City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met October 3.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Public Works Committee met on October 3, 2018, at 4:30 p.m., in the council chambers at city hall.
Present: Chairman Gould, Alderman Hughes, Alderman Sharp, Alderman Jenkins, Alderman Braun, Mayor White, Superintendent Sutherland, City Engineer Coulter, Office Manager Passage
Chairman Gould called the meeting to order
Budget Review
Office Manager Passage presented the September budget. The committee reviewed the budgets for the Road & Bridge Fund, Motor Fuel Tax Fund, and the Water/Sewer Fund.
Sidewalk Program Applications
No applications were submitted
High Usage Waiver
Office Manager Passage presented a high usage waiver request from Rita Hartley for David McCartney, 621 A Truitt. There was high usage for the months of July to August and August to September. Superintendent Sutherland investigated and could not determine where the usage was used. He advised the care taker of the property to replace the parts in the stool as a precaution. A discussion was held and the consensus of the committee was to waive $37.06 from the account.
Alley Vacation
Office Manager Passage stated that the vacation plat has been completed and the attorney has drafted the ordinance to vacate the portion of the alley behind 721Third. The consensus of the committee was to present the ordinance to vacate the alley to the city council for approval.
Sharrows – Bradley Avenue
The City Engineer reported that an estimate has been provided in the amount of $1650 to paint sharrows on Bradley Ave between Cloverdale and Sycamore Street. The Engineer noted that since most of the length has shoulder, a bike path symbol could be used in those areas, spaced at 250 foot intervals. The length north of Cloverdale Road on the west side would have sharrows painted in the lane.
Superintendent Sutherland stated that he believes the cost to stripe Bradley Ave. and Cloverdale was under what was approved and there would be no additional outlay of money. The committee agreed and will recommended approval of the cost and method at the next council meeting.
Tires – Truck 23
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that the tires need to be replaced on Truck 23. He presented a proposal from Beau Tire in the amount of $1,260.00. This cost would be split between the water/sewer fund and road & bridge fund. The consensus of the committee was to present the proposal for approval at the council meeting Oct. 8, 2018.
Project Update
Engineer Coulter stated that he has nothing to report.
Old Business
EPA MS4 Storm Water Permit – nothing to report at this time this agenda item may Be removed from old business
Eagle Landing Dock Replacement/Repair – Dock should be installed in a couple of weeks This agenda item may be removed from old business
Birren Property – The interested party has stated that he does not have the funds to purchase this property. Recommendation is to leave property as is at this time or until there is a need to move forward. This agenda item may be removed from old business.
Council Agenda Items – Ordinance Alley Vacation behind 721 Third
Purchase Tires – Truck 23
Sharrows – Bradley Avenue
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at