City of Belleville Parks & Recreation Board met July 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order, Mr. Friederich
II. Roll Call of Board Members
Ms. Marge Belt, Mr. Glenn Friederich,
Mrs. Teresa Hessel, Ms. Dorothy Meyer, Mr. Tom Myatt
III. Roll Call of Staff Members
IV. Weather Alert/Disaster Building Instructions
V. Approval of Previous Board Meeting Minutes June (pages 2-3)
VI. Introduction of Guests / Public Participation
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Claims: June (page 4-12)
IX. Finance Reports - (Available at Meeting)
X. Bids
A.) Kimball Plaza Park – PIP Surfacing Top Coat
XI. Recreation Supervisor
A.) Summer Camps
B.) Fall Programs – Adult Fall Softball – 3 vs. 3 Basketball League
XII. Superintendent of Recreation
XII. Director of Public Works
A.) Tour de Belleville
B.) City Sculptures
XIII. Additional New Business
XIV. Old Business
XV. The Parks Board May Go Into Executive Session to Discuss Personnel/Contract Negotiations, Litigation, and/or Property Acquisition
XVI. Adjourn