City of Lewistown City Council met April 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call: Alderman Clark, Kelley, Lafary, Miller, Pascal, Spotloe
4. Declaration of Quorum
5. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting March 10, 2020 Minutes
Clerk’s Report: Cindy Goddard City Clerk
6. Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Brown City Treasurer
7. Presentation of Bills
Approve Bills that are Properly Endorsed
8. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Nathan Collins
9. Engineer’s Report – Keith Plavec
10. Public Comments and Petitions
11. Committee Reports:
1. Finance/Insurance/Zoning – Alderman Clark
2. Sewer – Alderman Spotloe
3. Streets & Allies – Alderman Miller
4. Police/ESDA – Alderman Lafary
5. Water - Mayor Littlefield
6. Utilities/Publications – Alderman Kelley
7. Public Buildings & Grounds – Alderman Kelley
8. Tourism – Alderman Pascal
12. Old Business:
1. Discuss/Approve Seal Coat Bid from IRC Inc. in the amount of $79,481.00 –
2. Discuss/Approve purchase of new Server and Sonicwall -
13. New Business:
14. Adjournment