
Peoria Standard

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Peoria advisory committee tests new telephone number

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The city of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations met Jan. 12 to test the new telephone number.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

The advisory committee on police-community relations is hereby created for the purpose of advising the chief of police of the city, the mayor and city council on matters concerned with improving police-community relations and to provide an independent means of communications and assistance between the citizens of Peoria and the Peoria Police Department in order to foster a positive working relationship between the community and the police. This Committee meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month (beginning in January) at 5:30pm at City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Room 404.


The scheduled regular meeting of the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations was held Thursday, January 12, 2017, in Room 404 at City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois with proper notice posted. Chair Ali called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: R. Ali, chair, J. Bastian S. Draper, L. King, D. Moore-5:34 p.m., C. Schierer- 5:34 p.m., L. Snow (designee for J. Mitchell), and E. Thomas-5:37 p.m. Absent: D. Backes (excused), E. Bailey-Green, M. Fogliano v-chair (excused), D. Jackson (excused), J. Mitchell (excused), B. Oest (excused), C. Patterson, T. Wester, S. Sierra (excused) and H. Williamson (excused). Chair Ali acknowledged a quorum.

Approval of Minutes - Chair R. Ali asked for a motion to approve the minutes of December 8, 2016. C. Schierer motioned; seconded by member J. Bastian. Motion approved by viva voce vote.

Chair Ali welcomed visitors.

General Police Update by Assistant Chief L. Snow On January 3, 2017, the Police Department sworn in two full-time police recruit officers (1 African American male and 1 Caucasian female), and sworn in seven more Cadets (3-Caucasian males, 2 African American males, 1 African American female, and 1 Hispanic male). The swearing in was broadcasted live on Facebook. The Cadet Program is fully functional and detailed learning objectives of the plan will be shared with Dr. Ali at a later date.

Announced the police recruit examination cycle for placement into the police eligibility pool for spring 2017, and new recruitment billboards soon to be posted.

Crime stats: Gun related deaths are down, and shootings and shooting incidents are up.

Unfinished Business Chair Ali and member Schierer will author the language of a 1-2 sentence on how citizens may approach the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations if they are not satisfied with the police department’s investigation findings to their complaints.

Generated and testing the new telephone number with a voice mail message system for the committee. When a message is received, the message will be sent as an attachment to an email address that the receiver (Dr. Ali), can retrieve and listen to the message from her computer. The email address has been shortened.

When the language and contact information i.e., telephone number, email address, is ready, the Department will proceed to include the contact information in the letters to citizens and the citizen complaint procedure brochures.

Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations Page 2 Regular Meeting – January 12, 2017

The January 14, 2017, Town Hall Meeting for zip code area 61605 has been rescheduled to January 28th from 1-3 PM, at Carver Community Center, 710 W. Third Street, in Peoria. Members are to wear their red shirts.

New Business – None

Citizen opportunity to address the committee – No citizens addressed the committee.

Executive Session – None

Adjournment - Chair R. Ali asked for a motion to adjourn. Member L. King motioned; seconded by member D. Moore. Motion approved by a viva voce vote to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.

____________________ Dr. Rita Ali, Chair

____________________ Jessica Bastian, Member

____________________ Sharon Draper, Member