
Peoria Standard

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police-Community Relations met January 11.

Webp meeting 11

City of Peoria Advisory Committee on Police-Community Relations met Jan. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

The regular scheduled meeting of the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations was held Thursday, January 11, 2018, in Room 404 at City Hall, 419 Fulton Street, Peoria, Illinois with proper notice posted. The chair, R. Ali, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

ROLL CALL - Present: Ali, Burnside, Jackson, King, Marion (designee for Mitchell), Moore, Sierra, Thomas, and Zagardo. Absent: Backes, Bailey-Green (resigned), Bastian, Draper (excused), Fogliano, Frank (excused), Mitchell (excused), Oest (excused), and Patterson. The chair acknowledged a quorum.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The chair, Ali, asked for a motion to approve the minutes; member Zagardo motioned to approve the December 14, 2017 minutes as presented; seconded by member Moore. Minutes were approved.

GENERAL POLICE UPDATE - L. Marion gave the Crime summary through November 2017 compared to 2016:

10 Homicide increase by 2 

263 Robberies.08% decrease 

1,037 Burglary (buildings) increased 4.6% 

2,088 Theft 8.6% decrease 

57 Sexual assaults 14.9% decrease

42 Arson decreased 20.8% decrease

483 Aggravated assault 2.3% increase

915 Burglary to motor vehicles 45.7% increase

312 Motor Vehicles theft (stolen) 52.2% increase

D. Jackson arrived at 5:36 p.m.

The end of year shooting stats for the City of Peoria through December 31, 2017: 71 shooting incidents with 83 victims; a negative decline compared to 2016 of 122 victims and 98 incidents.

L. King arrived at 5:45 p.m.


On a quarterly basis, L. Marion would provide an informational report on the number of complaints received by the police department.

The Town Hall Zip Code community meetings will resume when the weather breaks.

The new Complaint and Commendation Form and Complaint Brochure is posted on the City’s website www.peoriagov.org, in English and Spanish. Also the complaint brochures are available in the lobby of the Police Department, and there was discussion on ways and means to print hard copies and distribute to community organizations.


Member Burnside wanted to state for the record and make the committee aware he was tagged in a social media conversation between a citizen and a police officer that had racial overtone that was unprofessional and inappropriate.

Member Jackson would like the committee to be more involved in young people interaction with police officers especially late at night. He received complaints from young people who would meet in a group Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations Page 2 of 2 Thursday, January 11, 2018 - 5:30 p.m. of two or more, notwithstanding the fact that they were not doing anything wrong, and the police would stop and questioned them as to why they are there, what they are doing there, etc., and eventually lead into confrontation and the young person/people would be arrested and end up with a police record.

He stated the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations was formed for citizens to attend the meetings to explain their experience with police and to have open discussions.

The chair encouraged Mr. Jackson to invite the young man/men to the committee’s meetings to hear their stories. She also said people have these incidents and feel like they’re being harassed, but they never get it on record.

Mr. Jackson stated he would ask the young men to come to the meeting.

Mr. Jackson informed that the committee needs to make itself more known to the community. He had told the young men about the Advisory Committee on Police Community Relations and they were unaware of its existence and purpose.

The chair referred back to member Burnside’s want to state for the record and asked him to announce the name of the officer for public record. Member Burnside said and spelled the last name Laymen.


Chris Coleman, a concern citizen, commented on member Burnside social media incident and the relationship between the community and police.

Jeffrey Alexander, a concern citizen, also commented on the social media incident and the relationship between the community and police.

Rose Collins, a concern citizen, inquired about ShotSpotter and her pros and cons relationship with police.

ADJOURNMENT – Member S. Savino motioned to adjourn the January 11, 2018 regular meeting; seconded by member T. Burnside. Motion approved and carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
