Woodford County Board met Jan. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.
Chairman Krug began the meeting by leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis (Note: arrived at 6:34 PM), Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen and Donald Tolan. Absent: Justin Faulk, excused; Charles Nagel, excused; and Randy Roethler, unexcused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer.
Board announced in session by the Chairman.
Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.
Mr. Cotton moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.
Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the December 17, 2019 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.
Mr. Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2019 regular session County Board meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Hill and unanimously carried.
Chairman Krug called for the review of the Executive Session Minutes stating the State’s Attorney had reviewed each set and had submitted his opinion to the Board.
Mr. Spence moved to keep confidential the March 17, 2015 Executive Session minutes, which motion was seconded by Mr. Logan and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kempf moved to keep confidential the June 21, 2016, Part 2 Executive session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.
Mr. Tolan moved to keep confidential the March 19, 2019 Executive session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Kempf and was unanimously carried.
Mr. Davis moved to release and make public the May 21, 2019 Executive Session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.
Mrs. Barker moved to release and make public the June 18, 2019, Part 2 Executive Session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Logan and was unanimously carried.
Mr. Hill moved to release and make public the September 17, 2019 Executive Session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Kempf and was unanimously carried.
Mr. Parsons moved to release and make public the October 15, 2019, Part 1 Executive Session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.
Mr. Kempf moved to release and make public the October 15, 2019, Part 2 Executive Session minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Spence and was unanimously carried.
Chairman Krug called for public input, hearing none the Board moved on to the Consent Agenda.
The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.
Mr. Steffen moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Spence. Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda, hearing none; motion carried.
a. Approval of the reappointment of Ed Leman to the Congerville Rural Fire Protection District for a 3 year term expiring May 1, 2022.
b. Approval of the appointment of Donald Tolan to Conservation, Planning and Zoning (CP&Z), to fill the unexpired term of Andy Rokey, expiring November 30, 2020.
c. Approval of appointment of Kim Holmes as the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chairman, to replace Chairman Jerry Smith for the remainder of his term expiring August 1, 2022.
d. Approval of appointment of Jerry Smith to the County Board to fill the unexpired term of Andy Rokey expiring November 30,2020.
Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:
a. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-014 for Personnel Policy changes to add the Sexual Harassment Policy to coincide with the Public Act 101-0221 Workplace Transparency Act.
b. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-016 for Personnel Policy changes to add the Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse Policy to coincide with the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
c. Approval of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Activity Delivery Agreement for Project 1 #18-248651.
d. Approval of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Activity Delivery Agreement for Project 2 #18-248652.
e. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-017 Woodford County Highway Department authorizing back pay for certain AFSCME Local 2908 Woodford County Employees (Union) in the amount of $4,722.78.
f. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-018 authorizing the County Board Chairman, Woodford County and the State of Illinois to execute an Engineering Services Agreement with Mauer-Stutz Inc. of Peoria, Illinois for the County Highway 9 bridge rehabilitation project Section 11-00126-00-BR not to exceed $31,775.00.
g. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-019 authorizing the County Board Chairman, Woodford County and the State of Illinois to execute an Engineering Services Agreement with Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC, of Peoria, Illinois not to exceed $44,463.00.
Chairman Krug announced there was no New Business Items to be discussed.
Chairman Krug moved on to Unfinished Business, stating each Member had received a copy of the paragraph describing how the new rule to be added to the Board Rules should read. Chairman Krug went on to state next month there would be a Resolution on the agenda to properly approve this addition to the Board Rules.
Chairman Krug announced if any of the Members were interested in becoming an alternate on any of the committees would they please contact him.
Chairman Krug then called for the vote to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Logan moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Tolan.
Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added, hearing none.
Mr. Hill presented and read Resolution 2019/2020-020 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mr. Davis.
Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis and Richard Hill. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Justin Faulk, excused; Charles Nagel, excused; and Randy Roethler, unexcused. Motion carried.
The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending December 31, 2019 was presented. Treasurer Andrews stated Zimmerman Power Wash paid off their loan taking advantage of the 30 % discount. She further stated moving forward she would continue to report on the remaining loan payment being deposited into the County General Fund and she will continue to give the Board a monthly update.
Mr. Kempf moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Barker and was unanimously carried.
The report for the Office of the County Board dated January 21, 2020 was presented. Mr. Cotton moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Tolan and was unanimously carried.
The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the January 21, 2020 County Board meeting:
Resignation Letter from Andy Rokey dated January 6, 2020.
Letter from IRS concerning Standard Mileage rates for 2020.
Letter from the Illinois Collaboration on Youth showing the impact of Redeploy Illinois Program Outcomes.
Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held December 9, 2019.
Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held December 9, 2019.
Minutes of the Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee held on December 9, 2019.
Mr. Parsons moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and was unanimously carried.
The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.
Chairwomen Andrews reported for the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee). Chairwomen Andrews stated they did not have a meeting last week. Chairwomen Andrews reported on the combined fund balances stating there is around $725,000. Chairwomen Andrews also brought to everyone’s attention since the New Year started on January 1, 2020 – everyone will be starting over with their new deductibles. Mr. Steffen inquired about the $725,000 asking if that amount carries over. Chairwomen Andrews explained that those funds stay in the bank account to pay claims with, to pay reinsurance premiums with and to earn interest.
Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, asked County Engineer Moore to report for their committee. County Engineer Moore stated work continues on the Access Ordinance and gave an accounting on their upcoming projects;
Engineering to start on several bridge projects
Annual seal coat program for Townships and County
Couple bridge levy’s in the Spring
Mr. Cotton, Chairman of the County Offices Committee, reported their committee met prior to tonight’s County Board Meeting. Mr. Cotton stated they are waiting on the codification from State’s Attorney Greg Minger.
Chairman Krug announced earlier this evening at County Offices committee meeting, they approved the appointment of Jerry Smith to the Woodford County Board. Chairman Krug thanked Mr. Smith for serving with them.
Mr. Hill, reported for the Finance and Economic Development Committee. Mr. Hill reported on the Block Grant Development Projects stating they have two projects in the works. Mr. Hill stated Jim Cummings has been doing a great job helping with all the details making sure everything is done in the correct order. Mr. Hill reported they received the final Grant Money payment for asbestos removal for the former Annex 3 building. Chairman Krug stated they will sign the paperwork on the two issues that was passed tonight and Mr. Cummings can then move on with the next step. Chairman Krug stated it is very involved and he does a great job. Chairman Krug stated there are a lot of people out in Woodford County talking about these projects and it’s seen as a very positive step how glad he is that the Finance Committee has moved it to this point to get these done.
Mr. Logan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported on the hot water storage tanks that were voted on last month are being made and hopefully will be installed soon. Mr. Logan reported they spent alot of their time discussing Annex 4. Mr. Logan stated it was decided the CAC organization will stay in the Farm Bureau Building where they currently are and will continue to pay rent there. Mr. Logan reported the committee felt it was going to be more cost effective for them to stay there versus remodeling a space for them at Annex 4. Mr. Logan stated they discussed the remodeling of Annex 4 and they could really use some more input and how they don’t want disappointment from entities or criticism after it’s done. Mr. Logan stressed the time is now for anyone to give their input on how they feel it should be remodeled. Mr. Davis inquired if there were any prints on the remodel that could be shared. Mr. Logan stated the only drawings they have is on the building itself and do not have any architectural drawings on remodeling, further stating it was decided after the committee meeting to cut the scope of work down quite a bit to where it was decided work could be done without any drawings. Mr. Logan explained they are removing a couple walls, repairing the ceiling and drywall without causing any major changes to the building. Mr. Davis inquired if a sketch could be put together so everyone would have a better idea of what the layout is going to look like. Mr. Parsons further explained they are working off of a comprehensive list on what they are looking to do further explaining besides moving some utilities, the major consideration will be to the configuration of the desks, chairs and projector. Mr. Parsons explained they didn’t think it was necessary to lay out the cost of hiring someone to give them a design layout. Chairman Krug inquired on the layout of the desks and chairs. Mr. Logan reported they will be getting some drawings on how the furnishings will look and options pertaining to the arrangement of that. Mr. Logan reported on the construction part of it the committee felt it was simple enough and they didn’t want to pay for a sketch. Mr. Davis inquired about the funds that were allocated to annex 4. Mr. Cotton wanted to know how the RFQ was going to work if things were being done by word of mouth how are contractors going to be compared. Mr. Logan stated they do have a set of specs that details out the work to be done and how they would like it to be done. Mr. Dennis Tipsword stated they had a good discussion with Public Safety and proceeded to give a descriptive visual on their plan for the remodel of annex 4. Mr. Tipsword went into great detail explaining the scope of their plan:
moving the utility room and bathroom to create a larger rectangle room replacing ceiling grid in the office area
skim coating the drywall
adding numerous updates as they continued to go through it
Mr. Tipsword stated they have a very solid list of what the scope of work is, something that is easily bid and are very clear on the scope of the construction part of it. Mr. Tipsword stated he is very confident on the plan and since it was decided CAC will remain where they are it becomes a simpler remodel. Mr. Davis clarified and spoke with Mr. Logan about the money they seen go through the Finance Committee budget and how it was laid out involving Annex 4. Mr. Logan explained $150,000 was budgeted for Annex 4 remodel further stating he would be happy to meet anyone down there and show them the building and get input. Mr. Logan would like to hear ideas now not later. Mr. Kempf stated he knows the building very well and inquired about the bathrooms being removed, the relocation of the utility room, is the goal to knock out the walls to make it one big board room and then have offices siding up with the Healthcare Building. Mr. Tipsword stated the section we are talking about for the board room is 1835 which is the middle room and that will be the board room. Mr. Tipsword explained the bathroom that will be removed was just stubbed in and never finished. Mr. Tipsword stated everyone and the Public will use the bathroom located down the hall which is technically in 1835. The mechanical room where the furnace is at will be relocated to 1835 mechanical room where another furnace is located making two furnaces at the 1835 location further explaining they won’t take up any of the office space being used there just making the mechanical room more crowded. Mr. Kempf asked for clarification on 1835 inquiring if it butted up against the HealthCare Building. Mr. Tipsword clarified it does not, it is the middle one. Mr. Kempf asked if there was office space for possible future expansion in the years to come for the Healthcare Office. Mr. Tipsword gave clarification on the layout of the building and how all the space was allocated in reference to the Healthcare Offices and possible expansion for them. Chairman Krug stated he was in the building a year ago how there is a lot of space and room and inquired what would be the best way for someone to get in there and view the building. Mr. Logan stated they can contact him or the Chief Deputy or Sheriff further stating they want to get a move on this and would like anyone to reach out within the next week or so.
Mr. Parsons, reported for Conservation Planning and Zoning Committee. Mr. Parsons reported they are still waiting to finalize the Minonk Wind, LLC special use. Mr. Parsons stated they are not changing the special use, it is more of a MOU how they are basically calling it a letter of agreement. Mr. Parsons reported that it outlines some of the basic items of the special use as something future committees can use, look at and reference. Mr. Parsons reported they are making sure nothing in it would conflict with the special use further stating States Attorney Greg Minger has it and they are waiting for some feedback from him so they can hopefully by the next committee meeting they can finalize it and everyone can sign off on it. Mr. Parsons reported on the Honorary Street Name Procedure stating some of you may have received emails or phone calls regarding this, how the committee was approached and the discussion they had. Mr. Parsons stated when they did receive feedback from many of the Township Commissioners and from County Engineer Moore it was the consensus from all entities the committee spoke with it was decided not to pursue this request any further based on the negative feedback. Mr. Parsons reported they are reviewing the Inoperable Motor Vehicle Ordinance that was drafted in the 80’s and not changed since that time, how they don’t plan to make any changes, they are just updating it, taking out the enforcement side of it from the Sheriff’s Department placing it with Mrs. Jording in the Zoning Office, finishing it up by the next committee meeting. Mr. Parsons commented on the resignation of Vice Chairman Andy Rokey and stated Mr. Nagel was nominated and elected to fill that position.
Mr. Parsons reported for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Parsons stated they do not meet during the month of December so there is nothing to report. Mr. Parsons asked Chairman Krug about the ZBA listings he has noticed the past few months being listed under Public Announcements and if he needs to report on any of those, mainly pertaining to the January 28th meeting. Chairman Krug stated if there is anything Mr. Parsons feels he needs to clarify to go ahead. Mr. Parsons reported CP & Z is going before the ZBA with cleanup language and inconsistencies in the ordinance they corrected and will move forward with. Mr. Parsons reported they are making some changes to;
structure height across all districts going from mean height to peak height
changing some small things and permitted uses in R1 and R2
changes to 1 or 2 things in special uses regarding type 2 home occupation
slight adjustments to the permit fee section regarding minimum square footage and price per square footage
Mr. Parsons reported they have a variance on maximum building square footage in the Ag District of Benson located in Clayton Township. Mr. Parsons stated there are 3 special uses for Meteorological Towers; Clayton Township, Panola Township and Greene Township. Mr. Parsons reported there were 3 special use extensions for a few solar farms that were approved stating none of those pertained to the Eureka solar farm. Mr. Parsons stated those locations are in the areas of Goodfield, Spring Bay and Minonk. Mr. Krug inquired about the status on the permit of the Eureka solar farm and if it had expired. Mr. Krug stated they had gone to court in November or December. Mrs. Jording gave an accounting on the timeline of Mr. Krug’s inquiry reporting it looks to be around April before they hear anything. Mr. Parsons stated he had gotten a few calls from community residents on where it stands informing those entities they haven’t received any information back, they still have a little bit of time and no extension has occurred.
Veterans Assistance Commission Superintendent Allen Helsel reported his office is running smoothly, seeing veterans every other day wanting help. Superintendent Helsel stated they have been giving assistance to the same veterans how they have finally received compensation for them and are hopeful they will not return since they are receiving money from the Government now. Superintendent reported he has been attending a lot of meetings in Tazewell County.
Chairman Krug called for Public Announcements.
The Methodist Men’s Group will be sponsoring the Old Farmers Breakfast on February 1, 2020 from 6:00 AM till 10:00 AM at the Eureka United Methodist Church.
The Organic Farming Meeting has been rescheduled for February 25, 2020 which will be held at Beck’s Hybrid in El Paso, Illinois from 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM for anyone interested.
Mr. Parsons touched base on some of the upcoming Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) topics coming up (Text amendment, variance for building size; and special use for meteorological uses as well as extensions for solar farms.)
Chairman Krug stated there was no need to go into Executive Session.
Mr. Cotton moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in February, A.D. 2020 same being the 18th day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.
Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 7:17 PM.