
Peoria Standard

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County of Woodford County Board met September 17

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County of Woodford County Board met Sept. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.

Chairman Krug began the meeting by leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Richard Hill, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen and Donald Tolan. Absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Justin Faulk, excused; Bryant Kempf, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Andy Rokey, excused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer.

Board announced in session by the Chairman.

Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.

Mr. Cotton moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the August 20, 2019 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2019 regular session County Board meeting, which motion was seconded by Mr. Spence. Chairman Krug called for any additions or corrections to the regular session minutes which there were none, motion carried.

Chairman Krug called for public input, seeing none he announced the end of public input.

The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.

Mr. Logan moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mrs. Baker. Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda, hearing none; motion carried.


a. Appointment of John Krug to the Central Illinois Agency on Aging for a 3 year term expiring the first Monday in December, 2022.

b. Reappointment of Alex Bill to the Lowpoint Street Lighting District for a 3 year term expiring April 30, 2022.

c. Appointment of D’Andra Derr to the MDP Board to complete the unexpired term of Joanie Johann expiring June 30, 2021.

Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:

a. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-068 to Allocate General Funds and Revolving Loan Funds to Closeout Woodford County Revolving Loan Fund Program.

b. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-071 accepting the Highway Commissioner of Metamora Road District petition through the Woodford County Engineer, to the Woodford County Board for a project consisting of repairing an existing culvert located on 1500 N Road, designated as Section 20-0156-BA-BR, with an estimated cost of $30,000.00 to be appropriated from the County Bridge Fund.

c. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-072 for the Woodford County Sheriff’s Office to purchase a replacement patrol vehicle not to exceed $25,000.00.

d. Approval of Resolution 2018/19-073 for P-25 StarCom21 user equipment for the communication needs for Court Services, EMA and the Coroner’s Office for the purchase price of $20,030.35.

e. Approval of Resolution 09-19-001Authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to the Village of Goodfield on 18-07-300-024.

f. Ordinance2018/19-022 2019-22-A granting a Text Amendment amending Section 5 General Provisions, Section 13 Residential Single Family District (R-1), Section 14 Residential Multi Family District (R-2), Section 22 Signs, Section 24 Special Use, and Section 28 WECS of the Woodford County Zoning Ordinance.

g. Ordinance 2018/19-023 2019-124-Z Worth Township Granting a map amendment from Residential Single Family District (R-1) to Agricultural District (AG), on 35 acres and 28.17 acres commonly described as vacant ground north of Santa Fe Trail, 250 ft. southeast of the Seven Hills Rd/Santa Fe Trail intersection, Metamora, Illinois 61548.

h. Ordinance 2018/19-024 2019-25-S Greene Township Granting a Special Use to Cody Jenkins and Chris Gingrich for a special use to operate an Ag Equipment Repair Business if the Agriculture District (AG), on a 2 acre parcel, commonly described as 2307 County Road 1350 N, El Paso, Illinois 61738.

i. Motion to approve the Parkway Estate Subdivision plat.

j. Approval of Woodford County Healthcare Premium Rates for Plan Year 2020.

k. Approval of the Woodford County Board Credit Card Policy.

Chairman Krug moved on to the New Business portion of the Meeting; the first item under New Business was Item (a) the discussion and approval of an IT Manager. Mr. Spence stated at the Ad Hoc Committee meeting, Sheriff Smith presented two different vendors which had replied and met the RFP requirements; in total there were seven different companies who responded. RK Dixon Copy Suite and Heart Technologies both have a similar response times in case of an emergency outage; however, the fixed hourly rates would differ; Heart Technologies rate is $125.00 during a normal business day and RK Dixon is $145.00. Holiday rate for Heart Technology is $250.00 and RK Dixon is $290.00. One of the major differences discovered when reviewing each company was that Heart Technologies is Mitel certified and RK Dixon is not, they would be using a third party vender to provide phone support and Heart Technologies had phone support figured into their bid. There was discussion on who RK Dixon would use as the third party vendor, how would the hourly rate begin calculation; and how many days and/or hours were the Sheriff looking at. Sheriff Smith assumes the rate would start from the time they would leave their business; further stating the hourly rate is only figured in emergency situations and for those items that would not be covered under the agreement. Sheriff Smith stated this would be a fully managed system, meaning Heart Technologies would manage the system, as well as the phone system and anytime the County has an issue Heart will either dial in remotely or come to the Courthouse. Initially Heart Technologies will be in the Courthouse possibly every day for the first month making sure everything is running as it should. Mr. Spence stated this is a one year contract, 60 days prior to the end of the contract the Board can either resign, renegotiate the contract or get out of it.

Mr. Logan inquired as to what happens if the County needs to replace computers, switches or equipment, will Heart Technologies be the people do the installation and get everything up and running. Sheriff Smith stated it is fully managed so they would be responsible to install and/or replace old equipment, but they will not bid on any of the equipment. Sheriff Smith further stated the County generally gets quotes from CDWG which usually is the best price for the County.

Mr. Cotton inquired as to who would hold all the licenses for all of the software, to which Sheriff Smith replied the County will hold all of the licenses.

Mr. Nagel noted that some departments are still using other IT vendors, as far as firewalls and settings go, how will that be handled and has control. Sheriff Smith stated the plan is for everything to the switches is going to be controlled by the County because the County owns the switches. Once it gets past the switches, it would be up to their vendor. All of the network switches will be controlled by Heart Technologies. Those departments will have phone services, but will be excluded from IT services as they have their own IT budgets for fiscal year 2020.

Mr. Spence stated the Committee’s recommendation is to go with Heart Technologies for a one year contract, which was seconded by Mr. Parson and unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug called for Item (b) the approval of the Illinois State Board of Election Voter Registration Grant 2020 Acceptance Agreement. Mr. Cotton moved to approve which was seconded by Mr. Steffen, and unanimously carried. Clerk Kupfer stated funds were available in the amount of $9,300.00. The Grant funds can be used to offset the mailing costs involved in sending out the voter registration cards, which need to be mailed out every two years.

Chairman Krug called for Item (c), Ordinance 2018/19-026 concerning the Taxation of Cannabis Sales. Mr. Nagel stated regardless of how the County Board felt, the Board has an opportunity to receive 3% Sales tax. State’s Attorney Minger spoke to the Members stating the ordinance says for the unincorporated areas of the County allows for 3.75 % sales tax, further stating the deadline in which the County needs to decide on this matter is October 1, 2019. Mr. Nagel motioned to approve the Ordinance, which was seconded by Mr. Cotton. There was discussion from the Members on how this would be a way to compensate for the extra needed services from the Sheriff and Health Departments within the county. Motion unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug announced there has been discussion on how to handle absences and unapproved absences at County Board meetings. Further stating we do have a County Board Member who has 10 unexcused absences. Mr. Parsons stated he felt it was ridiculous for somebody to become an elected official and decide to not show up to any of the meetings, out of curiosity he inquired as to what the Board’s options would be. Chairman Krug requested the State’s Attorney look into the matter and advice the County Board next month’s meeting.

Chairman Krug announced there was no Unfinished Business to discuss and there would not be a presentation this month.

Chairman Krug then called for the vote to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Steffen moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Hill. Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added. Mr. Cotton stated he had one to add for Microsoft, the invoice is dated 9/10/2019 in the amount of $1,370.44 for the Microsoft Office Suite which the County is installing right now. In the future this will be charged to the credit card the County Board is acquiring for the County Coordinator. Mr. Logan has a claim from Tri-county Animal Emergency in the amount of $63.00 for a very aggressive dog captured on the weekend, this bill was for the testing of the animal at the University of Illinois. Chairman Krug called for the approval of the addition of these claims. Mr. Cotton approved the addition of said claims, which was seconded by Mr. Logan and carried as amended.

Mr. Parsons presented and read Resolution 2018/19-074 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mrs. Barker.

Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Richard Hill and John Krug. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Justin Faulk, excused; Bryant Kempf, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Andy Rokey, excused. Motion carried.

The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending August 31, 2019 was presented. A handout regarding the Revolving Loan account, and the quarterly Comparative Revenue Report as of August 31, 2019 was available.

Madame Treasurer reported the County has received the payoff from SMF which leaves two remaining revolving loans we are waiting to hear from. The Treasurer’s office mailed out over 1000 friendly reminder letters. As of this date the County has processed the second distribution sending out just over $30 million dollars, to date just over $72 million has been sent out so far this year; leaving just around $2 million left to be collected. The annual seal bid sale was held in August which we had 17 properties; 12 of the 17 properties were sold. Treasurer Andrew’s added her office had received reimbursement for 2 of the invoices in regards to the Annex 3 asbestos removal and demolition of the building, so thus far just under $1,000.00 of the $31,000.00 grant money has been received.

Chairwomen Andrews reported for the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee). Chairwomen Andrews reported they met and discussed the premium rates and premium holidays. They discussed the need to keep around 50% of annual claim costs as a fund balance in the funds. Chairwomen Andrews stated they asked some of the employees if they would prefer a premium holiday or less of an increase to their premium cost across each payroll. A majority of those asked stated they would prefer less of an increase to their paychecks. It was decided to go with that keeping an open mind to a premium holiday after the first of the year.

Chairman Krug inquired about the friendly reminder letters. Ms. Andrews gave an explanation to what those were and a brief explanation as to what happens leading up to the sale of unpaid Real Estate Taxes if not paid within the timeline.

Mr. Cotton moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.

The report for the Office of the County Board dated September 17, 2019 was presented. Mr. Tolan moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the September 17, 2019 County Board meeting:

 Postcard from the Federal Aviation Administration concerning an aeronautical study in the area of Benson, Illinois on a wind turbine structure.

 Letter from Fieldcrest Community Unit School District 6 concerning their Renewable Energy Construction Resolution of Support.

 A copy of the Jail and Detention Standards Unit Inspection Report from Edwin R. “Bob” Bowen, Manager, Illinois Department of Corrections.

 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures being the Report of the Budget through the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (6/1/2019 through 8/31/2019) as prepared by the County Clerk as well as the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures being the Summary Expense Report for such time.

 Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held August 12, 2019.

 Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held August 12, 2019.

 Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee held August 13, 2019.

 Minutes of Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee meetings held May 13, 2019.

 Minutes of the Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held June 25, 2019 and July 23, 2019.

 Minutes of the Woodford County Health Care Committee meeting held August 14, 2019.

Mr. Spence moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Nagel and was unanimously carried.

The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.

Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, reported they discussed the need to replace a very old paint striper because parts are becoming harder to find or no longer available. They discussed the costs involved buying a new paint striper verses a used one and possible equipment options. Mr. Hill reported on an obnoxious weed issue on a property that is in transition and believed it was resolved. Mr. Tolan stated it has not been taken care of and reported after speaking with a concerned party there will be immediate action taken if it doesn’t get resolved. Mr. Hill asked Mr. Logan to report on the discussion they had on PPUATS road assessment. Mr. Logan reported on an application for a PPUATS Grant that was applied for to get monies to have county roads surveyed and the Counties cost if accepted. Mr. Logan explained how that would give them a good baseline of all the county roads that were surveyed and maintaining them. Mr. Logan further explained in the wind farm area it would potentially provide a good baseline in regards to potential road damage in the future. County Engineer Moore reported they have finished four of their six bridge projects this summer, seal coating is completed and paint striping continues.

Mr. Cotton, Chairman of the County Offices Committee, stated they did not have a quorum for a County Offices Meeting this month.

Mr. Nagel, Chairman of the Finance and Economic Development Committee, reported on a CEDS project through the Greater Peoria EDC explaining it is a call for Projects. Mr. Nagel stated starting in October there will be workshops on the process for application, explaining it will be strictly used for Economic Development. Sally Hanley with the GPEDC gave examples of funding sources and overview of how applications would match up to the projects. Mr. Nagel gave an in-depth report on the budget process they went through with each department and problems concerning salaries of union and non-union employees who fall under the collective bargaining agreement. Mr. Nagel further stated they do not have any good guidelines on employee’s job descriptions or job performance. Mr. Nagel indicated since they don’t have any information on those two criteria’s and how he feels pay has been determined by how well an employee is liked or who you are related to. Further stating since they don’t have the data they need to determine an employee’s wage they have been stuck with giving percentage raises. The plan moving forward is to gather that information; job descriptions, roles and responsibilities, to do data mining with other Counties that is comparable to Woodford County. Mr. Nagel reported they have not dealt with the extra ordinary expenses but hope they have time next month at committee and bring to Board the following week.

Mr. Logan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported on two expenses this month that were unbudgeted for. Mr. Logan stated the heating and cooling system at the EMA Building had to be replaced and replacement for a wrecked car from the Sheriff’s Department. Those line items that go over at the end of the year they will make corrections out of contingency or from somewhere else. EMA Director Kent McCanless announced he called down to Springfield to see if the cost of the new heating and cooling system could be added to the Grant he was submitting to Springfield. EMA Director Kent McCanless stated Springfield did approve the cost to be added to that Grant and those funds should arrive sometime in December or January.

Mr. Parsons, Chairman of the Conservation Planning and Zoning Committee, reported a couple months ago the Committee had a request for a street name change based on historic longevity from an individual. Mr. Parsons stated without causing a hardship with anyone having to change an address they are looking into an honorary street name procedure and the criteria needed for that. They discussed a few options and are waiting on feedback from entities that can assist with this request. Mr. Parsons stated they discussed permit fees specifically with square footage on a permit from 70 to 288 square feet to match up parallel with the assessor’s office slightly increasing the price per square foot. Mr. Parsons reported there is some sample verbiage being reviewed by the States Attorney’s office concerning recreational cannabis explaining it is straight forward, outlining the definition of what it is and the intent for the County enforcing a moratorium on it. Mr. Parsons stated they sent out around 15 letters to some of the Municipalities to make them aware what the Counties intentions are and they need to do the same if they haven’t already by the January 1, 2020 deadline when permits can be applied for. Mr. Parsons reported they will be going before the ZBA on October 22 at 6:00pm with the proposed language for the Counties moratorium on recreational cannabis. Mr. Parsons strongly urged if there is anyone who would like to speak at this meeting to sign up 7 days prior (October 15th ) to the meeting date.

Mr. Parsons reported for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Parsons reported they have 3 applications, 1 is a special use in Worth Township for a Custom Counter Top Business, 2 variances, 1 in Montgomery Township for lot coverage and setback, 1 in Panola Township for minimal habitual floor area for a single family dwelling.

Mr. Spence, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, reported everything on IT had already been discussed.

Chairman Krug called for Public Announcements stating the County Board has received the new Yearbooks if any Member knows of anyone seeking a yearbook the Clerk’s office does have some available. The yearbook is also available online on the County’s website. Chairman Krug announced next week Snedeker Risk Management is having their yearly ICRMT meeting in East Peoria. Ms. Breyman announced to the Members to go into their emails and set up their personal settings. Also ADDWC has purchased Maurice’s Candy in Pekin and will soon be opening up in Eureka. Ms. Breyman stated she had been cleaning out old paper work and discovered documentation that had previously been started in the regards to putting the Courthouse on the historical society site. She is requesting input as to whether to continue filing the necessary forms and if there was interest in pursuing anything further. Chairman Krug asked for this issue to put on the Public Safety agenda for next month. Mr. Cotton announced on October 22, 2019 Chuck Weaver will be at Snyder Village from 6:00 PM till 7:00 PM.

Chairman Krug stated there was a need to go into Executive Session.

Mr. Spence moved to go into Executive Session for 5ILCS 120-2 (c) (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, which was seconded by Mr. Nagel. Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Richard Hill, John Krug and Barry Logan. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Justin Faulk, excused; Bryant Kempf, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Andy Rokey, excused. Motion carried.

Entered into Executive Session at 7:45 PM.

Chairman Krug called for a motion to come back into regular session.

Mr. Steffen moved to come back into regular session, which was seconded by Mrs. Barker and unanimously carried.

Mr. Spence moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in October, A.D. 2019 same being the 15th day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM.




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