
Peoria Standard

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Peoria County Budget Subcommittee and Executive Committee met November 28.

Webp meeting808

Peoria County Budget Subcommittee and Executive Committee met November 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

County Board Members Present: Andrew Rand – Executive Committee Chairman; James Fennell – Budget Subcommittee Chairman; Stephen Morris, Robert Baietto, Thomas O'neill, Steven Rieker, Phillip Salzer, Sharon Williams

Members Absent: James Dillon, Allen Mayer, Rachael Parker, Paul Rosenbohm

Staff Present: Scott Sorrel – County Administrator; Shauna Musselman – Assistant County Administrator; Larry Evans - State's Attorney's Office; Eric Dubrowski – Chief Financial Officer; Julie Ciesla – Finance; Angela Loftus – Asst. Director Of Human Resources; Karen Raithel – Sustainability & Resource Conservation; Steve Sonnemaker – County Clerk; Beth Derry – Regional Office Of Education; Dan O’connell – Facilities Director; Rena' Parker - Courts; Tom Bride – Election Commission; Monica Hendrickson – Health Department; Brian Asbell, Doug Gaa, Randy Brunner - Sheriff's Office; Dave Ryan – Supervisor Of Assessments; Mark Little – Chief Information Officer; Chris Kaergard – Pjs


Call to Order:

Chairman Fennell called the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

A motion to approve the Budget Subcommittee minutes of October 24, 2017 and November 9, 2017 and Executive Committee minutes of October 24, 2017 was made by Mr. O’Neill and seconded by Mr. Baietto. The motion carried.


Mr. Sorrel advised that the recommended budget for all funds for FY2018 has sources totaling $122,564,277.00 and expenditures of $126,677,192.00. He stated that the recommended tax rate remains unchanged from the current year. He stated that the General Fund budget as recommended totals $42,454,020.00, with expenditures of $42,121,983.00.

Mr. Sorrel advised that the Budget Subcommittee has one departmental budget to review, that of Debt Service. He advised that Debt Service revenues are recommended at $4,805,449.00 and expenditures total $4,806,153.00. He commented that this committee has oversight of 4% of both revenues and expenditures across all funds. He advised that this committee has no oversight of either revenues or expenditures within the General Fund. He advised that the Executive Committee revenues total $27.6 million (23% of total revenues) and expenditures total $8.1 million (6% of total expenditures). He stated that the committee has oversight of $27.13 million of General Fund revenues (64%) and $7.8 million in expenditures (18%).

A motion to approve the Debt Service Fund as recommended by the County Administrator was made by Mr. Salzer and seconded by Mr. Rieker. The motion to approve carried.

A motion to approve all Funds under the purview of the Executive Committee as recommended by the County Administrator was made by Mr. Fennell and seconded by Mr. O’Neill. The motion to approve carried.

A motion to approve Committee Changes was made by Mr. Rieker and seconded by Mr. O’Neill. Mr. Sorrel summarized the committee changes as follows:

Public Safety and Justice Committee

• Family Violence Coordinating County Fund – an increase in revenue and expenditure of $18,250.00 due to a grant received after the budget book was published

• PCAPS – an increase in expenditures of $10,000.00 for the spay/neuter program

Infrastructure Committee

• Motor Fuel Tax Fund – an increase in expenditures of $140,000.00 to be utilized for right-of- way acquisition related to the Dirksen Parkway project

Ways and Means

• County Election Commission – no net change; jurors expense being moved from Personnel to a new contractual line

• Regional Office of Education – recognizing transfer of 1 FTE to ROE grant funding

In total, the committee changes reflect a $12,750.00 decrease in revenues and a $162,020.00 increase in expenditures. Mr. Sorrel advised that he would research several questions broached by Mr. Rand regarding the PCAPS request.

The motion to approve carried unanimously.


• Springdale Cemetery

No report. No questions or comments from committee.

• CDAP/GAP/Macro/Other Loan Report

Ms. Ciesla advised that all loans are current. She noted that Hick'ry Stick payments are issued by the bankruptcy court, and not Hick'ry Stick directly. She stated that the latest payment was received in November. She stated that the Trefzger's and Quest loans are both current. She advised that there is currently $600,405.69 available to be loaned in the CDAP/GAP Loan Fund, and over $7 million dollars in cash and investments in the Keystone Fund, of which $2 million is available without liquidating assets.

• Heddington Oaks Financials

No report. No questions or comments from committee.

• Monthly Financial Report

Mr. Dubrowski advised that the report reflects figures for all funds through August 31, 2017. Revenues - Property Taxes across various funds have shown increases, largely due to a combination of EAV and tax increases in the VAC and Care & Treatment Board. He advised that Intergovernmental Revenues are up from last year’s numbers, Charges for Services and Fines are down. The largest issues affecting Charges for Services are Heddington Oaks patient income, court related revenue and construction cost reimbursements. General Fund revenues are down slightly from last year. Revenues in all funds are up $2.8 million over last year’s figure. Expenditures – Personnel expenses overall are up slightly; Commodities, Contractual and Capital are all down. General Fund expenditures show a $1.82 million decrease in spending in 2017. Expenditures in all funds are up $511,000.00 over last year’s figure.

Mr. Dubrowski advised that the current budget deficit stands at $6.15 million, with year-to-date actual at a $1.2 million deficit. He noted that the deficit was at $3.5 million at this same point last year.


• Rivers Edge Redevelopment Zone Property Tax Abatement Participation

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Baietto and seconded by Mr. Salzer. Mr. Sorrel advised that the Zone was established in 2013, and is similar in incentives to those offered in an Enterprise Zone. He commented that the City was under the mistaken impression that the County had adopted a resolution in the same timeframe as the City, and was participating. He stated that the Zone encompasses areas of downtown Peoria, including the Warehouse District.

Mr. Sorrel advised that there is one planned project which would have resulted in an abatement of $683.00 in property taxes for FY2018; however, statute requires that the resolution before the committee be filed with the County Clerk (upon adoption), on or before July 1st of each year in order to take effect the following tax year. Consequently, the resolution would be effective for the filing deadline of July 1, 2018 and would impact property taxes payable in 2019.

The motion to approve carried.

• County Auditor Referendum

A motion to approve was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by Mr. O’Neill. Mr. Sorrel advised that the resolution proposes placing the question of replacing the elected office of the Auditor with an appointed auditor on the March 20, 2018 General Primary Election ballot. He stated that should the County Board approve placing the question on the ballot, that an Ordinance be drafted creating the office, duties, and responsibilities and be made a component of educational materials utilized before the primary election. Mr. Sorrel commented that a primary aim of the conversion to an appointed office would be to professionalize the office, as the current elected position requires no professional qualifications. Mr. Salzer reiterated his position that the appointed individual reside in Peoria County. The motion to approve carried.

• Annual Authorization for Year End Transfers

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Baietto and seconded by Mr. O’Neill. The motion carried.

• Abatement of Bond Tax Levy – Series 2010A; 2010 B (partial); 2010F; and 2011 Bonds

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Salzer and seconded by Mr. Baietto. Mr. Sorrel advised that these bond series were originally issued as alternate revenue source bonds. He stated that if alternate revenues are insufficient, property taxes must be levied to make bond payments. He advised that the action being taken states that the County has adequate alternate revenues to make bond payments. The motion to approve carried.

• Approval of the Annual Tax Levy Ordinance

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Fennell and seconded by Ms. Williams. Mr. Sorrel advised that the levy increases slightly due to an increase in the assessed valuation. He stated that the property tax rate as recommended is 82.410¢ per $100.00 of assessed value. The motion carried.

• FY2018 Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance

A motion to approve was made by Mr. Baietto and seconded by Mr. O’Neill. The motion carried.

The following Standing Committee meetings were summarized by their respective Chairperson as follows:

Public Safety and Justice:

The following resolutions were recommended to the County Board for approval.

➢ Body Worn Camera (BWC) Grant Award and Participation

➢ Appointment of Thomas Kahn to the Peoria County Sheriff’s Merit Commission

➢ Approval and appropriation of FY17 grant funds from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the Children’s Advocacy Center

County Operations:

The following resolutions were recommended to the County Board for approval.

➢ Adoption of Peoria County Employee 2018 Health Plan Premium

➢ Excess Health Insurance

➢ Risk Management 3rd Party Administrator Services and Excess Insurance

➢ Revisions to Employee Health Plan

➢ FY2018 Authorized Staffing Count

Mr. Sorrel advised that the number of staff in departments that report directly to the County Administrator totals 307.4 FTEs, a reduction of 14.85 FTEs from FY2017.

Land Use:

The following was recommended to the County Board for approval.

Zoning Case:

➢ Case #051-17-U, Petition of Kevin & Michelle Windish

Mr. Sorrel advised that staff recommended denial of the Special Use, the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval, the Land Use Committee by a vote of 3-4 denied the Special Use request; however, created Findings of Fact which were approved by a vote of 5-2.


The following resolutions were recommended to the County Board for approval.

➢ Annual Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Appropriation

➢ Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Midwest Engineering

➢ Easement Agreements for IDOT Construction Project on Farmington Road

➢ Extension of 2015 Intergovernmental Agreement with Greater Peoria Mass Transit District

➢ Community Solar Lease

➢ 2018 Capital Improvement Budget and 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan

Ways and Means:

The following resolution was recommended to the County Board for approval.

➢ Monthly Delinquent Taxes

County Health:

No resolutions were recommended to the County Board for approval.

Budget Subcommittee:

No resolutions were recommended to the County Board for approval


The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Rand at 4:36 p.m.




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