Village of Brimfield Board of Trustees met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Village of Brimfield Board of Trustees meeting was called to order on Monday April 2, 2018, at 7:00 pm by President Fishel with roll call attendance: A. Porter-present, Meinderspresent, Gilles-present, Arbogast-present, Dye-present, and B. Porter-present. Village Attorney Johnson and Clerk Johnson were also present.
The minutes of the March 5, 2018 regular meeting were presented for approval. Arbogast made the motion, Dye seconded, and the motion carried 6 to 0.
The March 2018 Treasurer’s Report was presented for filing. Dye made the motion, seconded by Arbogast to approve the treasurer’s report motion carried 6 to 0.
The March 2018 bills were presented for payment with a motion by B. Porter seconded by Gilles.
Roll call vote: A. Porter-yes Meinders-yes Gilles-yes, B. Porter-yes, Dye-yes, Arbogast-yes.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
Old Business- None
New Business:
Carroll Carroll, President of the Brimfield Historical Society requested permission for a bronze plaque to be located near the Guyer Log Cabin. It would be mounted on a boulder/stand and placed on a 4 foot concrete pad. All costs are being donated. Dye made the motion to accept the donation and approve the plaque and placement. B. Porter seconded, motion approved 6 to 0.
Jeremy Helms of the Brimfield Area Men’s Club thanked the Board for the donation of funds to help cover the costs of additional police coverage for the Brimfield Old Settler’s Days. He also informed the Board that the BAMC received donations upon the death of Village resident Randy Kingdon and they would like to use them to add/make upgrades to the Village Park. They have received approximately $11,000 and would like to know if the Village would be willing to donate funds to this project. It was noted that there is money budgeted for park improvements, the line item is $20,000. President Fishel stated that he would be comfortable using half of that, ($10,000) to help with the project. The Board was in agreement and asked the BAMC to bring back a couple of proposals for the Board to consider before making an official vote.
Water repairs-The Village is continuing to work with the engineers to arrive at more definite figures and direction.
The bathrooms at the park are open daily as of April 4th.
B. Porter made the motion, seconded by A. Porter to approve the compliance hearings with shut offs as needed. Motion carried 6 to 0.
Having no further business, President Fishel asked for a motion to adjourn. B. Porter made the motion seconded by Arbogast. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.