Village of Germantown Hills Board met April 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Minutes Approval
a. March 15, 2018 Village Board Meeting
3. Public Comments on Any Action Item on the Agenda
4. Public Comments on Any Non-Action items
5. Current Agenda Items
a. Approval of a park improvement at J.R. White Park
b. Approval of the 3rd Amendment Garbage Agreement
c. Approval of an Ordinance on the Woodford County Police Contract Agreement
d. Discussion and approval of an Ordinance amending the Germantown Hills Village Code, Village of Germantown Hills, Illinois regarding sign regulations
e. Approval on the hiring of a summer employee
f. Discussion on the possibility of purchasing property in Germantown Hills
g. Approval of An Ordinance authorizing the sale of equipment no longer necessary or useful to the Village of Germantown Hills
h. Approval of contractor’s application for payment for the WWTP #1 Peak Flow Control Phase 1
i. Approval on vehicle purchases
j. Approval of the Resolution of Maintenance for the 2018 MFT Program
k. Update on the Holland Road Right Turn Lane
l. Approval on the employee compensation for FY 18-19
6. Ongoing Agenda Items
a. Discussion and approval of a lease agreement for the cable tower property
7. Presentation of Bills
a. General-$38,487.91
b. Sewer-$18,307.49
c. Audit-None
d. MFT-None
8. Chairman Reports of Standing Committees
a. Finance – Amy Pace
b. Streets/Equipment – Todd Rice
c. Personnel –Julia Miller
d. Police – Marty Clinch
e. Parks – Julia Miller
f. Sewer – Brian Wysocki
g. Storm Water-Jim O'Laughlin
h. Economic Development Council-Marty Clinch/Ann Sasso, Director
9. Reports of Special Committees
10. Reports of Officers
a. Zoning Officer
b. Village Clerk/Village Administrator
c. Superintendent of Public Works
d. Village Attorney
e. Village President
11. Communications to the Board
12. Adjournment-Next meeting: May 10, 2018