Council Member Cyr moved to approve the funding recommendations from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services Commission for the Non-Profit Capital Program; seconded by Council Member Riggenbach.

Council Member Kelly said he was in favor of the program in conjunction with the existing Capital Program for Small Businesses, and he asked if applicants could reapply year after year. Director Dulin explained the scoring criteria for this tranche of funding favored applicants without an award from the previous year, and he said if additional funding was available in subsequent years the Council would again be consulted to determine scoring criteria and if previous funding awards should be considered.

Motion to approve the funding recommendations from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services Commission for the Non-Capital Program was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

(23-168) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request for the Following: (Council District 1)

A. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Authorizing the PURCHASE of Real Estate from the DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF PEORIA, for the Development of Parking Facilities on SW WASHINGTON STREET; and,

B. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2023 REVISED ANNUAL BUDGET Relating to the WAREHOUSE DISTRICT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) Fund, to Use Fund Balance for the Purchase of Property on SW WASHINGTON STREET, in the Amount of $250,000.00.

City Clerk Stefanie Tarr noted the Ordinance amending the City of Peoria 2023 Revised Annual Budget required a 2/3 vote of corporate authorities for approval.

Assistant City Manager Kimberly Richardson said the property would be considered for future parking solutions to support residential development in the area.

Council Member Oyler moved to adopt an Ordinance authorizing the purchase of real estate from the Downtown Development Corporation of Peoria, for the development of parking facilities on SW Washington Street; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

ORDINANCE NO. 18,073 authorizing the purchase of real estate from the Downtown Development Corporation of Peoria, for the development of parking facilities on SW Washington Street was adopted by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

Council Member Oyler moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the City of Peoria 2023 Revised Annual Budget relating to the Warehouse District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Fund, to use fund balance for the purchase of property on SW Washington Street, in the amount of $250,000.00; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

ORDINANCE NO. 18,074 amending the City of Peoria 2023 Revised Annual Budget relating to the Warehouse District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Fund, to use fund balance for the purchase of property on SW Washington Street, in the amount of $250,000.00was adopted by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.


Andre W. Allen (Non-Voting) - Term Expiration N/A

In response to Council Member Allen regarding the appropriateness of an abstention, Corporation Council Hayes noted the appointee traditionally abstained from voting.

Council Member Kelly moved to concur with the appointment of Andre W. Allen to the Greater Peoria Mass Transit District Board of Trustees; seconded by Council Member Velpula.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 9;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Allen - 1.

(23-170) APPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the TOURISM RESERVE FUND with a Request to Concur:

Bernice Gordon-Young (Voting) – Term Expiration 6/30/2023

Council Member Allen moved to concur with the appointment of Bernice Gordon-Young to the Tourism Reserve Fund; seconded by Council Member Cyr.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 9;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Gordon-Young – 1.

(23-171) APPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the PEORIA CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur:

Timothy Riggenbach (Non-Voting) – Term Expiration N/A

Council Member Riggenbach said he would abstain from voting on this item.

Council Member Grayeb moved to concur with the appointment of Timothy Riggenbach to the Peoria Civic Center Authority; seconded by Council Member Kelly.

Approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 9;

Nays: None;

Abstention: Riggenbach - 1.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Including but not limited to motions to reconsider items, if any from the previous Regular Meeting)

It was determined there was no Unfinished Business to address.


Journal Star Reporter

Mayor Ali welcomed back JJ Bullock, Government and Politics Reporter for the Peoria Journal Star, who returned to Peoria and had resumed covering City Council Meetings.

Golden Apple Award Recipient

Mayor Ali congratulated Kathleen Lopez-Rodriguez, Principal at Charter Oak Primary School, who received the Golden Apple Award for excellence in leadership.

Strategic Planning Process Kick-Off Event

Mayor Ali said the City of Peoria would begin its Strategic Planning Process with a two-day kickoff event on Thursday, June 1, 2023, and Friday, June 2, 2023, at the Peoria Civic Center Ballroom, noting it was open to all citizens interested in collaborative solutions to critical issues.


Hearing no objection, Mayor Ali granted privilege of the floor to those citizens wishing to address the City Council/Town Board as follows:

Cassie Lucchesi, President of Peoria Proud, said the local organization supported the LGBTQ community through education, advocacy, and local outreach, noting hate had no place in Peoria. She said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was scheduled to speak at the Lincoln Day Dinner at the Peoria Civic Center on May 12, 2023. She said he implemented policies removing protections and rights from citizens, and she announced nonviolent gatherings were scheduled in Downtown Peoria on Friday, May 12, 2023, to promote love, inclusivity, and engagement. She said she was thankful to live in Illinois where the rights of citizens were protected, she thanked all those promoting diversity, and she asked citizens to join them on Friday.

Noah Palm, said he represented Peoria CPUSA, described a local fundraiser to celebrate local working-class heroes for May Day. He provided a handout for all Council Members with more information. He said May Day was celebrated annually on May 1st, and he reviewed how it was established, details of the history, and the relationship to Labor Day celebrated in September. He described the honorees recognized, Mark Clark, a local activist, and the AFSCME Library Workers, who he said were working class citizens fighting for rights and fair wages.

Ross Black, former Peoria Community Development Director, said he was glad to be back before the City Council. He said he served on the Board of the East Bluff Community Center, and he thanked the Council for approving the funding recommendations from the CDBG Public Services Commission for the Non-Profit Capital Program (Item No. 23-167) that evening that provided funding for a new roof for the Community Center. He invited the Council to visit to witness the partnerships and programs there, noting the new roof would shelter citizens for a long time.


Consideration of a Motion for the City Council to enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been riled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting; and 2(c)(21), discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes, or semi-annual review of the minutes.

Council Member Gordon-Young moved to enter into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting; and 2(c)(21), discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes, or semi-annual review of the minutes; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Motion to enter into Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) and 2(c)(21) was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.


Council Member Gordon-Young moved to adjourn the May 9, 2023, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting; seconded by Council Member Allen.

Motion to adjourn the May 9, 2023, Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting was approved by roll call vote.

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 10;

Nays: None.

The Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting was adjourned at 6:58 P.M.



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