Woodford County Board met March 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.
Chairman Krug began the meeting by leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Krug announced the recent Executive Order from Governor Pritzker concerning COVID-19 dated March 16, 2020, under section 6, makes provisions of the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120, requiring or relating to in-person attendance by members of a public body are suspended. Specifically, (1) the requirement in 5 ILCS 120/2.01 that “members of a public body must be physically present” is suspended; and (2) the conditions in 5 ILCS 120/7 limiting when remote participation is permitted are suspended. Public bodies are encouraged to postpone consideration of public business where possible. When a meeting is necessary, public bodies are encouraged to provide video, audio, and/or telephonic access to meetings to ensure members of the public may monitor the meetings, and to update their websites and social media feeds to keep the public fully apprised of any modifications to their meeting schedules or the format of their meetings due to COVID-19, as well their activities relating to COVID-19.
Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker (phone-in), Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf (phone-in), John Krug, Barry Logan, Blake Parsons, Jerry Smith, Jason Spence (phone-in), Dan Steffen and Donald Tolan. Absent: Justin Faulk, excused; and Randy Roethler, unexcused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer.
Board announced in session by the Chairman.
Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.
Mr. Cotton moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.
Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the February 18, 2020 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.
Mr. Davis moved to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 regular session County Board meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Hill.
Chairman Krug called for any corrections or addition to the minutes. Mr. Logan moved to amend page 4, paragraph 4 to add the end of the paragraph “Chairman Krug called for all in favor of the motion, which unanimously carried.” which was seconded by Mr. Steffen; motioned carried.
Chairman Krug called for the approval of the minutes as amended, which unanimously carried.
Ms. Hillary Aggertt, Woodford County Health Care Administrator phoned in to give the Members an update on COVID-19. Ms. Aggertt stated she had received a call late in the night of March 13, 2020 concerning an individual from Woodford County had tested positive for COVID-19. She went on to tell the Members the Staff from Woodford County Health has been working alongside with Peoria and Tazewell County Health Departments, as well as various medical professionals all working together on response protocol for all areas. Ms. Aggertt stated the best way to so call “Flatten the Curve” is to practice good hygiene, use hand sanitizer, quit shaking hands, practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet apart, limit all unnecessary travel and be careful when attending meetings. Ms. Aggertt stated there are only so many healthcare facilities available so if you or someone in your family do not feel well call your doctor, Do Not Go to the office; the doctor’s office will screen your call by asking a list of questions to see if you meet the criteria. In some cases they may need to run a test, but testing equipment is very limited at this time. She went on to say in some cases the doctor will tell you to quarantine at home. Ms. Aggertt stated the Woodford County Health Department staff has been working remotely from home, but if needed to would be willing to help the County Board with any questions they may have.
Chairman Krug, on behalf of the County Board, thanked Ms. Aggertt and her staff at the Woodford County Health Department for all of their hard work and dedication.
Chairman Krug stated for this evening the Board would take care of the consent agenda, approved the claims to be paid in vacation, as well as an update of employees/buildings. Chairman Krug said State’s Attorney Minger will be discussing the Disaster Proclamation to the Board and answer any questions in regard to said Proclamation.
The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.
Mr. Nagel moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Hill. Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda, hearing none; motion carried.
a. Approval of the appointment of Vincent Winkler to the Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association to complete the unexpired 4 year term of Robert Beschorner expiring April 30, 2021.
b. Approval of the appointment of Robin Strauch to the Mt. Vernon Cemetery Association to complete the unexpired 4 year term of Steven Beschorner expiring April 30, 2022.
c. Approval of the appointment of Linda Haas to the El Paso Fire Protection District to complete the unexpired 3 year term of Ronald Mool expiring April 30, 2021.
d. Approval of the reappointment of Robert Sutton to the Caterpillar Trail Water District for a 5 year
term expiring May 1, 2025.
e. Approval of the reappointment of Zachery M. Taylor to the Caterpillar Trail Water District for a 5 year term expiring May 1, 2025.
f. Approval of the reappointment of Bolden Malcom to the Board of Review for a 2 year term expiring June 1, 2022.
g. Approval of the reappointment of Shirley A. Miller to the Board of Review for a 2 year term expiring June 1, 2022.
h. Approval of the reappointment of Jim Ott to the Roanoke Fire Protection District for a 3 year term expiring May 12, 2023.
i. Approval of the reappointment of Brian Shirey to the Roanoke Fire Protection District for a 3 year term expiring May 13, 2023.
Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:
a. Approval of Ordinance 2019/2020-010 amending changes to the Liquor Control Ordinance to allow changes to the Sunday time.
b. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-031 accepting a petition for aid from Partridge Township, Section 20-14116-01-DR.
c. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-032 to accept quotes for spray patch oil, Section 20-00000-19-GM.
d. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-033 to accept aggregate stockpile material quotes, Section 20-00000-20-GM.
e. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-034 to accept aggregate pit material quotes, Section 20-00000-25-GM.
f. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-035 to accept the material bid for culverts, Section 20-00000-04- GM.
g. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-036 authorizing the County Board Chairman to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT for Section 19-00174-99-DR, County Highway 12 permanent repair reimbursement.
h. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-037 for Annex 4 Remodel bids.
i. Approval of the We Care Oversight Policy.
Chairman Krug then called to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Tolan moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Cotton. Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added.
Mr. Logan moved to add a claim from Probation Department to Quill in the amount of $67.96 for exam gloves which is dated March 6, 2019, which was seconded by Mr. Parsons. Chairman Krug called for approval of adding the claim to Claims paid in vacation; motion carried.
Chairman Krug called for approval of the claims as amended, which unanimously carried.
Mr. Logan presented and read Resolution 2019/2020-029 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mr. Smith.
Mr. Hill announced at a previous Road & Bridge Meeting a claim for Mr. Moore to attend a State conference had been approved in the amount of $100.00, due to COVID-19 the conference has been cancelled, therefore that claim will need to be pulled and the check not be cut.
Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jerry Smith, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf and John Krug. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Justin Faulk, excused; and Randy Roethler, unexcused. Motion carried.
Chairman Krug announced the County has been working with both Peoria and Tazewell Counties concerning Disaster Proclamations and other related topics dealing with COVID-19. Chairman Krug said in working in conjunction with the two counties they have been able to share resources and receive news relatively quickly which has been a big advantage. The County has been working with Tazewell as they are similar size and mind set as Woodford County. In an effort to stay on the same timeline with the Peoria and Tazewell Counties, on Wednesday March 18, 2020 all three counties signed Disaster Proclamations. He went on to explain this Proclamation will be good for seven days, at which time the County Board will need to decide whether or not to extend it.
Chairman Krug stated he had received communication from Mr. Zimmerman, the Tazewell County Board Chairman in which Mr. Zimmerman said beginning on Monday March 23, 2020 the Tazewell County will be closing. Chairman Krug said this would not be a total closure, employees will still be reporting to work, but no public would be allowed access to the buildings. Citizens who are in need of essential services would then have to call and make an appointment with the necessary departments.
State’s Attorney Greg Minger said as stated by the Chairman a Disaster Proclamation was signed by the County Board Chairman on Wednesday March 18, 2020. He further said the signing of this Proclamation is a way to get ahead of the situation, and what this does is puts the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) in place. State’s Attorney Minger said it allows for Kent McCanless, the Emergency Manager Assistance Manager and his staff to obtain supplies from the State and the Federal Department if there are any available. He went on to say the problem is there are not a lot of supplies to be able to get, but hopefully the Proclamation should bump us up in line. State’s Attorney Minger said the other thing the Proclamation does is give the County Board Chairman the authority to spend money without going through the normal processes during the next seven days. He went on to say right now there is not a lot of supplies available, such as hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, etc. and when those items are available to purchase, the Chairman has the authority to do so. State’s Attorney Minger stated at some point the situation may worsen, the Disaster Proclamation would allow for Kent and his staff to set up emergency tents, as well as a lot of other things in the surrounding area.
State’s Attorney Minger said according to the Governor, the Open Meetings Act has been loosened so even though it is probably not on the agenda the County Board needs to determine if they wish to extend the Disaster Proclamation. He went on to say initially the Proclamation is good for seven days, so the Board can make an oral Resolution tonight and get something in writing as to how long the Proclamation will be good for.
Chairman Krug called for input from the Board Members on how to best handle the Disaster Proclamation.
Mr. Davis suggested staying in line with what the schools are doing and extending the date until April 1, 2020. He went on to say the Board could then meet again if necessary and take a look at the situation to determine the next step.
Mr. Nagle stated he too agreed with Mr. Davis, but thought meeting to decide these types of things is going against what we as a Board should be trying to do, as much as possible we should be trying to eliminate that. He went on to say he felt it should be extended much further than April 1st, so in an effort to limit more meetings the Board should extend it as far as the law will allow. Much discussion followed with majority of the Board Members sharing the same thoughts of extending the Proclamation further.
State’s Attorney Minger stated in the event the Board had set the date further out and miraculously the situation got better, the Board could then make the determination the Disaster Proclamation was no longer needed and end it. He went on to say if any of the Board Members had questions and/or concerns about anything related to the Proclamation the best way to contact him would be by email. State’s Attorney Minger also stated the Supreme Court system had moved all of the cases into the month of May, also there would not be the normal 200 jurors coming into the Courthouse because of those cases being moved.
State’s Attorney Minger stated he had a list from all of the departments on who the essential employees were, what the essential functions in the office were and how they would be handled.
Chairman Krug stated Tazewell County had just announced effective immediately offices would be closed to the public, going on to say originally this was to take place on Monday, March 23, 2020, but at this point all Tazewell County employees will report to work. Chairman Krug inquired if this is a reasonable way for the Board to handle things in order to keep our employees safe.
Mr. Nagle stated he thought this was acceptable, he would be willing to make the motion, but first the Board needs to determine whether non-essential people were staying home or not.
Chairman Krug stated at this point everyone is reporting to work. He went on to say Mr. Hill brought up a point about possibly rotating employees by cutting your staff in half working part of them one day and the other half another. Chairman Krug stated the elected officials have already named employees who would be considered essential in case something more drastic happens in the County. He went on to say most people whom are being sent home from work would be receiving compensation.
Mr. Spence stated the building he works at in Tazewell County is already closed to the public and unless a citizen has an appointment they are not allowed access. He went on to say the building to be locked down on Monday is the McKenzie Building which houses other services not court related such as zoning.
Mr. Hill stated he wished to step back from his original thought of rotating employees as he is not sure from a biological or medical stand point it would be a good idea because you are continuing those circles of exposure.
State’s Attorney Minger stated the Sheriff’s office is having the maintenance department and his staff wipe down surfaces such as door handles, hand rails, elevator buttons and other essential arears throughout the day with disinfectant.
Chairman Krug stated this is a World where you do not tell the County Clerk what to do, they are her employees; and you do not tell the State’s Attorney what to do. He went on to say he feels comfortable, these are elected officials, if they caucus and decided to do what they are comfortable with the County Board should do the same with the departments the County Board has control over; Zoning, Assessments, Highway and the Deb Breyman. Chairman Krug inquired as to where the County Board wanted to go with buildings and employees and the length of the Disaster Proclamation. Discussion followed.
Mr. Logan motioned to extend the Emergency Disaster Proclamation until May 19, 2020 at 10 P.M., which was seconded by Mr. Parsons. Mr. Spence called for a roll call vote.
Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Charles Nagel, Blake Parsons, Jerry Smith, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Donald Tolan, Emily Barker, Russell Cotton, Joshua Davis, Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug and Barry Logan. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Justin Faulk, excused; and Randy Roethler, unexcused. Motion carried.
Mr. Logan stated he would be in favor of closing the Courthouse to the Public only allowing citizens in by appointment only.
Mr. Spence stated he agreed with Mr. Logan, but wanted to amend it to include anyone having business with the Courts.
Mr. Spence motioned to close the Courthouse to be limited to citizens who have business with court or who have made an appointment with the department that they wish to do business with or have a meeting with, effective Monday March 23, 2020, which was seconded by Mr. Nagle. Motion carried.
The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending February 29, 2020 was presented, as well as the report of the County Board office dated February 18, 2020 are listed for the purpose of filing with the Board information. Due to COVID-19 neither Treasurer Andrews nor Ms. Breyman were present at the meeting.
The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the March 19, 2020 County Board meeting:
United Counties Council of Illinois (UCCI) copy of the Executive Order dated March 16, 2020 in response to COVID-19.
Letter from Mediacom dated February 29, 2020 listing changes to the local cable television lineup to take affect March 31, 2020.
Letter from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources with notification of the removal of the Benson Water Tower from the National Register of Historic Places.
Treasurer’s Report, Audit Report and Health Care Committee Report for the month of February 2020.
Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held February 10, 2020.
Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held February 10, 2020 and Special Meeting held February 18, 2020. Executive session minutes of the Public Safety Committee Meeting held June 10, 2019.
Minutes of the County Offices Committee meeting held February 11, 2020.
Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee held February 11, 2020.
Minutes of the Conservation, Planning and Zoning Committee held on January 28, 2020 and February 10, 2020.
Minutes of the Health Care Committee meeting held February 11, 2020.
Minutes of the Liquor Commission Meeting held on December 17, 2018.
Mr. Cotton moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in April, A.D. 2020 same being the 21st day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Logan and was unanimously carried. Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 7:56 PM.
Minutes of the Liquor Commission Meeting held on December 17, 2018.
Mr. Cotton moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in April, A.D. 2020 same being the 21st day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Logan and was unanimously carried. Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 7:56 PM.