The Brimfield Village Board met July 5.
The Brimfield Board of Trustees serves as the legislative arm of the community.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the village of Brimfield:
President Fishel called the annual budget hearing to order at 7:00 pm with roll call: A. Porter-present, Meinders-absent Gilles-present, Arbogast-present, Dye-present, and B. Porter-present. Attorney Bill Atkins, and Clerk Johnson were also present.
The proposed budget was provided at the June 2016 for review by the trustees. Having no questions or concerns President Fishel asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Arbogast made the motion seconded by Dye, motion carried and the hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m.
The Village of Brimfield Board of Trustees meeting was called to order on Tuesday July 5, 2016, at 7:03 pm by President Fishel with roll call attendance: A. Porter-present, Meinders-absent, Gilles-present, Arbogast-present, Dye-present, B. Porter-present. Attorney Bill Atkins and Clerk Johnson were also present.
The minutes of the June 6, 2016 regular meeting were presented for approval Gilles made the motion seconded by A. Porter motion carried 5 to 0.
The June 2016 Treasurer’s Report was presented for filing Dye made the motion seconded by Arbogast to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried 5 to 0.
The June 2016 bills were presented for payment with a motion by Gilles seconded by B. Porter. Roll call vote: A. Porter-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes, B. Porter-yes motion carried 5 to 0.
Old Business- none
New Business- Cory Cowan of Gorenz and Associates, the Village’s auditors, gave the yearly presentation of our 2015-2016 fiscal year audit. He provided a copy of the audit to the Trustees. He encouraged them to review the audit and contact him if there were any questions or concerns.
Ordinance 2016-3 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance was presented for approval. B. Porter made the motion seconded by Gilles. Roll call vote: A. Porter-yes, Gilles-yes, Arbogast-yes, Dye-yes, and B. Porter-yes. Motion carried 5 to 0.
Jim Bromer CEO of Mid Century Communications of Fairview, Illinois gave a presentation regarding bringing high speed internet via fiber optic to homes in Brimfield. They would like to begin with conducting a survey to see if there is enough interest from the residents in the Village, there would be no commitment required to complete the survey. After processing the responses they will decide the next course of action. Dye made the motion seconded by Arbogast to approve the survey being conducted, the motion carried.
ATV-Golf Cart Licenses-there was discussion regarding language in the ordinances previously presented. It was the consensus that 4-wheelers would not be allowed with speed and noise being the concerning factor. Side by sides/gators would be allowed. Gilles and Dye agreed to further review this topic and bring back additional language to be considered.
Park Board committee could be established by amending our current ordinance to set the criteria for the board to include their duties, size of board and length of terms, outline their authority and who they report to. This topic will be tabled until November.
Planning Commission appointment-tabled
President Fishel informed the Board that a new pick-up truck was purchased for the price of $34250.00. It is a 2016 F350 4 x 4 crew cab. It has a snow plow package included. The plow and tool boxes will be purchased separately. The old truck will be kept at this time.
The property at 306 W. Illinois Street is expected to have a default judgement entered this month. There will be a period of time allowed for any owners to pay the judgement, if it isn’t then a sale will take place probably in September. The Village currently has approximately $19,000 in liens against the property.
B. Porter made the motion seconded by Gilles to approve the compliance hearings with shut offs as needed, motion carried 5 to 0.
Seeing no further business President Fishel asked for a motion to adjourn B. Porter made the motion seconded by Arbogast motion carried meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.