The city of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police-Community Relations met July 21.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the city of Peoria:
Chairperson Ali called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.
Roll Call - Present: R. Ali, chair, E. Bailey-Green (5:33 p.m.), M. Fogliano (5:35 p.m.), D. Jackson, L. King, J. Mitchell, B. Oest, C. Schierer, S. Sierra, and H. Williamson. Absent: J. Bastian (excused), S. Draper (excused), T. Hoffman, D. Moore, E. Thomas, and T. Wester. Chairperson Ali acknowledged a quorum.
Approval of Minutes - Chair Ali asked for a motion to approve the minutes of May 12, 2016. Member Jackson motioned; seconded by Member Sierra. Motion approved by viva voce vote to approve. Minutes approved.
Introduction of new members and welcome – Chair Ali welcomed guests and new members Brent Oest (at-large representative), Emmanuelle Bailey-Green (under 25 representative), and Donald Leist (City Manager’s Office) to the Committee.
Chair Ali commented on the recent events that occurred within the United States, and shared that there is no greater need than now for the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relation to restore, respect, and help build bridges to establish an even better relationship between the police and the community.
General Police Update – Chief Mitchell reported:
- “Riding for a Safer Tomorrow” and school supplies giveaway event sponsored by the Shaun Livingston Foundation was held on July 16th. Kids of all ages, parents, citizens, and police officers participated in the fun-filled four mile bike ride from Martin Luther King Park to Manual High School and back.
- Police Scenario Engagement Training was held July 16th where citizens had the opportunity to be exposed and experience a police officer’s typical day. Committee members who have not participated but interested should contact the Chief’s office to RSVP for the next scenario.
- Chief Mitchell and commissioned personnel are schedule to have an open dialogue with young people on July 15th from Noon to 2 PM in front of the Riverfront Building.
- The Police Cadet Program is in its pilot phase that began with three alums from the Explorers Program and will expand to the goal of 10 cadets.
- Due to the tragic events around the country, police officers continue to conduct business as usual, working their shifts, with a heightened awareness of their surroundings to safely return home to their families at the end of their shifts.
- The Department recognize use of force incidents that may occur despite all preventative efforts. The department established a use of force policy and a use of force review board. The policy tracks the number of hands on incidents with officers; the review board would review and assess all incidents in which officers use force.
- Important for citizens to report unacceptable behavior of police personnel.
- Officers are mandated by law for set scheduled training called Core training held yearly. The Department have flexibility on certain classes be taught whether procedural justice or implicit bias class that would bring substance to the officers, defensive tactics, CPR, firearms training, etc.
Unfinished Business – No unfinished business.
New Business - Item on next meeting agenda, accept nominations and vote to elect a chair and vice chair.
Citizen opportunity to address the committee
Angelita Johnson, a citizen of Peoria wanted to listen and observe.
Jackie Petty, a citizen of Peoria, have concerns on what’s happening in U. S., body cameras for officers; in-car video and microphone, and hiring process.
Earnest Jackson, a concerned citizen of Peoria, announced a radio program called “Let’s Talk About It” to bring people in the community together with a facilitator to talk and understand community issues.
Pastor Marvin Hightower, a concerned citizen of Peoria, wants to build a better relationship with police; be more proactive in the community; citizens’ rights to cell phone recordings; interest in police scenario training.
Calvin Gene Patterson, a citizen of Peoria, came to listen and observe.
Ryan Hidden, a citizen of Peoria, inquiry to possible technology to mail minor traffic tickets violations to drivers for broken tail lights, expired license plates tags, etc.
Karen Wilson, citizen of Peoria, concerned that citizens and police need to educate each other on the dos and don’ts at traffic stops.
Dwayne X, citizen of Peoria, was told about the committee and wanted to know more and came to observe.
Terry Burnside –citizen of Peoria came to the meeting to observe and interest to serve on the committee.
Executive Session – None
Adjournment - Chair Ali asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Sierra motioned; seconded by L. King.
Motion approved by a viva voce vote to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.