City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met October 18.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Public Works Committee met on October 18, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Present: Chairman Gould, Mayor White, Alderman Hughes, Alderman Sharp, City Engineer
Coulter, Superintendent Sutherland, Office Manager Passage
Also Present: Alderman Jenkins, Alderman Connor
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order.
Honorary Street Sign
Mayor White stated that Superintendent Sutherland said the estimated cost for a honorary street sign
Pole, and attachments would be $200.00. Mayor White asked if there were any changes the committee
would like to make to the new policy for honorary street signs. The committee discussed the cost of the
sign. The consensus of the committee was to have the Mayor prepare the policy as discussed.
Sidewalk Program Application
Office Manager Passage stated that no applications were submitted.
High Usage Waivers
Office Manager Passage presented two high usage waiver requests.
1. Brian Adler 234 Hazel Street. Superintendent Sutherland stated the public works employees who
profiled the meter stated that a faucet & shower was leaking. He tried to contact homeowner but there
was no answer. Following the practice of waiving 40% of the excess the amount to be considered would
be $3.18. The consensus of the committee was to waive the $3.18.
2. Phillip Clark 1121 McDowell. Superintendent Sutherland stated a pipe was found leaking and it did
not go through the system. Following the practice of waiving 40% of the excess the amount to be
considered would be $6.55. The consensus of the committee was to waive the $6.55.
Flushing of Fire Hydrants
Superintendent Sutherland reported that it was time to flush the fire hydrants. He stated that Brian
Cline had submitted a proposal to flush the hydrants at a cost of $2,640.00. He stated that this is a
budgeted item to be done each year. The consensus of the committee was to bring the proposal to the
city council for approval.
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he had one employee Jason Schrock that is a Public Works Labor
and he has more than 12 months service in that category and his qualified to be promoted to semiskilled
category. The consensus of the committee was to promote to semi skilled effective October 18, 2017.
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he has two employees, Zack Isreal and Trenton Turner that are
semi-skilled and recommend that they are qualified to be promoted to skilled category. The consensus
of the committee was to promote to skilled effective October 18, 2017
IAN Goldberg/Summer Camp
Mayor White advised the committee that he, Superintendent Sutherland and Road Commission Hulizier
met with Ian Goldberg to discuss making some gravel roadways at Three Sisters Park. There were five
road/paths that they would like graded and graveled. The estimated cost for all the road/paths to be
graded and graveled was $31,800.00. ($21,400 for gravel, $6,300 for city labor, $4,000 for township
labor) To do two of the road/paths it would cost $16,500 for gravel. The Mayor explained that the city’s
cost would be labor. He stated that he would be meeting with Three Sisters Park representatives and
Ian Goldberg to discuss the level of participation. A discussion was held regarding the city possibility
funding and additional $4,000.00, which would be the townships labor cost. The reason for this would
be that the township does not gain anything from the Summer Camp festival and the city gains sales tax
and entertainment tax. The consensus of the committee was to have the mayor meet with Three
sisters representatives and Ian Goldberg and report back to the committee.
City Hall Steps
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he obtained a proposal from Engrebrech Concrete to replace the
steps behind city hall. The cost was $5,000.00. A discussion was held. The consensus of the committee
was to wait until spring to make this repair.
Project Update
City Engineer Coulter stated that he had received an invoice for the crack sealing program from
Complete Ashpalt in the amount of $23, 200.00. This will be placed on the council agenda for approval.
Public Works Building
There was nothing to report at this time
Sidewalk Cloverdale Subdivision
Alderman Jenkins stated that Ms. Colgan is talking with the citizens in the subdivision and there is
nothing to report at this time.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:16 p.m.