City of East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 9.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call:
3. Approval of Minutes from the meeting held on November 11, 2019
4. Public Hearings:
a. Case 19-SU-31 Petition of Linda Buttice for a Special Use to allow an accessory structure which has an alternative exterior material at 322 Park Ave.
P.I.N.: 05-05-05-120-005
b. Case 19-V-32 Petition of Linda Buttice for a side yard setback variance of 4 feet to allow an accessory structure at 322 Park Ave. P.I.N.: 05-05-05-120-005
c. Case 19-A-33 Petition of the City of East Peoria to amend Title 5, Chapter 2, Sections 3 & 4 of the City Code to prohibit video gaming cafes.
5. Regular Business:
a. Deliberations:
b. Old Business: New Business:
6. Citizens’ Opportunity to Address ZBA on non-agenda items
7. Adjournment