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City of Chillicothe Marketing and Tourism Commission met November 4


City of Chillicothe Marketing and Tourism Commission met Nov. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Harper, Olivia White, Kevin Yates, Nick McMillion, Keegan Gauwitz, Patti Pierson, Nathenia Zich, Sarah Sights, Sandi Levell, Director Amanda Beadles, and Mayor White.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Colwell, Emily Vonachen, Paresh Patel, Michele Pollack, Nancy Cassidy, Amanda Oedewaldt,

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.


Director Beadles read the purpose of the committee: “The purpose of the Chillicothe Area Marketing and Tourism Commission is to develop a comprehensive program designed to market the Chillicothe area and promote the growth of tourism within or near the city and submit the program to the city council for recommendations and approval.”

The Upper Illinois River Valley Coalition met on October 16th. Goal is for all municipalities from McClugage bridge to Henry Bridge to come together to market the whole region. Fee for participation is $100. The consensus of the commission was to join the coalition.

Budget Review

Director Beadles reported financials. Financials are on track.

Holiday Promotion (Christmas decorations)

Director Beadles discussed the request for the Downtown Businesses to use white lights and decorate with wreath that had been passed out last year. She noted the city would be hanging up the red/white & blue Christmas banners on 2nd street and alternate wreaths. No wreaths will be hung up on 4th street due to faulty wiring on current wreaths.

Town Theater Ad

Discussion was held regarding the Town Theatre Ad. The consensus of the commission was to continue with the advertising with the Town Theatre and to submit the newer video to be cut down to 30 seconds and to submit new ads quarterly. The invoice and contract would be presented at the November 11th council meeting.

Double Eagle Viewer Telescope

Discussion was held for Optimist Club donation to Telescope. The consensus of the commission was to pass on to Finance/EDC committee to see if there was money in another budget to fulfill this request since the 2019-2020 M&T Budget did not have the funds to fulfill.

Old Business:

2nd Saturday Market

The flyer for the November 2nd Saturday Market was passed out.

The December 14th market was discussed. Director Beadles encouraged all commission members to attend the 1st Tuesday Business connection meetings to continue discussing plans for this holiday event.

Chillicothe Merchants Tri-fold

Director Beadles presented changes. Discussion ensued. The consensus of the comission was to have Director Beadles email changes to Commission members to review.

Organizations update

PACVB was not in attendance.


Olivia reported November 9th events: Castaways Pop Up Crab Boil, Mattress Fundraiser for IVC Band and Holiday Makers Market at Three Sisters Park. Olivia passed out flyers and entry forms for November 23rd Christmas Parade and Pictures with Santa held at Odies.


Art Installation/Mural update – (Committee: Angie Gould, Charlie Rusk, Libby Ritan and Greg Owens) – No Report.

Marketing/Promo update (Committee: Emily, Kevin, Amanda Beadles, Olivia, Mayor and Sarah) – No meeting. Mayor requested Amanda Oedewaldt to be invited to next Marketing/Promo meeting.

Chillicothe Festival update (Committee: Amanda Oedewaldt, Amanda Beadles, Olivia and Mayor) – No Report.

Round Table Discussion

Committee members reported events taking place in their businesses and organizations.

Kevin of Shore Acres reported the park programs Tike Hike on Wednesday, November 6th at Coal Hollow for children ages 1-5 and parents. Cuddles for Kids were requesting craft vendors. Community Dance November 23rd.

Sarah reported the Owens Graphic Design would be moving November 11th and the Open House would be held from 10-2pm on November 30th.

Keegan of Pearce Community Center reported two upcoming events: Vino and Vinyasa, Wine Yoga in the Community Room. Free to public. $4 for glass of wine and $20 for bottle, event will be held November 15th from 6-7:30pm. Black Friday fitness bash would be held the day after Thanksgiving on November 29th.

Joe Harper reported change in Monday hours to 11am-6pm.

Patti reported Historical Society event on Thursday, November 7th Farming with the Gauwitz Family. Optimist Club is looking for Bell ringers. Green kettles indicate the money is going to Community Needs and staying in the community.

Nick of IVC reported IVC football was undefeated and they would be playing at Murphysboro. An estimated 4,500 people watching from screen on HSzoom.com

Nathina reported it is Nat’s Place three year anniversary and they are hiring for the Christmas season.

New Marketing Ideas

Nathina suggested a shop hop idea for the small business Saturday.


Council Agenda Items –

 Submit Town Theatre ad to council for approval Chair – Actions

1. Send Commission members the updated tri-fold.

2. Take donation request to Finance/EDC meeting

Committee – Actions – None

Sub Committees – Actions – None

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.




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