
Peoria Standard

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Peoria School District 150 Board met June 30.

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Peoria School District 150 Board met June 30.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board convened in the Media Room at the Administration Building at 4:04 p.m. Board President Martha Ross called the meeting to order. The following members answered the roll call: Adler, Costic, Davison Avilés, Jackson, Ross, Shaw and Walther.

Closed Session - Moved by Adler, seconded by Shaw to adjourn into closed session to discuss: Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, Board dismissal of specific employees or legal Counsel Section 2(c) (1); Collective negotiating matters Section 2(c) (2); Litigation against, affecting or on behalf of the School District Section 2(c) (11); Purchase or lease of real property, setting of price for sale or lease of property Section 2 (c) (5)&(6); All yes. The Board went into closed session at 4:06 p.m.

Return to Open Session - The board returned to open session at 5:17 p.m.

Recognition Ofretiring Board Member - President Ross recognized Mrs. Costic and invited her to say her farewells.

Remarks by Mrs. M. Lynne Costic

This moment is bittersweet. I have had the wonderful opportunity to have served the students, staff and administration of Peoria Public school for the past almost 7 years. I entered this race with the intent of completing the term of Rachael Parker, however found in that time there was still much more work to be done in order to get this district where it needed to be and that was Successful in in all endeavors involving the students and decided to run for the seat that I had only intended to be short term.

Many changes have occurred over the past several years. Decisions were made that placed the BOE and PPS in an unfavorable light among some community members yet there were the times when we all rejoiced in our victories.

As a board member elected by the people to create, establish and uphold the policies of the School district there are so many responsibilities that are a part of this position and title. It is not an easy seat to occupy and definitely is not a think less one contrary to the belief of some. I took very seriously my role in which was elected by the families of the third district whether the dismissal of a staff or student, closings of schools in which the enrollment or other extenuating circumstances no longer made the building sustainable, exploring means in which to reduce our finances, providing programs for the students to prepare them for college or the work force, Community involvement, Collaborations, and partnerships with other businesses in the city who believe in this district and want success for the children who attend our school, I believe in this district.

I was not the board member who felt that every time I occupied this seat and looked out upon the audience felt the need to have to speak. I talk when the need to do so. It was not always necessary to speak just to have something to say in public session. I used my voice in the executive sessions where I had the opportunity to question and query, discuss and ponder. have never made a decision on any situation on the premise of pressure or persuasion. I am passionate about my beliefs and stand firm on them. I am not afraid to speak up or speak out as those around this horseshoe Can attest to.

I have enjoyed these years. I leave imploring this board to stand by and with a leader of this district who is Committed to these children who attend Peoria Public schools, families and the community. Do not become divided and farsighted of the premise in which you were elected. Do not lose sight of your oath, and become contrite and cynical. Respect the leadership of this board. Always remember this board is made of 7 members to form a 1 body, known as the PPS Board of Education. Always keep in the fore front the purpose in which you are occupying this seat. It's not about you.

| believe in this leadership and am committed to her vision for PPS whereas all children have an equal opportunity to receive an equal education, whether in preparation for college or preparation for the Workforce, I share in her beliefs.

Now just because I will no longer occupy a seat at this horseshoe, "DON"T GET ITTWISTED" will continue to be a voice for our children, my work is not complete, I will continue to work to ensure that the children of this community have solid, grounded early education in preparation to enter into PPS.

I am proud to have served on this board, and it has been an experience.

I wish each of you the best.

Thank you

Costic out

Remarks by Board Members

Mr. Shaw thanked Mrs. Costic for her critical thinking, patience and passion while sitting on the Board. He also thanked her for taking the time and helping him get started when he first came on the board.

Mr. Adler stated that he very much appreciated the thoughtful manner that you conduct yourself through your service as well as your willingness to stand up with the community you to stand in for someone else.

Mrs. Jackson shared that she appreciated Mrs. Costic and has learned a lot from her. She thanked her for the passion for kids. She stated that the board needed to keep her involved with all the knowledge she has to share. Mrs. Jackson shared that Mrs. Costic might not speak all of the time, but when she does speak people listened.

Mr. Walther noted that they had not had much time to work together over the last year but her admired her courage to make tough decisions a couple years ago and because of that the district is moving forward.

Dr. Davison Avilés thanked Mrs. CostiC.

Mrs. Ross stated that it has been really great working with Mrs. Costic. She mentioned that this is not farewell because she would probably be back due to her passion for children.

Presentations by Audience - Mrs. Ross announced that item #12 would be pulled from the Consent agenda and brought back at a later date for review and approval.

Terry Knapp expressed concern regarding action item #9. He stated that the district had not learned from experience and that we did not need people from California and Texas to do what can be done here. He stated that the district should be more responsible and recycle money in Peoria. Mr. Knapp stated that we should be spending our taxpayer dollars here.

Response to Audience Presentation - Dr. Kherat responded to Mr. Knapp making him aware that it is long overdue for the study and it would be done by a software and not people. She shared that this study is a follow-up from the school reconfigurations to ensure that students are going to school in their area and not too far from home.

Consent Agenda - President Ross mentioned that item #12 was being pulled from the consent agenda and would be brought back to a later meeting for review and approval. She then asked if there were any items on the Consent Agenda that a Board Member wished to have Considered separately. Dr. Davison Avilés requested that item #9, be pulled for a separate. Mrs. Ross called for a motion to approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda. Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education adopt the Consent Agenda.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Human Resources Report - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education approve the Human Resources Report as presented by the Administration.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Interimpayments - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education approve the School District's expenditure of funds to defray necessary and proper expenses and liabilities of the School District incurred for educational or operations or maintenance or transportation or site and construction purposes of the District for the Fiscal Year 2018, until which time the Annual Budget of the District is adopted in conformity with applicable sections of the Illinois School Code.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Illinois Schooldistrict Liquid Asset Fund - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the resolution be approved as presented.

June 30, 2017 School Board Proceedings

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution Authorizing Interfund transfers and Loans and Authority to Invest Funds - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the following resolution be approved as presented.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Tax Deductions - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the following resolution be approved as presented.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution Designating Depositories - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the following resolution designating depositories be approved.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Bond - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the following resolution be approved providing for a $15,000,000 Treasurer's Bond.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Prevailing Wage - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the resolution establishing prevailing Wage rates, in Compliance with Illinois Statutes, be adopted and that a copy of this resolution be filed with the Secretary of State and the Department of Labor by the Secretary of the Board of Education.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Re-Adoption of Existinghazard Boundaries - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education of City of Peoria School District 150 reaffirm established hazard boundaries as approved by IDOT and accepted by ISBE.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Declaration of Surplus Property and Authorize Disposition - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education approve the declaration of surplus property items listed on the accompanying attachment, and authorize its disposition through auction or other rear S.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Pay Increase-Superintendent Of Schools - Moved by Adler, seconded by Costic that the Board of Education approve a percentage increase of 5% for the 2017-2018 school year for the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat.

On roll call, 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Item Removed from Consent agenda for Separate Vote:

Boundary And Demographic Study - Moved by Adler, seconded by Jackson that the Board of Education approve a proposal that establishes a multi-year agreement with Davis

Demographics to study district boundary areas and make recommendations to better utilize current district buildings.

On roll call, 6 ayes (Adler, Costic, Jackson, Ross, Shaw and Walther) 1 nay, Davison Avilés. Motion carried.

Presentations and Suggestions by Board Members - Mr. Walther mentioned that he is not happy with the way Dr. Kherat's evaluation was done. He stated that he did not believe

it was done professionally. He express concern about the process, not the person.

Mrs. Ross stated that all of the board members received the evaluation information on June 6th and had an opportunity to sit down with Dr. Kherat with any of their questions/concerns.

Dr. Kherat introduced the new principal, Julie Deignan.

Julie Deignan thanked Dr. Kherat and the Board for the opportunity. She stated that her passion is with family and students and she looked forward to getting started.

Recognition Ofretiring Chief Legal Officer - Mr. Rick Rettberg

Remarks by Board Members

Mrs. Ross stated that she would like to thank Mr. Rettberg for being another valuable member of our team. She stated that she gave him a hard time but that was on purpose.

Mr. Shaw stated that it had been his pleasure to work with Mr. Rettberg on the Policy Committee. He wished him all the best with his retirement for him and his family.

Mr. Adler stated he appreciated working with him and also wished him an enjoyable retirement. He stated that he will not look forward to him giving an Expo Gardens report ever again.

Mrs. Costic stated that she enjoyed working with Mr. Rettberg. She thanked him for his service and diligence. She wished him well in his retirement.

Mrs. Jackson thanked Mr. Rettberg for all he had done.

Mr. Walther stated that he enjoyed working with Mr. Rettberg. He stated that they didn't always agreed but they agreed to disagree. He thanked him for all the good advice he has provided.

Dr. Davison Avilés wished Mr. Rettberg well. He thanked him for being honest and transparent.

Rick Rettberg thanked everyone. He stated that it had been an honor and privilege of working with this board and this district. Mr. Rettberg stated that the challenges they would face are many. He stated that it is important to work together, get to know one another and learn from each other and to not take anything personally. Mr. Rettberg encouraged the board to continue to have wonderful discussion around the horseshoe. He wished everyone good luck.

Adjournment Sine Die: 6:07 p.m. Adler moved that the Board adjourn sine die. Mrs. Jackson Seconded the motion.




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