
Peoria Standard

Saturday, March 15, 2025

City of Peoria Housing Authority met at May 22.

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City of Peoria Housing Authority met May 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Authority:

Opening: At 4:30 p.m., Chairman Fassino opened the Regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence and roll Call.

Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Commissioner Cannon, Commissioner Andrews, Commissioner Childs, Commissioner Fox, and Chairman Fassino

Late Arrival: 4:35p.m. Commissioner Brown

Attending PHA Staff: Paul Bollinger, Yvonne Long, Theresa Switzer, Aldisa Slaughter, Bret Stone, Nicole Krol, and PHA Attorney, Chrissie Peterson

Community Comments: None

Approval of The April 24, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Chairman Fassino re-emphasized the importance of the OMA training, noting it is a critical part of the board demonstrating their interest in the PHA improving its position. Chairman Fassino stated he would like to clarify where PHA stands with housing ex-felons. P. Bollinger stated there are only two felons PHA will exclude, lifetime sex offenders and individuals convicted for the manufacturing and distribution of meth amphetamine. P. Bollinger stated Currently there are no preferences for ex-felons, however it is something that could be explored if the Board desires. Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 24, Regular Board Meeting as presented. Motion moved by Commissioner Andrews, seconded by Commissioner Childs. Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

Reports: Chairman Fassino stated all six reports will be voted on at the same time.

Human Resources: B. Stone stated pages 9-12 should not have been included in the HR report.

HCW: P. Bollinger stated PHA received an 86% or Standard Performer on the SEMAP Submission. It is down from last year due to the Waitlist not being available during the time of submission. Management has since obtained the Waitlist information and is exploring the option of appealing the decision.

Commissioner Andrews referenced the number of Vouchers over 211 days, asking if there was going to be end to how long families could hold on to vouchers. P. Bollinger stated there is a time frame for families holding on to vouchers. Now that we have a new HCV Director on board, the department is working on having this information updated and current by the June Board Meeting.

Chairman Fassino stated he was surprised of the volatility of the number of Extremely Low Income (ELI) families noted in Table 4. P. Bollinger stated these numbers reflect new families coming on to the program. Giving where we are with the funding of the HCV program, it is not anticipated to bring any additional families off the waitlist for the remainder of the year.

P. Bollinger stated Chart 4, Completed Inspections, is not consistent with what the goal requires. The goal states quality Control of the HQS inspections (in accordance with SEMAP)should be completed. Once the HCV Supervisor position has been filled, the quality Control will be completed from January 1, to the date of hire and added to this inspection chart.

Based on the information PHA provided to HUD, we will be ending the year under 1% in reserves. Once the information in Table 2 is cleaned up, the Current data will be factored back into the Two-Year Tool to provide a better depiction of what is expected throughout the year. Even with reserves at 1%, there will be no families brought off of the Waitlist through 2018. Any families added to the HCV program in 2018 will be done through the PBV aWard.


Per Treasurer Fox's request, T. Switzer gave a brief overview of the financials to the BOC. Page 17 provides Operating Income before Depreciation. Low Income Public Housing (LIPH) has actual $56,937 and was budgeted for $76,254. COCC was an actual of $91,270 and budgeted for $10,704. HCV actual was a loss at $155,264 budgeted at a profit of $27,560 leaving them at $182,824 behind budget as of April 30, 2017

T. Switzer gave a breakdown of LIPH Harrison Homes had a loss of $5,035. Scattered Sites had an income of $15,822. Taft Homes had income of $51,080. Sterling Towers had a loss of $16,810. Harrison Homes Redevelopment had a loss of $19,085 and RiverWest Properties had an income of $14,514.

T. Switzer stated there are a Couple of big items affecting the financial statements. Subsidy is coming in at 85%, which is less than what was budgeted for the year at 87%. This discrepancy is affecting all AMPS. An adjustment will be made to the COCC for legal expenses. There was a large amount of 2016 expenses Coming in 2017. The expenses were moved back into 2016, bringing the expense for COCC down.

An additional adjustment was made to COCC for the Executive salary. Over the past several months, there has been no HCV Director or Supervisor. A portion of P. Bollinger's salary has been allocated into HCV due to him covering both positions for a period of time.

The first quarter write-offs have been posted to April.

The chart on page 56 annualizes the TARS and compares it to a benchmark to identify where TARS stand at the end of a period by Scoring. The maximum score to be achieved is 5 points.

MOD: P. Bollinger stated the paperwork for the pending subrogation for Sterling Towers has been submitted by legal (Kavanagh, Scully, Sudow, White & Frederick, P.C.), and it is the intent to move forward to subrogate the claim.

Asset Management:

P. Bollinger stated Currently occupancy stands at 96.18%. Asset Management was successful with 2 of the REAC appeals, increasing our points by 3. Rent Collection has dropped slightly and is specific to two portfolios. P. Bollinger stated he is working with the Asset Management staff, with the assistance of Finance to bring them in line.

FSS/Ross: No Comments

SECURITY: Officer J. McKean stated the recent problems at Harrison and Taft are due to non-residents Congregating on the property. Officer McKean will contact the officer assigned to giving statements to the press and inquire if it could be publicized no residents of either property were involved in either incident.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about the Reports. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve Reports 1-6, as corrected. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Andrews. ROl| Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

Resolution #O52217-01. Approval Of The Recovery Agreement Between The Peoria Housing Authority And The United Stated Department Of Housing And Urban Development

P. Bollinger stated Resolution 052217-01 will be pulled from the agenda due to the City of Peoria needing an explanation of what a Sustainability Plan is, and why the City's involvement is necessary. The City expressed concern about Commitments involving HUD that could affect their funding. An email has been sent to K. Laviano stating the two questions and concerns, requesting a Conference call between PHA. HUD, and the City to discuss the issues. Approximately 75% to 80% of the requirements in the Recovery Agreement have been accomplished. The outstanding items are related to outstanding negotiating issues with labor and scoring that will Come later in the year. Chairman Fassino asked what the logic behind the City of Peoria entering the agreement for no longer than four years. C. Peterson explained the City of Peoria is limited to entering contracts that do not go past the term of which the Mayor is elected.

Chairman Fassino stated the Resolution Will be tabled for a later date.

Resolution #052217-02. Approval Of The Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) P. Bollinger stated as a result of the Title VI review, PHA has agreed to enter into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA), which spells out requirements that PHA needs to fulfill. The majority of requirements are already in process and currently being worked on. P. Bollinger stated the VCA better serves PHA, rather than pushing back and declining to negotiate to be in the best position we can. Entering into the VCA does not acknowledge fault or wrong doing on the part of PHA. Chairman Fassino stated assuming the Board approves this, what is the follow up tool to monitor all the required actions happen by the due dates. P. Bollinger stated it is very similar to the Recovery Agreement. semiannual updates will be provided to the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO") and reported to the Board monthly. P. Bollinger added, there is a Board training Component included in the VCA which we need to be able to demonstrate We have done.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding the resolution. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution #052217-02, Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews Seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

P. Bollinger stated, Resolution #052217-03 has some changes. The Resolution will be adjusted to propose moving forward with the recommendation of two developers instead of four. PHA is requesting to move ahead with the 8 units for ACCess Peoria, and 16 units for Peoria Opportunities. The development for Vecino and MACCO group has been pulled, which will be discussed in Executive Session. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding the resolution. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution #052217-03, Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Brown.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

Resolution #052217-04 Approval Of The Violence Against Woman's Act (VAWA) Emergency Transfer Plan - P. Bollinger stated the 2013 reauthorization of the VAWA Act requires all housing authorities implement an Emergency Transfer Policy. The resolution is the Emergency Transfer Policy, which will be added to our Current VAWA policy. Chairman Fassino noted an error in the first paragraph, requesting the word failhousing be revised to fair housing. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding the resolution. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve the amended Resolution #05221704. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Fox seconded by Commissioner Brown.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

Resolution #052217-05 Approval of PIH Information Center (PIC) Upload: P. Bollinger stated in accordance with the CFR requirement, PHA must submit the HUD-50058 form electronically in PIC each time the Authority Completes a new HUD-50058 form for any action. During the 2015 single file audit, there were significant deficiencies identified as it relates to the PIC uploads. As a result, PHA was required to develop a policy for the uploading of the HUD-50058 forms. P. Bollinger stated the deficiencies were related to both timeliness and accuracy. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding the resolution. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution #052217-05. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

Taft Homes Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Application And Redevelopment Update PHA Continues to work on the 44 units at Taft, which consists of 22 RAD and 22 PBV. A phone Conference with IHDA was held this morning to discuss the application process, and the original timeline has since changed. IHDA is requesting additional documents before processing; therefore IHDA will not be taking the application to their Board until July. A new timeline will be created for the Redevelopment Project.

The MACO and Vecino Group Developments are both off the table, and will be discussed further in Executive Session.

Open Items List:

P. Bollinger stated PHA Continues to work with legal to confirm the approval for Harrison property tax exempt request.

At the time the board packet was assembled, the Recover Agreement was with the Mayor for signature. P. Bollinger reminded Commissioners who have not yet completed the OMA training to please do so, and provide the certification to N. Krol. A scope of work was sent out to all of the Commissioners for Strategic Planning solicitation. P. Bollinger requested the Commissioners respond back with any changes or suggestions by the end of the week. The PHA Q&A pamphlets have been distributed. A meeting with Commissioner Cannon and P. Bollinger will be scheduled to discuss housing Ex-Felons. The River Valley Foundation Board resumes were emailed with the board packet to the Commissioners for

Eview. P. Bollinger stated he is requesting the PHA Board, RVF Board, Senior Staff, Asset Managers, and Union Stewards participate in the Strategic Planning Session. Commissioner Cannon stated having participated in previous Strategic Planning Sessions; he suggests the PHA team meet alone to develop a plan before including the Board. Commissioner Fox suggested adding members of the general public to the Strategic Planning Session. Chairman Fassino questioned the participation of the RVF Board.

P. Bollinger stated the objective of including the RVF Board is to provide input about the role they have with PHA.

Chairman Fassino stated he has concern with asking Management to take on additional tasks from the Board. They have day to day operations that need immediate attention in order to continue making forward progress.

Agency Goals Update: RiverWest is the mixed finance deal that had a 15 year wind down timeline for PHA to take back possession of the property. After discussion with Cohen and Grigsby held during the Audit and Finance Committee meeting, the PHA's position will be to take back ownership of the property. PHA will move forward with scheduling a meeting with Related Management to discuss the process and options.

HUD Recovery Agreement: P. Bollinger stated there are no updates on the Recovery Agreement.

CEO Report: P. Bollinger stated PHA has reached out to the City of Peoria to suggest entering into an intergovernmental agreement for Fleet Service. PHA is also partnering with the City for our Assessment of Fair Housing this year. An MOU will be drafted and brought before the Board next month. P. Bollinger stated, resident grievance meetings were held for Sterling Towers resident's J. Holt. All issues have been resolved regarding Ms. Holt. PHA has not yet received any correspondence from Ms. Riley's attorney. If and when we do, it will be forwarded to the PHA attorney to respond. PHA has been afforded the opportunity to be part of a second lawsuit against HUD, which is expected to come in around $230 Million. Management will be bringing a resolution to the board next month for the approval of expending 3K to COver legal expenses out of non-federal funds. The PHA could potentially gain approximately 719K from the lawsuit. The Board was given a Copy of the iBi magazine which features the PHAFSS and ROSS programs on page 156.

P. Bollinger attended the Neighborhood Alliance meeting to speak with neighborhood groups about PHA. P. Bollinger plans on attending the regular monthly meetings at City Hall and Panera Bread. PHA has been administering a grant through the Continuum of Care (CoC) for many years; however it has not been managed well by the PHA. Kevin Nowland, CoC Director, requested the grant be signed over to the South Side Office of Concern. A letter will be drafted tomorrow and sent to SSOC requesting acceptance of the grant. The grant is for 127,455K. Out of the 127,455K, PHA receives 8K for administrative fees. The administrative expenses exceed the 8K the PHA receives. C. Peterson stated if it is the Consensus of the Board that signing over of the grant is acceptable, management should issue the letter, however it should be brought back next month for an official vote to ratify the action. Chairman Fassino confirmed there is no objection from the Board, and management should proceed with the letter to South Side Office of Concern.

New Business: P. Bollinger gave a brief overview of the Land Review which was sent to the Commissioners separate of the board packet. Management is proposing holding on to the vacant lot on the Corner of Griswold and Montana, as it is still unclear as to what is going to be done with the Harrison Homes Redevelopment. The vacant lot at Oregon will also be kept for potential redevelopment at the Harrison Site. Harrison Homes Redevelopment Phase III Currently provides empty parcels which will also be considered for redevelopment. Management will be making a recommending to the board through Resolution of the disposition of the property on 2120 N. Peoria. The 31/2 acres on Molleck and Verona are vacant parcels adjacent to PHA Scattered Sites, which will be held for possible redevelopment. RiverWest South vacant lot #23 will be held for future development, provided the lot is large enough to build

ՕՈ, 2404 W. Garden and 1031. Shelley will be a proposed demolition/disposition properties, which will be done through de minimis. Two HOPLIFT units on Creighton and one on Arrowhead will be refurbished and put back online through Capital Funds. Taft Homes Child Care Center will be listed with a realtor for rental space. The redevelopment of Taft will be factored into Commercial lease. Sterling Towers East ground floor, Administrative building office space, and PHA warehouse will also be included in the Commercial space for lease.

Board Comments: Treasurer Fox thanked T. Switzer for presenting the overview of the financials to the BOC. Commissioner Andrews will be scheduling a Personnel Committee Meeting with B. Stone next week. Commissioner Brown noted the positive Resident Safety Committee meetings held this month. P. Bollinger stated there were 4 resident meetings held with a total of 31 residents participating. The meetings covered the resident Surveys, late rent and maintenance door hangers, $50 referral flyer and open discussion. EARLY DISMISSAL: 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Andrews

Executive Session: The board may adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session for, Collective negotiating matters and the purchase or lease of real estate or the settling of a price for sale or lease of real estate.

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to move into Executive Session. Motion moved by Commissioner Childs seconded by Commissioner Brown.

Roll CalI:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

Moved to Executive Session at 5:59 p.m.

Adjournment Of Executive Session, and Adjournment of the Regular Board Meeting:

Adjourn Regular Board Meeting

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to adjourn the March Regular Board Meeting. Motion moved by Commissioner Childs seconded by Commissioner Fox.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Cannon, Fassino, Brown, and Childs

Nay: None, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.
