
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board met January 22.

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Canton Union School District 66 Board met January 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Board Vice-President Jane Lewis called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the boardroom at the Canton School District Administration Building.

2. Roll Call

Board members present and answering roll call were Lori Coleman, Matt Kees, Jane Lewis, Tom Snowman, and Mark Tarter. Absent were board members Leonard Barnard and Ben Bishop.

3. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

Board Vice-President Lewis led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Moment Of Silence In Memory Of Retired Teacher Cheryl Smith

A moment of silence was held in memory of retired District #66 teacher Cheryl Smith.

4. Amendments To The Agenda

Agenda Item 11-C was removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration following closed session.

Tarter moved to move Agenda Item 11-C for consideration following closed session. Coleman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Coleman, Kees, Lewis, and Snowman. Motion carried.

5. Good News Items

A. Graham Health Systems’ $10,000 Donation for STEM Lab

Graham Hospital donated $10,000 for renovation of the bio-medical STEM lab at Canton High School. Additionally, Graham Hospital is drafting a scholarship program linked to commitment from the students to work at Graham for a specified period of time.

B. Additional Good News Items

Additional Good News Items presented: 1) Mr. Little Giant Pageant is scheduled for February 2, 2018; 2) CHS students of Graphic Arts teacher Laura Anderson provided an overview to the Board on their business models created in their Mobilemakersedu and Incubatoredu classes at the high school; 3) After-prom activities are returning this year to CHS; community sponsors are donating prizes to be raffled to students; 4) On-line course selection for CHS opens this week; 5) The Canton FFA Pancake and Sausage Supper is this Friday at Canton High School; 6) The CHS Wrestling Team took second overall at the recent Mid-Illini Conference Varsity Wrestling Tournament hosted by Canton on January 20, 2018; 7) CHS students scored strong in the subjects of Math and Science at the Scholastic Bowl; 8) Athletic Senior Nights and All-Conference Awards are approaching; 9) Ingersoll M.S. teacher Ashley McKown received a MAC grant in the amount of $500. The grant has been designated for STEM breakout boxes; 10) The middle school volleyball team is carrying a 5 and 0 season; 11) Lincoln library is being redesigned to a ‘centers’ concept; Valentine activities are being planned by the Student Leadership Team, and the Lincoln School Supporters will again host the annual Valentine’s Dance on February 9; 12) First Baptist Church donated consumables for Makerspace areas at Eastview and donations have been received for the sensory room; Eastview PBIS has been well received; 13) Westview’s Professional Learning networking continues with other school districts. The 21st Century Grant will provide books for kindergarten and first grade students. Lab renovations are taking place for the Makerspace lab; and 14) Donations received from the Jim Rogers Fundraiser have been presented to the Canton Schools. The District #66 elementary schools, middle school, and high school will each receive $1000.

6. Recognition Of Audience Requests To Address Board Of Education

There were no audience requests to address the Board of Education.

7. Consent Agenda – Consider Approval Of All Items Noted (*) As Included On The Consent Agenda

Board member Lewis moved to approve the Consent Agenda as revised. Board member Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Tarter, Coleman, Kees, and Snowman. Motion carried.

*8. Minutes

A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, December 18, 2017

B. Minutes of the Closed Session, December 18, 2017

C. Minutes of the Closed Session, November 11, 2017

D. Minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting, January 4, 2018

The minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on December 18, 2017; minutes of the closed session on December 18, 2017; minutes of the closed session on November 11, 2017; and the minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee meeting on January 4, 2018 were approved as presented on the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*9. Financial Activity

A. Consider Payment of Bills and Payroll

The January 2018 and payroll were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Treasurer’s Report

The December 2017 Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy provided a comparison of fund balances as compared to last October. An increase was reflected balance in the Education Fund and Transportation Fund as compared to last year; the Operations and Maintenance Fund showed a decrease as compared to last year at this time; and the Working Cash fund was steady compared to last year. (On File)

C. Quarterly Activity Accounts Reports

The reports on the Quarterly Activity Accounts for the District 66 schools were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*10. Personnel

A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignations

1. Family Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective Beginning January 17, 2018 for Approximately Six Weeks

2. Resignation, Krista Smith, First Grade Teacher, Westview Elementary School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 School Year

3. Medical Leave of Absence, Licensed Staff Member, Effective through the end of the 2017-2018 School Year

4. Retirement, Dianna Harper, Paraprofessional, Westview Elementary School, Effective the end of the 2017-2018 School Year

A family medical leave of absence for a licensed staff member (effective beginning January 17, 2018 for approximately six weeks) and the medical leave for a licensed staff member (effective through the end of the 2017-2018 school year) were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

The resignation of Krista Smith, first grade teacher at Westview Elementary School, effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year and the retirement of Dianna Harper, paraprofessional at Westview Elementary School, effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

B. Employment

1. Brett Brown, Job Coach, Canton High School, Effective December 4, 2017

The employment of Brett Brown for the position of Job Coach at Canton High School, effective December 4, 2017, was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

C Transfers

1. Transfer of Ryan Mayhew from Special Education Teacher at Ingersoll Middle School to Special Education Teacher at Westview Elementary School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Enclosure)

2. Transfer of Kristy Hobby from Special Education Teacher at Westview Elementary School to Special Education Teacher at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year (Enclosure)

The transfer of Ryan Mayhew from Special Education Teacher at Ingersoll Middle School to Special Education Teacher at Westview Elementary School, effective beginning the 2018-2019 school year and the transfer of Kristy Hobby from Special Education Teacher at Westview Elementary School to Special Education Teacher at Ingersoll Middle School, effective beginning the 2018- 2019 school year were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

D. Extracurricular

1. Employment, Stacie Randall, Detention Supervisor, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective January 23, 2018

The employment of Stacie Randall for the extracurricular position of Detention Supervisor at Ingersoll Middle School, effective January 23, 2018 was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

11. Action

*A. Consider Approval of Destruction of Audio Recording of June 20, 2016

The Board gave approval for destruction of the audio recording of June 20, 2016 as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*B. Consider Approval of Letter of Intent to Return to Work from Amanda Jochums, Licensed Staff Member, Effective Beginning the 2018-2019 School Year

The Board approved the Letter of Intent to Return to Work from Amanda Jochums, licensed staff member, effective beginning the 2018-2019 school year, as presented under the Consent Agenda. (On File)

*C. Consider Approval of Implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy (Therapy Dog) in Classrooms at Eastview Elementary School and Westview Elementary School

Item 11-C was removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration. Following closed session, action on the item was tabled.

*D. Consider Approval of Amended 2017-2018 Official School Calendar

The Board approved the Amended 2017-2018 Official School Calendar as presented under the Consent Agenda. (Attached)

E. Consider Approval of Transportation Policy and Procedures

Board member Tarter moved to approve the Transportation Policy and Procedures as presented. Snowman seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Tarter, Snowman, Coleman, Kees, and Lewis. Motion carried. (On File)

F. Consider Approval of Treasurer’s Health/Life Safety Surety Bond in the Amount of 1.2 Million Dollars

Board member Snowman moved to approve the Treasurer’s Health/Life Safety Bond in the amount of $1.2 m as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Snowman, Kees, Coleman, Tarter, and Lewis. Motion carried. (On File)

G. Consider Approval of Fuel Bid from Sunrise FS at the Rates of Diesel Fuel #2 for $2.43 and Gasoline for $2.10 a Gallon

Recommendation was made to accept the low bid from Sunrise FS for fuel at the rates of diesel fuel #2 for $2.43 and gasoline for $2.10 a gallon. A 1000-gallon gasoline tank will be installed at the bus garage. Consideration will be given to including bio-diesel in next year’s fuel bids.

Board member Kees moved to approve the fuel bid from Sunrise FS at the rates of Diesel Fuel #2 for $2.43 and Gasoline for $2.10 a gallon as presented. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Kees, Tarter, Coleman, Snowman, and Lewis. Motion carried. (On File)

H. Consider Approval of Running Start Partnership Between Canton High School and Spoon River College

The Canton High School handbook has been vetted by SRC and information on the duel credit partnership will be provided to parents at the upcoming 2018-2019 Parent Night for incoming Freshmen on February 12, 2018 and on the District’s Facebook page.

Board member Coleman moved to approve the Running Start partnership between Canton high School and Spoon River College as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Kees, Snowman, Tarter, and Lewis. Motion carried. (On File)

12. Reports

There were no reports on the January 22, 2018 regular board meeting agenda.

13. Discussion Items

A. Discuss Revisions to New and Revised Board Policies [PRESS Plus Pkt. #96] – 1st Reading:

2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

4:15, Identity Protection

4:110, Transportation

4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs

4:170, Safety

5:20, Workplace harassment Prohibited

5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:100, Staff Development Program

5:200, Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:220, Substitute Teachers

5:240, Suspension

5:290, Employment Termination and Suspensions

6:50, School Wellness – Rewritten

6:60, Curriculum Content

6:150, Home and Hospital Instruction

6:310, High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students

6:340, Student Testing and Assessment Program

7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities

7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:70, Attendance and Truancy

7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:190, Student Behavior

7:250, Student Support Services

7:260, Exemption from Physical Education

7:276, Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment

7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:340, Student Records

First reading was given to the recommendations of the Board Policy Governance Committee on new and revised board policies received from IASB Policy Services (PRESS Plus Pkt. #96). Second reading and action to approve will be given at the February 21, 2018 regular meeting of the Board of Education. (On File)

14. Information Items

A. IASB Western Division Spring Dinner Meeting, Monmouth-Roseville CUSD 238, Thursday, March 1, 2018

Board members were reminded of the IASB Western Division Spring Dinner Meeting, scheduled for March 1, 2018 at Monmouth-Roseville CUSD 238. Board members who plan to attend should contact board clerk Janet Werry so the necessary reservations can be made. (On File)

B. Freedom of Information Request from SmartProcure, Stephen Chichelli, Data Acquisition Specialist, Received January 8, 2018; Response Sent January 9, 2018

A Freedom of Information request, received from Stephen Chichilli, SmartProcure Data Acquisition Specialist, was responded to in the timeline required by law. (On File)

15. Future Agenda Items

A. Yearly Planning Calendar

No events were presented for inclusion on the Yearly Planning Calendar.

16. Closed Session

A. Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed for Semi-Annual Review as Mandated by Section 2.06 [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)] (Board Enclosure)

B. Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the District – [5 IlCS 120/2(c)(1)] (Board Enclosure)

C. Discuss the Placement of Individual Students in Special Education Programs and Other Matters Relating to Individual Students – [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10)]

Board member Coleman moved to enter closed session to conduct a semi-annual review of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, as mandated by Section 2.06 [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)]; to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)] and to discuss the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9 & 10)]. Board member Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Coleman, Tarter, Kees, Lewis, and Snowman. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 7:37 PM. The Board returned to open session at 8:18 pm.

17. Action Item

A. Consider Maintaining Closed Session Minutes from June 2017 through November 2017 in Confidential Status

Board member Lewis moved to approve the Resolution maintaining confidential status for specific closed session minutes as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Kees, Coleman, Snowman, and Tarter. Motion carried. Attachment)

B. Consider Possible Approval of a Separation Agreement with an Educational Support Personnel Employee of the District

Board member Lewis moved to approve the Separation Agreement with an Educational Support Personnel (ESP) employee of the District as presented. Kees seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Kees, Coleman, Snowman, and Tarter. Motion carried. (On File)

18. Adjourn

Board member Lewis moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Tarter seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Lewis, Tarter, Coleman, Kes, and Snowman. Motion carried.

Board Vice-President Jane Lewis declared the regular meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.




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