Peoria County Board met March 8.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call by the County Clerk
I. Approval of Minutes
• Approval of February 8, 2018 County Board Meeting Minutes
II. Proclamations and Presentations
• A proclamation recognizing April and May 2018 as "Gerald M. Brookhart Arts in Education Spring Celebration" months
III. Citizens' Remarks
(To address the County Board, fill out a card and submit it to the Chairman before the Board Meeting.)
IV. Consent Agenda
C1. The Treasurer report consisting of the Bank and CD's Portfolio for the
month of January 2018 and Revenue & Expenditure Reports for the
month of December 2017.
C2. The Auditor's report of expenditures from Accounts Payable system is
accessible at
C3. A resolution (items 1 – 2 conveyances; items 3 – 7 defaulted
conveyances) from the Ways and Means Committee recommending that
the County Board Chairman be authorized and directed to execute deed
of said property to the highest bidder, and be authorized to cancel the
appropriate Certificates of Purchase. This resolution shall be effective
ninety days from March 8, 2018 and any transaction between the parties
involved not occurring within this period shall be null and void.
C4. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee
recommending approval to establish the Peoria City/County Health
Department as the Emergency Management Agency designee for the
County of Peoria, Illinois.
C5. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee
recommending approval renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement
between Peoria County and Greater Peoria Airport Authority, providing
dedicated police services, effective March 1, 2018 to February 28, 2022.
C6. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee
recommending approval of an appropriation into FY 2018 Emergency
Management Agency budget of unspent FY 2017 funds in the amount of
$10,000.00 for the purchase of weather spotter radios.
C7. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee
recommending approval of an appropriation into FY 2018 C.O.P.S.
budget of unspent FY 2017 grant funds in the amount of $14,250.00 for
the purchase of a message sign.
C8. A resolution from your Land Use Committee recommending approval of
amendments to Chapter 12, Building and Property Maintenance Code, of
the Peoria County Code.
C9. A resolution from your County Operations Committee recommending
approval of an appropriation in the Risk Management Fund in the
amount of $260,000.00 to cover unanticipated liability expenses.
C10. A resolution from your County Health Committee recommending
approval to one (1) year contract extension agreement with nurse
staffing agencies for RN, LPN and CNA positions at Heddington Oaks.
C11. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending
approval of an FY 2018 Capital Projects appropriation for the initial
study of the Fire Alarm System (FAS) Study Project, in an amount not to
exceed $40,000.00.
C12. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending
approval of the adoption of a Qualification Based Selection Process for
Procurement of Professional Services for Peoria County Highway
Department transportation related projects.
C13. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending
approval of a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with Mohr &
Kerr Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C., Peoria, IL, for the provision
of various Land Surveying Services.
C14. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending
approval of the appropriation of County Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the
amount of $30,000.00 for the provision of various land surveying
C15. A resolution from your Infrastructure Committee recommending
approval of the lowest responsible bid of Phoenix Corporation of the
Quad Cities, Port Byron, IL, in the amount of $135,488.00, for the
provision of road erosion repair on Hallock Hollow Road.
C16. Chairman Appointments
V. Zoning Ordinance and Resolutions
1. Case 002-18-U, Petition of Jason Bird (James & Debra Bird, owners).
A Special Use as required in Section of the Unified Development
Ordinance. This section allows for a special use when a proposed land split
does not meet the 40 acre minimum lot size in the A-1 Agricultural
Preservation Zoning District. The petitioner proposes to divide 21 acres from
an existing 76.84 acre parcel in order to construct a single family dwelling.
The parcel is located in Millbrook Township. The Zoning Board of Appeals
recommends approval. The Land Use Committee concurs.
2. Case 006-18-Z, Petition of Kimberly Irwin (Theodore Arndt, owner). A
Rezoning request from “C-1” Neighborhood Commercial to “C-2” General
Commercial. The petitioner proposes to rezone this parcel in order to operate
a tavern. The parcel is located in Medina Township. The Zoning Board of
Appeals recommends approval. The Land Use Committee concurs.
3. Case 007-18-U, Petition of Kimberly Irwin (Theodore Arndt, owner). A Special
Use as required in Section 20- of the Unified Development
Ordinance, which allows for a Tavern, not exceeding a floor area of five
thousand (5,00) square feet, if located closer than five hundred (500) feet
from any residential district, religious institution or school in the “C-2”
General Commercial Zoning District. The petitioner proposes to operate a
tavern located immediately adjacent to a residential district. This parcel is
located in Medina Township. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends
approval with restriction. The Land Use Committee concurs.
4. A resolution from your Public Safety and Justice Committee recommending
approval of the creation of a Body Worn Camera Program through a joint
Grant Award with the Peoria City Police Department and other participating
5. A recommendation from your Executive Committee authorizing execution of
Amendment #1 to the Peoria Rural Enterprise Zone Designating Ordinance.
6. A resolution your Executive Committee recommending approval of an
Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Peoria for the purpose of
reconstructing the Willow Knolls Road and Allen Road intersection.
7. Executive Session – Pending Litigation
VI. Miscellaneous and Announcements
VII. Adjournment