
Peoria Standard

Saturday, March 15, 2025

City of East Peoria Housing Authority met June 26.

Webp meeting 11

City of East Peoria Housing Authority met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Authority:

OPENING: At 4:30 p.m., Chairman Fassino opened the Regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of Silence and roll Call.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Commissioner Cannon, Commissioner Andrews, Commissioner Childs, Commissioner Fox, Commissioner Brown and Chairman Fassino

ATTENDING PHA STAFF: Paul Bollinger, Theresa Switzer, Aldisa Slaughter, Bret Stone, Nicole Krol, and PHA Attorneys, Chrissie Peterson, Brad Ingram


INTroDUCTION OF NEW PHA EMPLOYEES: P. Bollinger introduced two new Peoria Housing employees. Krisana Dixon, Public Housing Eligibility Clerk and Shanda Green, Finance Staff ACCountant

COMMUNITY COMMENTS: Tim Lavelle, AFSME Council 31 Staff Representative stated if the Peoria Housing Authority Board of Commissioners votes to implement the Last Best and Final Offer of the CBA, the AFSCME Union will be filing an Unfair Labor Practice charge for unilateral implementation of a contract. T. Lavelle stated AFSCME's position is clear in that after the last mediation session, AFSCME had come to the terms of the Contract, although there was still question whether the employer has the unilateral ability to remove the Assistant and ASSet Managers from the union. T. Lavelle stated because it is considered a permissive subject, the employer does not have this right. T. Lavelle stated it would be in everyone's best interest for legal representatives from both parties meet to discuss and confirm where the offer stands.


Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 22, Regular Board Meeting as presented. Motion moved by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Cannon. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

REPORTS: Chairman Fassino stated all six reports will be voted on at the same time.

Human Resources: No Comments from the Board

HCW: Chairman Fassino noted the recertifications on page 11, and PIC data on page 10 titled as reexaminations. P. Bollinger clarified recertifications and reexaminations are one in the same document. P. Bollinger stated as of May 31, 75 recertifications were late, however staff is making headway. 124 annual recertifications are required by July1, 2017, and there should be no delinquencies unless families are in abatement or in the middle of porting. A call with HUD is scheduled for July 7, 2017 to discuss a possible shortfall within the HCV program. HCV staff Continues to clean up outstanding recertifications and HQS inspections to provide accurate numbers to HUD for populating the 2-Year Tool. The Conference Call will include Finance.


T. Switzer gave a brief overview of the financials to the BOC. Low Income Public Housing (LIPH) is currently showing a loss of $5,557.00, which was budgeted at $95,317.00. COCC is $111584.00 vs. $13,380.00 in the budget, and HCV is $238,046.00 with a budget of $34,450.00. T. Switzer explained the big issue in these numbers, with the exception of HCV, is the subsidy being received from HUD. As stated previously, the HUD subsidy is substantially lower than what was anticipated.

Overall the AMPs are below budget approximately 100K. PHA is working with a Fiscal Analyst in regards to the shortfall in HCV. Currently, the HCV is running $272K below budget, due to the HAP expenses offsetting the HAP income. PHA will be requesting a draw from our HUD held reserves to offset some of the loss.

T. Switzer noted Asset Managers have been given the responsibility to maintain their AMP budgets. Individual line items are adjusted by the Asset Managers and tracked by Finance to ensure budgets are being maintained proficiently.

The HCV Report listed on page 57 provides a rolling amount of restricted and non-restricted funds while tracking the amount of money provided to cover monthly expenses. This report will be replaced by the TwoYear Tool once the information has been updated and confirmed by HUD.

MOD: No Comments from the Board.

Asset Management: P. Bollinger stated a third party was contracted to Complete pre-inspections to identify any deficiencies prior to the REAC inspections. REAC inspections have started, and management will be given preliminary numbers for each AMP. The third party inspector will be shadowing the REAC inspector, assisting with any appeals that may be necessary. Chairman Fassino asked if there were changes in the REAC inspection requirements which may have been indicative of the standard level increasing. P. Bollinger stated the biggest change in REAC inspections taken place this year was the implementation of

non-industry standards. Deficiencies that would have passed in previous inspections are now being failed. There has been some loss of points on PHA's scores due to non-industry standards; however they have not been the root Cause of the low SCOres that have been completed thus far.

SECURITY: Officer J. McKean referred to a memo from the City of Peoria regarding a recent increase in gun violence. Officer McKean stated despite the increase, there have been no shots fired" Calls for Harrison or Taft since the first of June. A HOT SPOT" report was ran to identify where shooting has occurred, and officers have been reassigned to these locations. Four additional officers have been specifically assigned to foot patrol in the evening hours on Adams Street at Taft Homes. Officer McKean estimates next month's numbers being Considerably lower.

Officer McKean stated the security plans for the Fourth of July at Taft will be the same as last year, Chair Fassino noted the incident at Taft Homes over the Fourth of July Holiday, was over six years ago.

FSS/ROSS: Chairman Fassino requested the Escrow balances on page 80 be revised.

Chairman Fassino stated there is a significant amount of good news in the report which needs to be shared with the Community. Chair Fassino requested these individuals get all the visibility that they deserve.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about the Reports. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve Reports 1-6, as Corrected. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Fox seconded by Commissioner Childs. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-01. APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF 2120 N. PEORIA CENTRAL OFFICE COST CENTER P. Bollinger stated this is the first of three parcels PHA is requesting approval for disposition and disposal. Once PHA receives approval from HUD, each of these three parcels will go up for sale. The parcel will be appraised by a 3" party appraisal Company and listed through a listing agent or auctioned at a minimum bid of the appraised value. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution # 062617-01 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve the Disposition of 2120 N. Peoria, Central Office Cost Center. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Brown seconded by Commissioner Cannon. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION #052217-02 APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF 1031 S. SHELLEY, SCATTERED SITES ASSET MANAGEMENT PROPERTY (AMP3) P. Bollinger stated this is the only parcel of the three that has a structure on the property. The vacant property will be sold as is. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution #062617-02. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve the Disposition of 1031 S. Scattered Sites Asset Management Property (AMP3). Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews seconded by Commissioner Fox. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-03 APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF 2404 W. GARDEN STREET, CENTRAL COST OFFICE COST CENTER P. Bollinger stated this is the third and final of the three properties, which also is a vacant parcel. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions or concerns about Resolution # 062617-03 Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve the Disposition of 2404 W. Garden Street, Central Cost Office Center. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner BrOwn. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-04 APPROVAL TO REVISE/UPDATE THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK P. Bollinger stated the revisions of the PHA Employee Handbook have been reviewed and commented on by both legal and the BOC Personnel Committee. Chairman Fassino noted page 5, requesting PHA" be spelled out as Peoria Housing Authority. Chairman Fassino requested the CEO Message" be completed. Chairman Fassino noted page 9, stating the Official Spokes Person is identified as the CEO, however CEO" needs to be defined throughout the document. Chairman Fassino requested the word Commissioner" be removed from page 53. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution # 062617-04. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-04 Approval to Revise/Update the Employee Handbook with Suggested changes. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Brown seconded by Commissioner Andrews. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-05 UNANIMOUS WRITEN CONSENT RESOLUTIONS OF THE PARTNERS OF RIVER WEST SOUTH, LP C. Peterson stated as part of the financing that went into River West South, both an LLC and LP were formed. Ultimately, they both report back to the PHA. Legal has been Working for the past year and a half to get the LP, and LLC back in good standing, and this resolution is part of the process. The only action taken thus far is the filing of paperwork for reinstatement with the State of Illinois and the removal of The Kavanagh law firm as the registering agent. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding the resolution. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-05 Unanimous Written Consent Resolutions of the Partners of River West South, LP. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Brown seconded by Commissioner Andrews. 

Roll Call|:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-06 UNANIMOUS WRITEN CONSENT RESOLUTIONS OF THE PARTNERS OF RIVER WEST SOUTH, LLC C. Peterson stated the only difference with this resolution is that Brenda Coates was listed as the Registering Agent for the LLC. The resolution has been rectified to not have the individual Executive Director as Registering Agent for the LLC. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution # 062617-06. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-06 Unanimous Written Consent Resolutions of the Partners of River West South, LLC. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Fox. 

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion Carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-07 APPROVAL TO PARTICIPATE IN OPERATING RESERVE LITIGATION P. Bollinger stated this is a lawsuit previously filed on behalf of housing authorities across the U.S. to recapture reserves. The Peoria Housing Authority was not a participant in the first round of lawsuits. This is a resolution to approve PHA moving forward with entering a second lawsuit. PHA is requesting to expend $3K of nonfederal funds to participate in the second lawsuit, which include a $400 filing fee. The estimated amount of money damages PHA is eligible to receive based on Claims Court's January 18 decision is $719,142. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution # 062617-07. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution #062617-07 Approval to Participate in Operating Reserve Litigation. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Fox seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-08 APPROVAL TO REQUEST A 2-YEAR EXTENSION TO THE DESIGNATED HOUSING PLAN P. Bollinger stated in 2010 PHA received an approved Designated Housing Plan which permitted PHA to designate 185 units at Sterling Towers and 12 units at Harrison Homes Redevelopment to be designated as elderly. This approval expired in 2015. A request was made for a two year extension, which is now coming to end. This resolution is asking for an additional two year extension in order to maintain the units at Sterling Towers and Harrison Homes redevelopment as designated elderly. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution 062617-08. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-08 Approval to Request a 2-Year Extension to the Designated Housing Plan. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Andrews seconded by Commissioner Cannon.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-09 APPROVAL TO ASSIGN THE CONTINUUM OF CARE GRANT ILOO74L5TO71508 TO THE SOUTH SIDE OFFICE OF CONCERN P. Bollinger stated at last month's Board Meeting, approval was requested to assigning the CoC grant to the SSOC. The board did approve, however under the recommendation of legal Counsel, the official resolution was to be brought before the board this month to be recorded in a resolution form for our official documents. Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution # 062617-09. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-09 Approval to Assign the Continuum Care Grant IL0074K5TO71508 to the South Side Office of Concern. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

RESOLUTION # 062617-10 APPROVAL OF AWARD OF PROJECT BASED WOUCHERS P. Bollinger stated the resolution included in the Board Packet does have two typos. The corrections have been made to the official resolution for signature. Under Present Situation, Resolution #052217.04 should read #0552217-3. Last month the Board approved, under the PBV solicitation, to award 8 vouchers to ACCess Peoria, and 16 vouchers to Peoria Opportunity. The purpose of this resolution is to add an additional 8 units to ACCess Peoria proposal and another 5 to Peoria Opportunity. Last month's resolution was 24 units total. This month's resolution is 13, making a total of 27 vouchers in totality.

Chairman Fassino asked if there were any additional questions regarding Resolution # 062617-10. Hearing none, Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve Resolution # 062617-10 Approval of Award of Project Based Vouchers. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Childs seconded by Commissioner Andrews.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

TAFT HOMES RENTAL ASSISTANCE DEMONSTRATION (RAD) APPLICATION AND REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE C. Herrera stated the bond documents have been drafted and are currently under review by IHDA Counsel. The documents will be submitted to the IHDA Board by July 16. P. Bollinger stated he anticipated having the name for the Taft Redevelopment announced at next month's Board meeting.

OPEN ITEMS LIST: P. Bollinger reminded the Board members who have not yet completed their training, to please do so as soon as possible. P. Bollinger stated PHA continues to work with legal to confirm the approval for Harrison property tax exempt request.

Strategic Planning solicitation is with procurement for solicitation. A meeting with Commissioner Cannon and P. Bollinger will be scheduled to discuss housing Ex-Felons. The Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) includes required training for Board, and staff in regards to how Criminal activity is addressed. This training will be scheduled through PHA management.

AGENCY GOALS UPDATE: P. Bollinger stated all goals have been updated. In regards to B1, once the new HCV Supervisor is onboard, landlord roundtable meetings will be scheduled with the Community to increase the number of units in opportunity areas. The HCV Supervisor will also be completing HQS Enforcement from January 1 to current, as required by goal B3. A meeting is scheduled with Related Management, PHA Finance Committee, and a third party attorney to discuss the 15-year wind down process and identify possible options for PHA.

P. Bollinger noted due to an overzealous projection, the number of FSS graduates listed in E2 will be 6, instead Of 10.


P. Bollinger stated any outstanding items on the Recover Agreement are related to either physical or financial management scores, which will come out at the end of the year, or ongoing contract negotiations. A Conference call is being Scheduled with the City of Peoria, PHA, and HUD legal to finalize the language in Recovery Agreement for signature.

VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT (VCA): - P. Bollinger stated as previously mentioned, the VCA requires PHA provide training to all managers, employees, Board members, attorneys, and/or Contractors responsible for enforcing policies related to preoccupancy screening, Criminal backgrounds and arrests, eviction and the program terminations, and nuisance violations consistent with the Recipient's updated ACOP, Admin Plan, and rental lease agreement. P. Bollinger stated N. Krol will be contacting the Board to schedule time for the training. P. Bollinger stated there are no current deliverables from the VCA. Public Housing has completed their training on the ACOP, and HCV staff is currently in process of Completing the Administrative Plan training.

DISCUSS, CONSIDER and VOTE on IMPLEMENTATION of LAST, BEST AND FINAL OFFER TO AFSCME: P. Bollinger stated the document has been provided to the Board, requesting any additional questions the Board may have either in Open Session or Executive Session. Commissioner Brown stated she had questions she would like answered in Executive Session.


The board may adjourn to, or meet solely in, executive session for, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) - Collective negotiating matters.

Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to move into Executive Session. Motion moved by Commissioner Brown seconded by Commissioner Childs.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino Nay: None, motion carried.

Entered Executive Session at 5:35 p.m.

Adjourned Executive Session, Resume Regular Board Meeting 6:01 p.m. Chairman Fassino asked the members of the Community if anyone would like to make a statement before continuing with item F. Discuss, Consider and Vote on Implementation of Last, Best, and Final Offer. Chairman Fassino Called for a motion to approve the implementation of the Last, Best, and Final Offer to AFSCME, as presented. Motion to approve moved by Commissioner Childs seconded by Commissioner Andrews.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, AndreWS, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.


CEO REPORT: The new HCV Supervisor joins PHA on Friday, June 30, 2017. A conference Call is scheduled with HUD to diSCUSS the HCV ShOrtfall. PIC training was held for members of Public Housing and HCV staff to assist with understanding PIC errors, as well as assist staff with clean up of recertifications in the PIC system. Occupancy for the Public Housing program, excluding Taft, on 5/31/17 was at 97.23%. TARS, have decreased 3.77% to 4.10%. There is still no update on funding for Capital Funds, nor the award of the Safety and Security Grant. There has been Communication from the Field Office in regards to the Risk Review completed in March. Requests for additional procurement documentation related to two contracts have been made. During the monthly PHARS team Conference Call, concern was expressed regarding the Sterling Tower's roof and stairwell. Thermal imaging has been done to identify leaks, and a drone was used to view the exterior wall of the stairwell. MOD is researching to see if the roof is still under warranty.

K. Laviano is reaching out to HUD legal to obtain dates for a meeting with PHA and the City of Peoria to revise the language of the Recovery Agreement.

BOARD COMMENTS: Treasurer Fox stated the financials were reviewed in depth at the Audit and Finance Committee meeting, and there were no issues she felt necessary to share with the Board. Commissioner Andrews stated a virtual meeting Was held with Personnel Committee and B. Stone to discuss and approve the revised employee handbook. Commissioner Brown noted the positive Resident Safety Committee meetings held last month, and stated there will be additional meetings Scheduled for the future. P. Bollinger confirmed there were 4 resident meetings held with a total of 31 residents participating. Commissioner Cannon requested moving to Executive Session to discuss Personnel issues. Chairman Fassino requested P. Bollinger have his thoughts on the six month accomplishments at the July Board Meeting.

Chairman Fassino stated the City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2017 will recommend for the Council's consideration the replacement for Chairman Zika's seat on the PHA Board.


The board may adjourn to, or meet Solely in, executive session for 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) - the appointment, employment, Compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to move into Executive Session. Motion moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner BrOWn.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Moved to Executive Session at 6:11 p.m.


Chairman Fassino asked for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session and adjournment of the June Regular Board Meeting. Motion moved by Commissioner Cannon seconded by Commissioner Fox.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Commissioner's Fox, Cannon, Andrews, Brown, Childs, and Chairman Fassino

Nay: None, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:19 p.m.




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