City of Lewistown City Council met September 11.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The Lewistown City Council met in regular session in the council chambers. Mayor Elmer Littlefield called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Aldermen Clark, Kelley, Burget, Foxall, Spotloe and Mayor Elmer Littlefield. Also present: Wendy Martin from the Fulton Democrat, Larry Eskridge from Canton Daily Ledger, City Treasurer Debbie Brown, City Administrator Amanda Woodruff, City Clerk Cindy Goddard, Chief of Police John Werland, Public Works Director Gary Shawgo, City Attorney Nathan Collins, and Kim Pascal
Absent: Alderman Weese.
Declaration of Quorum by Mayor Elmer Littlefield
Clerks Report/Minutes: Cindy Goddard.
Alderman Burget made a motion to approve the minutes of August 28, 2018, second by Alderman Clark roll call vote, the motion carried all ayes.
Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Brown. Debbie has nothing new to report. Aldermen have treasurer’s report for August. Alderman Clark made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, second by Alderman Burget roll call vote, the motion carried all ayes.
Alderman Burget made a motion to approve all bills properly endorsed; Seconded by Alderman Foxall roll call vote, the motion carried with all ayes.
Public Comments and Petitions: None
Attorney’s Report: Attorney Nathan Collins. Nothing at this time.
Engineer’s Report: Keith Plavec. No Engineer present, but Gary Shawgo is here, manhole and sewer caved by the Fulton County Courthouse seam like everything from the inmates goes in sewer. In a meeting with county board it was decided it is the cities responsibility to fix it. One option is grinder; Canton charges the correctional center an estimate of $60,000.00 each year to keep theirs sewer open. Gary said there are two more breaks, one down Adams and the other in the tunnel. The tunnel was used to hold a pipe that furnished heat to the courthouse from the jail, prisoners never went back and forth in it, only about 5 foot in diameter. The tunnel is going to be filled in after the breaks are fixed because it is a liability. Also a 2-4 inch pipe is going to be installed for future use. Gas Company is filming all sewer lines at this time, going to give the films to Keith Plavic to look at and he will send in to get grants next year to fix the bad spots in the sewer. The City is looking at raising the sewer rates.
Committee Reports:
Finance – Alderman Clark: Nothing to report.
Sewer – Alderman Burget: Nothing to report.
Street & Alley – Alderman Foxall: Nothing to report.
Police/ESDA – Alderman Spotloe: Nothing to report.
Water – Alderman Weese: Nothing to report. Absent.
Utilities/Publications – Alderman Kelley: Nothing to report.
Buildings and Grounds – Alderman Kelley: Nothing to report.
Tourism – Mayor Littlefield: Homecoming on Friday the 14th and scarecrow contest starting, kids Halloween party at the Visitors Center on October 20th.
September 18 paper work will be available for anyone that wants to run for Alderman, and due December 17.
Old Business: None
New Business:
A. Discuss/Approve Halbert 103 Milton Apt. TIF Grant Ordinance – Alderman Spotloe motion to approve the Ordinance authorizing Tax Increment Financing for Nicholas Halbert in the amount of $5,000.00, second by Alderman Burget, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
B. Discuss/Approve Vac Truck Repair Quote – Maintenance man looked at truck can repair one part and replace another part according to Gary Shawgo, public works director. Alderman Burget made a motion to approve the quote of $2,037.48 from Coe Equipment to repair the Vac Truck, second by Alderman Clark, roll call vote, motion carried all ayes.
C. Discuss/Approve Quote for New Bearings at Waste Water Plant – New Bearings at the Waste Water Plan on the rotors were repaired recently, one last year and one about a month ago. Gary Shawgo just wants to keep extra on hand. Motion by Alderman Burget to purchase replacement bearing to keep on hand in the amount of one Inboard bearing at $1,485.00 and one outboard bearing at $954.00, second by Alderman Clark, roll call vote, motion carried with all ayes.
No Closed Session
Alderman Burget made a motion to adjourn at 6:56 p.m.; Seconded by Alderman Kelley motion carried all ayes.