City of East Peoria City Council met December 4.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor David Mingus presiding at 6:00 P.M. with proper notice having been given.
Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor David W. Mingus, Commissioner Daniel S. Decker, Commissioner Timothy J. Jeffers, and Commissioner John P. Kahl.
Absent: Commissioner Gary R. Densberger.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Jeffers.
Mayor Mingus led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Motion by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on November 20, 2018 and the minutes of the Special Meeting for a Working Session held on November 20, 2018 be approved as printed.
Yeas: Commissioner Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Teresa Mustain, Coordinator of the Festival of Lights Queen Contest Pageant, presented the newly-crowned Festival of Lights Queen Abby Eggemeyer, 1st Runner-up Rebecca Ransom, and 2nd Runner-up Chloe Rogers.
Ms. Mustain commented on the success of the queen pageant this year and thanked her committee. She introduced Chloe Rogers, Rebecca Ransom, and Abby Eggemeyer. Each winner came up to the podium to express their gratitude for opportunity and experience the Festival of Lights Queen Pageant offered. Ms. Eggemeyer commented on the volunteer work that she has been a participant in as a result of being crowned Festival of Lights Queen.
Mayor Mingus proclaimed December 7, 2018 as “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day” by reading the proclamation.
Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come to the podium and state the matter or matters to be discussed.
Bob Jorgensen came up to the podium to comment on the ordinance regarding the hotel and motel tax amendment. He commented on wanting to ensure that housed people that have whole families in a room and are low income are not affected. He expressed interest in doing something for the Beacon or Whiteside Motel so that they are not affected by the hotel and motel tax change.
Mayor Mingus asked for any other comments from the audience. There was no response.
Consent Agenda Items by Omnibus Vote:
Mayor Mingus asked if any Commissioner wished to remove any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion. There was no response.
Motion by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move to adopt a consent agenda consisting of items numbered 1 through 6 as listed on the agenda for this meeting to be considered by omnibus vote.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Items numbered 1 through 6 listed on the Consent Agenda be hereby approved and adopted, the items numbered 2 through 6 having been read once by their title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection be adopted as presented.
Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1819-096 – Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills No. 14 in the amount of $2,061,464.94. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 2 – Adoption of Ordinance No. 4420 on its Second Reading – (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 201 S. SPENCER STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS) – (to allow outdoor storage of construction materials on property zoned “M-2, General Manufacturing District”) (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 3 – Adoption of Ordinance No. 4194 on its Second Reading – (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 28 OF THE EAST PEORIA CITY CODE PERTAINING TO A HOTEL AND MOTEL TAX). (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 4 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1819-094 on its Second Reading - Resolution Approving Overhead Street Lighting Upgrade to Energy Efficient LED Fixtures in the Levee District. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 5 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1819-092 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving Renewal of Property, Casualty, and Liability Insurance Coverage and Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage with Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 6 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1819-090 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving the purchase of a new four-post vehicle lift replacement for the Vehicle Maintenance Department from Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment Inc. in the amount of $13,980. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the items adopted by omnibus vote designation. Motion by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4421 hereto attached, (ANNUAL TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR FROM THE FIRST DAY OF MAY A.D. 2018 TO THE LAST DAY OF APRIL A.D. 2019) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Decker explained the Ordinance being adopted is one where the intention is that the City’s tax rate remain the same. He commented on revenue numbers, specifically the sales tax revenues that the City is to receive have been slightly higher than estimated so far. He believes that the City needs to be conservative and that the tax levy in front of them is the correct one. He commented on the City’s corporate tax rate remaining relatively flat for the past seventeen years. He explained that this is due in part to active development and sales tax. He will support the ordinance.
Commissioner Jeffers commented on the tax levy making up only around 15% or less of the City’s budget. He explained that this tax levy needs to be done in conjunction with the City’s budgeting process. He commented on sustaining a balance on keeping rates the same while maintaining City services. He commented on the budget projections and looking at those. He explained the gaming tax being down from several years ago and on the City’s healthy sales tax. He has been a proponent of sales tax in lieu of property tax. It is a healthy thing for those on fixed income. He commented on the reduced water rate for certain individuals in the City. He will support the ordinance.
Commissioner Kahl commented on the City Council being on the same page. He explained that the City’s is one of ten taxing bodies that make up the total property tax. He stated that City’s portion has basically remained the same for the past seventeen years. He encouraged that everyone pay attention to their property taxes and pay attention to other taxing bodies that also levy taxes. He explained that there are two school districts to comprise 59% of the property taxes and they both have meetings this month. He explained that the other taxing bodies have meetings this month, to pay attention to those increases, and if they disagree with the tax levy, he recommended making comments to those taxing bodies. He explained that he is proud of what the City has done for past seventeen years and this year is no exception.
Mayor Mingus commented on people that are falling on hard times and people do not always have what they need. He explained that every little bit helps and the City has put forth the best effort to make sure it does the best it can to help.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Resolution No. 1819-097 by Commissioner Decker; WHEREAS, Raymond Keil (the “Subdivider”) has through Kinney Land Surveying Co. submitted a preliminary plat (the “Preliminary Plat”) for a subdivision identified as “Keil Heritage Estates” (the “Subdivision”) in the form attached hereto labelled “Exhibit A”; and
WHEREAS, following a hearing conducted pursuant to duly published notice, the East Peoria Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to certain conditions hereinafter set forth;
Section 1. The Preliminary Plat of the Subdivision as submitted by the Subdivider is hereby approved.
Section 2. The Subdivider is hereby authorized to submit a final plat of the Subdivision (the “Final Plat”) upon resolving annexation issues and concerns raised by the City during review process for the Preliminary Plat. The Final Plat shall be submitted in accordance with the terms of this Resolution and all applicable regulations found in the East Peoria Subdivision Code and shall be subject to approval in the manner provided by said Subdivision Code.
Commissioner Decker commented on the location of the subdivision and the number of lots. There are some questions about final approval of the lot that still need to be worked out before a final plat is submitted.
Director of Planning and Community Development, Ty Livingston, commented on the property location and it being a strategic piece of land that is currently outside of the city limits. This is the first step in the process.
Motion by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Resolution No. 1819-097 be adopted as presented.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1819-097 be duly adopted as presented.
Resolution No. 1819-095 by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1819-095, hereto attached, a Resolution approving Engineering Services Contract with Midwest Engineering Associates for Intersection Design Study for Washington and Main Street Intersection regarding Proposed Washington Street Restriping Project, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1819-095 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Decker commented on the windmill move that occurred along W. Washington Street earlier in the year. That section of the street will be done at the expense of either the railroad or company that moved the windmills. He commented on the proposed restriping project. This resolution or study does not authorize a certain plan; however, Midwest Engineering will do the study which is a requirement of the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4422 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE ADDING A THEFT POLICY TO AND UPDATING THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL) be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Kahl commented on the theft policy and that it relates to administrative procedures. He commented on the harassment policy that was updated to ensure that the City is in compliance with recent state law changes.
Commissioner Decker explained that he would be abstaining due to his employment with the City.
Mayor Mingus commented on the theft policy and that it is tightening things up.
Commissioner Jeffers commented on the theft policy and how other places in the City address theft and dishonesty in union contracts. This puts the theft language in one place and it also places a penalty on false accusations.
Yeas: Commissioners Jeffers and Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Abstain: Commissioner Decker.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Decker left the meeting at 6:29 p.m.
WHEREAS, Title 1, Chapter 3, Section 7.1 of the East Peoria City Code authorizes the City Council to determine from time to time by Resolution the number of individuals to hold each rank on the Police Department; and
WHEREAS, one of the Sergeants has informed the City of his pending retirement from the East Peoria Police Department effective in May 2019, but beginning December 10, 2018, this Sergeant will be on leave until his retirement date; and
WHEREAS, the Command Staff of the Police Department seek the promotion of another permanent Sergeant to replace the retiring Sergeant, and when the retiring Sergeant retires, the number of Sergeants would be returned to current staffing level; and
WHEREAS, the promotion of Sergeant into a permanent position will provide better Command consistency and efficiency for the Police Department during the retiring Sergeant’s period of leave prior to retirement; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of East Peoria to temporarily increase the total number of individuals holding the rank of Sergeant on the East Peoria Police Department from 7 to 8 effective December 10, 2018; and
WHEREAS, it is further in the best interests of the City that after the Sergeant’s retirement in May 2019, the City of East Peoria decrease the total number of individuals holding the rank of Sergeant on the East Peoria Police Department from 8 to 7;
Section 1. Effective December 10, 2018, the staffing level for the Police Department of the City of East Peoria shall consist of the following personnel:
A. One Police Chief
B. Two Deputy Chiefs
C. Eight Sergeants
D. Thirty-eight Patrolmen
Section 2. The Police Chief is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Police and Fire Commission of the temporary increase in Sergeants and to request the Police and Fire Commission to undertake the process of appointing a Sergeant to fill the position hereby created.
Section 3. Effective on the retirement of the Sergeant in May 2019, the staffing level for the Police Department of the City of East Peoria shall return to the following personnel:
A. One Police Chief
B. Two Deputy Chiefs
C. Seven Sergeants
D. Thirty-eight Patrolmen
Motion by Commissioner Kahl, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move that Resolution No. 1819-098 be adopted as presented.
Yeas: Commissioners Jeffers and Kahl and Mayor Mingus
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1819-098 be duly adopted as presented.
Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items not on the agenda to come to the podium state the matter or matters to be discussed.
Don Norbits of East Peoria came up to the podium and inquired about the projection for the additional sales tax increase that went into effect in July that was projected to bring in $1,500,000 and whether it is on target for the estimation. Director of Finance/Treasurer, Jeffery M. Becker, indicated that based on the current numbers that City should be on track.
Liam Oedewaldt, a sixth grader at East Peoria Junior High School of East Peoria, came up to the podium to speak on his 2nd blanket drive. He explained that he began the project when he saw homeless people on the street and he wanted to help those people. He came up with the idea to do a blanket drive. He explained that he collected 97 blankets the first year of his blanket drive that went to the Peoria Rescue Mission. His goal is 125 blankets this year. He stated the locations that people can drop off blankets.
Bob Jorgensen came up to the podium and explained that elections are coming up in April 2019. He commented on news stories on climate change. He stated that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with the United Nations has decide that things are getting worse much faster than they had previously predicted. They are saying that if drastic changes aren’t made to the way we live we’ve got about twelve years to get things under control. The next two years are extremely important as far as what cuts we are willing to make. He stated that The World Bank is going to double the amount of money available to poorer countries that will feel that effects of climate change the most and have been least responsible for these problems. He commented on the Trump Administration report on climate change had nothing but bad things to say about where things were going climate wise. Changes to the Midwest included changes in agriculture, pests, heat, flooding and so forth. He commented on Australia cutting the number of single use of plastic bags by 80% in three months by having the two largest grocery chains ceasing to give out plastic bags and offer reusable bags at a low cost. He commented on the Lincoln portrait the City received at the last City Council Meeting. He commented on dates from Lincoln’s history that included successes and struggles in his life. Mr. Jorgensen explained that the successes and struggles exhibited that Mr. Lincoln had a plan and was not going to be deterred.
Mayor Mingus asked for any additional comments from the audience. There was no response.
Mayor Mingus then asked for comments from Council.
Commissioner Jeffers commented on the council meetings left this year and that Christmas coming soon. He commented on the success of the Festival of Lights Parade. He commented on Taylorville that was recently hit by a tornado. He commented on Mr. Oedewaldt collecting blankets and volunteering at the Rescue Mission and Southside Mission to help others.
Commissioner Kahl commented on the upcoming car seat check at the Fire Department scheduled for December 5, 2018. He stated that December 7th is the East Peoria Chamber of Commerce Leadership School Presentations that focused on Community Pride. Commissioner Kahl commented on the upcoming election and nominating petitions filing period. All five seats are open and candidate packets can be picked up here at City Hall or through the County Clerk. He stated that Mr. Wilson found the FOLEPI Ornament.
Mayor Mingus commented on the success of the Shop and Stroll last weekend. He explained that for the past two years he has suspended his salary as Mayor. Due to the fact that he does not believe we will have a City Administrator in the near future, he will resume the part-time position again in lieu of a City Administrator. He expressed appreciation for everyone filling in as they have.
Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Kahl; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until Tuesday evening, December 18, 2018 at 6:00 P.M.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Kahl and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:46 P.M.