Bellevue Village Board met February 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Meeting are recorded-called to order @6:00 pm
Roll call-Aaron Lannert,Marty Schuettler,Dean Merriman,Leroy Wiseman,Chad Murphy
Approval Of bills-Chad motioned-2nd-Marty-all in favor
Approval of minutes 1/24/2017 with a correction of amount giving to Jim Strube being $255.00 not $225.00-Leroy motioned-2nd-Chad-all in favor
Discussion from Residence:
Mike & Angie Adams-here regarding violation about carport(canopy) over boat while they are repairing it. Board is ok with giving them until March 14,2017 then they will take down.
Jim Strube-asked if media com is coming to the village area ? Board hasn’t heard anything. Mrs. Strube –nothing
Penny Myer & Jennifer Passmore-Casey general Store asked to extend their liquor license to carry spirits? Said that it would be in a locked cabinet. We the board will have to change ordinance to allow. If we do this we will have to do the gas station on harmon hwy.also. Will put on the agenda 2/28/2017
Terry Elston – nothing
Rich Stoneburner- new number-309-363-3984
Steve Wilson- MS4 program- everything we have to start checking and had to have it on the agenda for the public to ask any questions regarding our drainage ,etc. there was a couple of things like the tarp on salt needs to be addressed. Also Bosch has drainage issue and the county is doing work over there in 2019 and would like to see if board would to work with county to see if we can connect into there drainage and same county and us some money. Board agrees it’s a good idea. Steve asked if board was interested in doing a Village event again this year not a carnival but like a band,beer tent,etc.-Board will think about it. Officer Andrews- Nothing been pretty slow.
Aaron- asked about a couple of houses on Maxwell ct ? Terry said we would put on list after we get Anderson,Crum,Morris taken care of. 614 maxwell ct asked about tarp-lawyer will check and see if it sold. Dean- Bellvue Ave on curve one ton truck with garbage –Rich if he would swing by and see if they will clean it up.-Asked about Morris- court next week.
Marty-asked Rich about 5009 closen rd ? Rich said he fined them. And 4928 Closen garbage ? Rich will take a look.
Leroy-Rich last meeting talk about Crum on Plank rd ? Rich –waiting for court. Asked about rabies clinic? Steve called someone and they were suppose to get back and never did.Steve will asked PAWS.Also gave some things he would like on the news letter and wants to change garge sale to the first sat of May.
Terry asked if board wants to continue with the Municipal booklets ? Chad motioned-2nd-Dean- all in favor.
Plaza –they have done some of the issues. Chief still is behind us but the building inspector said he has seen worse. It don’t meet Life Safety. We need to make sure they Life Safe(fire safe). Have the Fire Chief and building inspector tell us what needs to been done for life safety.Steve asked I'd the special use permit would extend to a new owner? Mike(lawyer) said no.
Chad motioned to adjourn-2nd-Aaron-all in favor