
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Canton Union School District 66 Board met August 19

Webp meeting 07

Canton Union School District 66 Board met Aug. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. CALL TO ORDER (Please silence cell phones)

Board President Leonard Barnard called the regular meeting to order at 7 PM in the Library at Canton High School.


Board members present and answering roll call were Leonard Barnard, Ben Bishop, Lori Coleman, Matt Kees, Jane Lewis and Tom Snowman. Board member Mark Tarter was absent.


Board President Barnard led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board member Lewis moved to amend the agenda to remove Discussion Item 13-B, Discussion of the Proposal of Attendance Centers, due to recent mechanical issues at buildings within the school district. Barnard seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Bishop, Coleman, Kees and Snowman. Motion carried.


A. Letter of Recognition for Troy Putman from the Canton Community Concert Association

Board President Barnard thanked and recognized Troy Putman for his efforts in going above and beyond to help the Canton Community Concert Association. In February they held their Tapestry Concert at the Canton High School and Troy helped them carry items in the school and assisted concert goers to their vehicles in inclement weather. His efforts were greatly appreciated.

B. Donation by Trinity Lutheran Church of Items to Teachers at Westview, Eastview and Lincoln Elementary Schools

Board President Barnard thanked the Trinity Lutheran Church for their donation of various items to teachers of Westview, Eastview and Lincloln Elementary Schools at the start of this school year. Board member Matt Kees added that the church is always happy to give.

C. Spoon River College Foundation Dual Credit Scholarship Fall 2019 Recipients

Board President Barnard recognized and thanked the Spoon River College Foundation for awarding dual credit scholarships to Canton High School students. There were 25 Canton High School students who received the dual credit scholarship from the foundation for the Fall of 2019.


In recognition of audience requests to address the Board of Education, Sue Rusch addressed the Board to express her concerns with the proposed attendance center model. Sue expressed her concern with the number of movements and transitions the children would have, more children riding buses which she felt would add more worry to parents and she indicated fewer transitions are better for children. Sue offered to help the administration to determine commonalities in low test scores. Katy Tinsman addressed the Board to express her concern to the Board regarding the proposed attendance center model. Katy mentioned she sent letters to board members and she received no response. Katy expressed her concern regarding community meetings that were held in which the community could not speak and was also concerned that teachers could not voice their opinions without fear of disciplinary actions. Katy felt the administration and board failed the community. Board member Matt Kees thanked all of the audience members for their input and for attending the meeting. Kees added that he had received and read 81 letters pertaining to the proposal of attendance centers. Kees explained that due to the recent issues within some of our current buildings, the Builiding and Gounds Committee would like to evaluate district buildings to find the most economical way to move forward. Kees advised the Board will provide clarity with the latest information as the process proceeds.


Consider approval of all items noted (*) as included on the Consent Agenda

Board member Snowman moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Bishop seconded. Voting yes by roll call were board members Barnard, Coleman, Kees and Lewis. Motion carried.


A. Minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting, July 22, 2019

B. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, July 15, 2019

C. Minutes of the Closed Session, July 15, 2019

The minutes of the Board Policy Governance Committee Meeting, July 22, 2019; minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, July 15, 2019 and the minutes of the Closed Session, July 15, 2019 were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.


A. Consider Payment of Bills and Payroll

B. Treasurer's Report

The payment of July bills, payroll and treasurer’s report were approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.


A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignations

1. Resignation, Jennifer Watts, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

2. Resignation, Ashley McKown, 6th Grade Science Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

3. Resignation, Molly Stinauer, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

4. Resignation, Jerry VanTine, Art Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

5. Family Medical Leave Act, Certified Staff Member, 12 Weeks Beginning August 13, 2019

The resignation of Jennifer Watts, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year; resignation of Ashley McKown, 6th Grade Science Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year; resignation of Molly Stinauer, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year; resignation of Jerry VanTine, Art Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year and the Family Medical Leave Act of a Certified Staff Member, 12 Weeks Beginning August 13, 2019 was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.

B. Employment

1. Sara J Hammond, Part-time Reading Aide, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019

2. Kathryn Franzoni, Paraprofessional, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019

3. Victoria Beaty, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019

4. Megan Owens, Part-Time Reading Aide, Westview Elementary School, Effective August 13, 2019

5. Jenna Jarvis, 2nd Grade Teacher, Westview Elementary School, Effective August 12, 2019

6. Amber Nelson, Paraprofessional, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019

The employment of Sara J Hammond, Part-time Reading Aide, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019; employment of Kathryn Franzoni, Paraprofessional, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019; employment of Victoria Beaty, Special Education Teacher, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019; employment of Megan Owens, Part-Time Reading Aide, Westview Elementary School, Effective August 13, 2019; employment of Jenna Jarvis, 2nd Grade Teacher, Westview Elementary School, Effective August 12, 2019 and employment of Amber Nelson, Paraprofessional, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019 was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.

C. Transfers

1. Transfer of Ashley L. Myers from Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School to Library Clerk at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

2. Transfer of Amanda Valentin from 6th Grade ELA at Ingersoll Middle School to 8th Grade Social Studies and Writing at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year

3. Transfer of Patricia Reneau from Reading Aide at Westview to Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019

4. Transfer of Jordyn Chasteen from Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School to Paraprofessional at Canton High School, Effective August 13, 2019

5. Transfer of Amanda Jochums from 2nd Grade Teacher at Westview Elementary School to Title 1 Teacher at Westview Elementary School, Effective August 12, 2019

The transfer of Ashley L. Myers from Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School to Library Clerk at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year; transfer of Amanda Valentin from 6th Grade ELA at Ingersoll Middle School to 8th Grade Social Studies and Writing at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective the Beginning of the 2019-2020 School Year; the transfer of Patricia Reneau from Reading Aide at Westview to Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School, Effective August 13, 2019; the transfer of Jordyn Chasteen from Paraprofessional at Ingersoll Middle School to Paraprofessional at Canton High School, Effective August 13, 2019 and the transfer of Amanda Jochums from 2nd Grade Teacher at Westview Elementary School to Title 1 Teacher at Westview Elementary School, Effective August 12, 2019 was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.

D. Extracurricular

1. Approval, Volunteer Athletic Coaches for the 2019-2020 School Year, Effective Immediately

2. Employment, Victoria S. Roberts, JV Cheer Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately

3. Employment, Melanie Turgeon, Girls Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately

4. Employment, Jill Jones, 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately

5. Employment, Dusty Hart, Assistant Track Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective 2019-2020 School Year

6. Employment, Quinn Murphy, Girls Freshman Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately

7. Resignation, Josh Kemper, Bass Fishing Head Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately

8. Resignation, Lorie Rude, Thespian Club Advisor, Canton High School, Effectively Immediately

9. Resignation, Jennifer Watts, Student Council Advisor, Ingersoll Middle School

The approval of Volunteer Athletic Coaches for the 2019-2020 School Year, Effective Immediately; employment of Victoria S. Roberts, JV Cheer Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately; employment of Melanie Turgeon, Girls Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately; employment of Jill Jones, 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective Immediately; employment of Dusty Hart, Assistant Track Coach, Ingersoll Middle School, Effective 2019-2020 School Year, employment of Quinn Murphy, Girls Freshman Basketball Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately; resignation of Josh Kemper, Bass Fishing Head Coach, Canton High School, Effective Immediately; resignation of Lorie Rude, Thespian Club Advisor, Canton High School, Effectively Immediately and resignation of Jennifer Watts, Student Council Advisor, Ingersoll Middle School was approved as presented under the Consent Agenda.


A. *Consider Approval of Destruction of Audio Recording of Board Meeting Closed Session Held on January 22, 2018

The Board gave approval for destruction of the audio recording of the board meeting closed session held on January 22, 2018 as presented under the Consent Agenda.

B. *Consider Approval of Extracurricular Positions for Canton High School for the 2019- 2020 School Year

The Board gave approval of the extracurricular positions for Canton High School for the 2019-2020 School Year as presented under the Consent Agenda.

C. *Consider Approval to Release Temporary Summer Custodians and Temporary Student Helpers

1. Temporary Custodians: Becky Bender, Dana Clore, Pamela Johns, Vickie Lafleur, Patricia Reneau, Stacey Rounds, Leslie Shockency, Jana Watson, Dee Wolfe

2. Temporary Student Helpers: Christopher Driscoll, Kalan Lancaster, Kilee Lancaster, Brandon Mortland, Elijah Postin, Charles Putman, Tyler Reneau

The Board approved the release of temporary summer custodians and temporary student helpers as presented under the Consent Agenda.

D. *Freedom of Information Request from Chris Lanphear - Associate Research Analyst Seattle at Deltek

The Board approved the Freedom of Information Request from Chris Lanphear - Associate Research Analyst Seattle at Deltek as presented under the Consent Agenda.

E. *Consider Approval of Food Service Agreement Between Arbor Management Inc., Canton Union School District #66 and the Regional Office of Education #26 for the 2019- 2020 School Year

The Board approved the Food Service Agreement Between Arbor Management Inc., Canton Union School District #66 and the Regional Office of Education #26 for the 2019- 2020 School Year as presented under the Consent Agenda.

F. Consider Approval of Tentative FY 20 Budget for Canton Union School District #66

Assistant Superintendent Tad DeRenzy presented the tentative FY20 Budget for the Canton Union School District #66. Board member Kees moved to approve the Tentative FY20 Budget for Canton Union School District #66. Bishop seconded. Voting yes by roll call were Barnard, Coleman, Lewis and Snowman. Motion carried.

G. Approve Updated Job Descriptions

Superintendent Rolf Sivertsen mentioned the job descriptions for custodial maintenance, custodian, grounds and athletic custodian and principal helper were updated to include physical requirements that were not indicated prior. Board member Coleman moved to approve the updated job descriptions. Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were Barnard, Bishop, Kees and Snowman. Motion carried.

H. Approve Carpenter's Articulation Agreement - Joint Apprenticeship

Sherry Yocum and Mike Lindy discussed the joint apprenticeship agreement between the local Carpenter’s Union and the Canton Union School District. They spoke about how it will benefit the school, the Carpenter’s Union and the students of our school district. The Carpenter’s Union will supply materials to the school and the students who complete the program will become OSHA 10 certified along with automatically giving them a place within the Carpenter’s Union. Board member Snowman moved to approve the Carpenter’s Articulation Agreement – Joint Apprenticeship. Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were Barnard, Bishop, Coleman and Kees. Motion carried.


No reports for submitted for review or discussion.


A. Discuss Revisions to Board Policies (Press 101) - 1st Reading (Enclosure)

1. *Press Plus Packet 101 Updates:

2:110, Qualifications, Term and Duties of Board Officers

2:140, Communications To and From the Board

2:140-E, Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use

2:230, Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board 4:20, Fund Balances

5:180, Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity

6:40, Curriculum Development

6:340, Student Testing and Assessment Program

2. *Policies Recommended for 5-Year Review

2:240, Board Policy Development

3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal

4:90, Activity Funds

5:35, Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

5:40, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

5:130, Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information

5:310, Compensatory Time Off

6:110, Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program

7:170, Vandalism

The recommendations of the Board Policy Governance Committee for new and revised board policies (Press Plus Packet 101) were given first reading by the Board of Education and the recommendation is to adopt all revised and new policies as presented. It is the Board Policy Governance Committee’s recommendation that no changes be made to the policies given in the five-year review. Second reading and action to approve will be taken at the September 23, 2019 regular board meeting. Additionally, Superintendent Sivertsen discussed considering subscribing to the Illinois Association of School Boards School Board Policies Online. This service allows the IASB to publish the school board policy manual online which will eliminate papers and provide for quicker updates to the current board policy manual. This option also reduces time spent on maintaining and distributing the manuals and updates. The board expressed interest in proceeding with this subscription.

B. Discuss the Proposal of Attendance Centers

The agenda was amended to remove this item from discussion due to recent mechanical issues at buildings within the district.


A. Western Division Dinner Meeting, Tuesday, October 22, 2019, Knoxville CUSD 202, Knoxville

Board members discussed attending the IASB Western Division Dinner Meeting on Tuesday October 22, 2019 at the Knoxville CUSD 202 in Knoxville, IL. Board members Lewis, Bishop, Kees and Snowman expressed interest in attending along with Superintendent Sivertsen.

B. Information Regarding the IASB Joint Annual Conference Pre-Conference Workshops

Information regarding the IASB Joint Annual Conference Pre-Conference Workshops was provided. Any board members interested in attending will contact Emily Dosier to sign up.


A. Yearly Planning Calendar

The Yearly Planning Calendar was revised to be in alignment with the Continuous Improvement Calendar and is on track for the 2019-2020 school year.


A. Discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 1)

B. Discuss collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 2)

C. Discuss the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 10)

Board member Kees moved to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 1), collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 2) and the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c) 10). Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were Bishop, Coleman, Snowman and Barnard. Motion carried.



Board member Bishop moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Lewis seconded. Voting yes by roll call were Coleman, Kees, Snowman and Barnard. Board President Barnard declared the regular meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM.




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