City of Lewistown City Council met August 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Elmer Littlefield called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Clark, Kelley, Foxall, Burget, Spotloe and Mayor Elmer Littlefield. Also present: Wendy Martin from the Fulton Democrat, City Treasurer Debbie Brown, City Administrator Amanda Woodruff, City Clerk Cindy Goddard, Chief of Police John Werland, Public Works Director Gary Shawgo, Lisa Ramey, Kim Pascal, and Nick Halbert. Absent: Alderman Roger Weese.
Declaration of Quorum by Mayor Elmer Littlefield
City Clerk Give Oath of Office to Alderman John Foxall -
Clerks Report/Minutes: Cindy Goddard.
Alderman Kelley made a motion to approve the minutes of August 14, 2018, second by
Alderman Spotloe roll call vote, the motion carried all ayes.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Brown. Debbie has nothing new to report. Aldermen had the annual treasurer report ending April 30, 2018. Alderman Spotloe made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, second by Alderman Burget roll call vote, the motion carried all ayes.
Alderman Burget made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderman Spotloe roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.
Public Comments and Petitions: None
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Nathan Collins. No attorney present.
Engineer’s Report: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present.
Committee Reports:
Finance – Alderman Clark: Nothing to report.
Sewer – Alderman Burget: Nothing to report.
Street & Alley – Alderman Foxall: Nothing at this time Alderman Clark asked about Main Street patching. According to Mayor Littlefield next year IDOT will repave from STOP lights to Little America, hopefully the patching will be fixed better at that time.
Police/ESDA – Alderman Spotloe: When Tornado sirens went off only the central siren went off, North and South sirens did not. Chief Werland said the two newest officers graduated and are now in field training. “Stop the Bleeding” class was at Visitors Center (Aug. 28), first responders and the fire department attended.
Water – Alderman Weese: Absent
Utilities/Publications – Alderman Kelley: Nothing to report.
Buildings and Grounds – Alderman Kelley: Nothing to report.
Tourism – Mayor Littlefield: Nothing to report. Amanda Woodruff said the Annual Scare Crow contest is coming up, the scarecrows are due on September 27, music in park is done for the season it was a bid success.
The ILLINOIS EPA is extremely pleased, a big difference with water and sewer, no write ups at this time.
Old Business: None
New Business:
A. Discuss/Approve Ramey Sewer TAP Application – Lisa Ramey was told she needs to fill out an application stating what is going to be put on the lot. Rumor is a camper, which is against ordinance to put a camper in city limits. Mayor suggested get a camera to locate the sewer line. The hole was filled in by Ms. Ramey’s sons after the house burned down and this must have covered up the sewer line. Someone on Broadway complaining about sewer filling up with dirt. That sewer was dug up and jetted today per Gary Shawgo. The sewer line on Ramey’s property needs to be capped off to prevent dirt filling the line. Table at this time.
B. Discuss/Approve Halbert 103 Milton Apt. TIF Application - Mr. Halbert is putting in high efficiency furnaces to make more efficient and cost less for the renters. He presented estimates from Menards and Spoon River Mechanical. The total cost of project $9,720.79 for Apartment 103. Alderman Spotloe made a motion for a $5,000.00 grant, second by Alderman Burget, roll call vote motion carried all ayes.
C. Discuss/Approve Repair Quote for Vac Truck – Gary Shawgo explained, “V” Screen. Alderman Burget asked about life span of the truck, Gary said it runs perfect and is in good shape for the age. Alderman Spotloe made a motion to accept the quote by CoeEquipment of $500.33 to repair the Vac Truck, second by Alderman Burget, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
Alderman Burget made a motion to adjourn at 7:12 p.m.; Seconded by Alderman Clark motion carried all ayes.