Peoria County Operations Committee met Monday, Sept. 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
MEMBERS PRESENT: Thomas O'Neill - Chairman; Gregory Adamson, Rachael Parker, Kate Pastucha, Steven Rieker, Barry Robinson, Paul Rosenbohm, Williams Watkins, Jr.
OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Sorrel - County Administrator; Shauna Musselman - Assistant County Administrator; Larry Evans - State's Attorney's Office; Andrew Rand – County Board Chairman; Brian Elsasser, Sharon Williams – County Board Member; Angela Loftus - County Administration; Mark Little - Chief Information Officer; Nicole Demetreas - Treasurer; Dan O'Connell - Facilities; Brian Asbell, Doug Gaa - Sheriff's Office; Keith Braskich – Legal Counsel
Call to Order
Chairman O'Neill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the executive session minutes of February 27, 2017 and regular session minutes of July 24, 2017 was made by Mr. Rosenbohm and seconded by Mr. Watkins. The motion carried.
• New Hire & Vacancy Report
Mr. Sorrel advised that the report shows activity through August 31, 2017, with 192.5 FTEs occupied and 66.4 vacant FTEs, 59 of those funded.
Mr. Adamson asked for clarification on the current Maintenance Engineer positions. Mr. Sorrel commented that the Maintenance Engineer located at Heddington Oaks was subject to the recent layoffs, which left a vacant position at the nursing home, and a Maintenance Engineer was moved from the Sheriff’s Office to Heddington Oaks to provide coverage. He stated that there is currently one vacancy at the Jail and no vacancies at either the Courthouse or the nursing home. He also noted that all the positions are budgeted for and funded by the Facilities Department.
Ms. Pastucha asked how many of the vacancies are related to Heddington Oaks. Mr. Sorrel advised that 37 of the 59 funded positions are Heddington Oaks positions. Ms. Pastucha also inquired as to the issues with filling those vacancies. Mr. Sorrel commented that many of the clinical positions are driven by census, with less staff needed for the lower census. He also noted a nursing shortage within the community, which impacts the ability to grow the census. He stated that staffing and census should grow in concert and at a pace steady enough to attract qualified individuals for the positions and remain competitive in the market.
A motion to go into executive session to discuss Labor Relations was made by Mr. Watkins and seconded by Ms. Pastucha. The motion carried.
Regular session resumed upon a motion by Ms. Parker and second by Mr. Robinson.
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman O'Neill at 2:46 p.m