
Peoria Standard

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of BellevilleCity Council met March 16

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City of BellevilleCity Council met March 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Eckert called this meeting to order.

Mayor Eckert explained the disaster procedures and reminded anyone speaking this evening to step up to a microphone because the meetings are being taped and posted the next day on the website.

Mayor Eckert called roll. Members present on roll call: Alderman Kinsella, Alderman Haul, Alderwoman Duco, Alderman Ferguson, Alderman Anthony, Alderman Gvian, Alderman Dintelman, Alderwoman Schaefer; Alderwoman Stiehl; Alderman Rothweiler; Alderman Elmore, Alderman Wigginton, Alderman Barfield.

Alderman Randle and Alderman Weygandt were excused.


Roll Call Department Heads: City Clerk, Jennifer Gain Meyer; City Treasurer Hardt City Attorney Hoerner, Finance Director, Jamie Maitret; Director of IT, Scott Markovich; City Engineer, Michael Velloff.

Police Chief, Bill Clay; Fire Chief, Tom Pour; Director of Maintenance, Ken Vaughn; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Wastewater, Royce Carlisle; Director of Residential and Commercial Development Services, Annissa McCaskill; Director of Library, Leander Spearman.


Mayor Eckert led the Pledge ofAllegiance.


Mayor Eckert recognized Alderwoman Jane Pusa who passed away Friday, March 13, 2020. The family decided to postpone Jane's visitation and Mass of Christian burial until a later date. They intend to hold a celebration of life and Mass of Christian burial as soon as restrictions are lifted, and it is safe for everyone.






Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Ovian recommending Carlos Underwood to fill a vacancy on the Crime Free Housing Committee in the capacity as landlord, vacated by John Durako.

Members voting aye on roll call: Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield. ( 13)


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel motion to approve City Council Meeting Minutes and Executive Session Minutes March 2, 2020.

All members voted aye.


Alderman Dintelman made a motion seconded by Alderman Barfield to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of$ 1, 533,383.52 and payroll in the amount of$847,828.93.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella. ( 13)


Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderman Elmore to approve the Treasurer Report January 2020.Statement of Cash and Investments Report—January 2020.

All members voted aye.



Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer motion to approve an addendum to the development agreement for Meredith Home/Lofts on the Square with MH Belleville Associates, LP.


Mike Lundy advised the addendum is clarifying the vouchers. Mayor Eckert advised Mike Lundy will be reapplying for the vouchers and every year moving forward.

Alderman Barfield asked if this is a ten ( 10) year agreement; Mr. Lundy stated the agreement is for ten ( 10) years; Alderman Barfield asked how many apartments; Mr. Lundy stated ten ( 10) apartments; Alderman Barfield asked the total; Mr. Lundy stated$ 411, 000.00.

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Kinsella, Hazel. ( 12) Members voting nay on roll call: Barfield. ( 1)

Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to accept the donation of a section of Khoury League ball fields( St. Clair County Permanent Parcel No. 08-28.0-209-005) from Khoury League Park and authorize the City Attorney to prepare a Quit Claim Deed to effectuate the property transfer.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco. ( 13)


Alderman Ovian made a motion seconded by Alderman Ferguson to approve the following motions:Motion for a 3- way stop sign at Cedar Grove Drive& Sparrow Point Lane.

Motion for a stop sign on Longridge Circle at Cedar Grove Drive.

Motion to repeal the portion of Ordinance 6268 allowing handicapped parking at 1122- 1124 North Church Street.

All members voted aye.


Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Anthony to approve an amended development agreement with Women World of Beauty (W.W.O.B), LLC for the remodeling of the existing facility located at 7306 Westfield Plaza.

Members voting aye on roll call: Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson. ( 13)

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Ovian to approve a development agreement with Under the Wood Property, LLC for the remodeling and parking lot improvements at the existing facility located at 5003 West Main Street.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony. ( 13)

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve a development agreement with Tygracon Properties Inc. for the remodeling of the existing single-family home located at 500 Park Ave. in response to the City' s Request For Proposals for redevelopment of the property.

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian. ( 13)

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Wigginton to approve a letter of agreement with the West End Redevelopment Corporation in relation to a real estate contract dated October 30, 2009 for the property located at 9700 West Main Street.

Members voting aye on roll call: Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman. ( 13)


Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl to approve the following Zoning cases:

07 — FEB20 — Conni and William Tilley: A request for a Sign Installation Permit for Area of Special Control to install seven (7) flush-mounted, vinyl signs at 200 West Main Street ( parcel number 08-21.0-442-013) located in a " C-2" Heavy Commercial District.

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Applicable sections of the Sign Code: 155.052, 155.053) Ward 5. Zoning Board unanimously recommended Approval.

09— FEB20— Golden Orchard LLC: A request for a Special Use Permit to establish a Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning overlay in an " A-1" Single-Family Residence zoned district for Orchard Lakes Phase 1 Subdivision, lot numbers 1, 5, 6, 8— 12, 14— 16, 24 — 28, 31 — 34, 43, 46, 47, and 50 — 53. Said PUD requests to increase the allowed maximum percentage of lot building coverage from 30% to 35%. ( Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162. 094, 162. 050 — 162.057, 162.515) Ward 6 Zoning Board unanimously recommended Approval.

10 — FEB20 — Tom and Paula Haniszewski and Lori Powell: A request for a Use Variance to re-establish a two-family dwelling at 605 East B Street (parcel number 08- 22.0-325-010) located in an " A- 1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable section ofthe Zoning Code: 162.570) Ward 2 Zoning Board unanimously Approval.

11 — FEB20 — Clifton Smith: A request for a Use Variance to establish a two-family dwelling at 614 South Charles Street( parcel number 08- 27.0- 129-005) located in an A-1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable section of the Zoning Code: 162.570) Ward 6 Zoning Board unanimously recommended Approval.

Members voting aye on roll call: Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer. ( 13)

Alderman Barfield made a motion seconded by Alderman Wigginton to deny the 08 — FEB20 — Georgia Huelsman: A request for a Special Use Permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast( Air BnB) at 220 Chevy Chase Drive (parcel number 07- 12.0-318-004) located in an " A- 1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.094, 162.515) Ward 8 Zoning Board recommended Approval hr a majority vote of5-Z

Alderman Barfield advised he visited the 200 Block of Chevy Chase and spoke to five ( 5) neighbors. Four (4) neighbors are against and one ( 1) is in favor. He has received emails from various residents in Ogles neighborhood and it is 50/50.

At the Zoning Board meeting there was one letter written by an individual that was opposed to this request.

Alderman Wigginton stated he is not against Air BnB; this property will probably go rental; the problem is the residents in Ogles Subdivision do not know what an Air BnB is.

Members voting aye on roll call: Rothweiley Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Haul, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl. ( 13)


Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer approve medical and vision insurance plans and carriers, as recommended by staff and our insurance broker.

Members voting aye on roll call: Elmore, Wigginton, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler. ( 12) Alderman Barfield abstained. ( 1)


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Ferguson approve amendments to Title XV ( Land Usage), Chapter 151 ( Electrical Code); Sections 151.28 (Requirements for Commercial Buildings) and 151. 29( Requirements for Residential Buildings).


Mayor Eckert advised this is taking the Electrical Code and adding additional requirements and adopting the national code. Mayor Eckert advised Mike Lundy approached him regarding the electrical code and that' s when he sat down with the commission.

Members voting aye on roll call: Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore. ( 13)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Barfield approve amendments to Title XV( Land Usage), Chapter 154( Property Maintenance Code).

Members voting aye on roll call: Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duces, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton. ( 13)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel approve amendments to Title IX (General Regulations), Chapter 92 (Health and Sanitation), Section 92.25 ( Placing of Containers).

Members voting aye on roll call: Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield. ( 13)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer approve amendments to

Title XI (Business Regulations), Section 123.008( Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization).

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella. ( 13)


Alderman Dintelman made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl approve Golden Orchard LLC: An amendment to the Final Plat for Orchard Lakes Phase I Subdivision, an " A-1" Single- Family Residence development. Said amendment requests to decrease the platted minimum side lot line building setback from 7.5 ft to 5 ft, in accordance with the" A-1" Single- Family Residence District regulations.

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel. ( 13)


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer approve Raab Avenue 110— 1 r Street project with Hank' s Excavating in the amount of$713,968.51.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco. ( 13)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Duco approve Raab Ave Construction Inspection with Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC in the amount of$46,800.00.

Members voting aye on roll call: Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Haul, Duco, Ferguson. ( 13)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Rothweiler approve Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Dawn Heights neighborhood Improvements with Kaskaskia Engineering Group, LLC in the amount of$ 30,549.00 for the street resurfacing length of 5581 feet.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Haul, Duro, Ferguson, Anthony. ( 13)


Alderwoman Duco made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel to approve the following Communications:

ALE FEST—04/25/2020 Request from 4204 Main Street Brewing Company to host the Ale Fest, Saturday, April 25, 2020, I2:OOpm to 4:OOpm, 4204 West Main Street. No City services requested.

EDEN' S ARMY COURAGE 5K—04/262020 Request from Eden' s Army to hold Eden' s Army— Courage SK, Sunday, April 26, 2020, 7:00am

12:00 pm. No City services requested.

LINDENWOOD BELLEVILLE GRADUATION- 05/072020 Request from Lindenwood University-Belleville to hold their 2020 Commencement Ceremony, Thursday, May 7, 2020, 7:OOpm to 10:00 pm. City services requested: Police personnel.

GRADUATION BLOCK PARTY—05/152020 Request from 14'^ Fairway Drive Neighbors to hold a graduation block party, Friday, May 15, 2020, 6:OOpm to 12:OOam. Street closure request: S: OOpm to 1: 00am (05/ 16/2020) end of cul-de- sac to encompass 2922, 2923, 2925, 2926, 2927 14" Fairway drive. City services requested: barricades.

AINAD SHRINER' S PARADE—05/ 292020 Request from the Ainad Shriner' s to hold their Circus Days Parade, Friday, May 29, 2020, 7:30pm to 10:00pm Street closure requests: staging areas S: OOpm to 11: OOpm; North 3rd Street between West Main Street (north side) and West " A" Street ( south side); North 3rd Street from West " A" Street( north side) to West" F" Street( south side); West " C" Street from North 2nd Street( west side) to North 4th Street Rear( east side); 7:30p.m. rolling closure along parade route. City services requested: Police personnel, " No Parking" signs, barricades, trash totem, electrical panels and clean-up ofparade route.

60's & 70's CLASS REUNION—09262020 Request from Tavem on Main to host Reunions for Classes ofthe 1960s and 1970s, Saturday, September 26, 2020, S: OOpm to 11: 59pm. Street closure request: S: OOpm to 12:30am North Church from East Main Street to alley, including use of Gas Light Patio. City services requested: picnic tables, barricades and trash totem.

CHILI COOK-OFF— 10/ 092020 AND 10/ 102020 Request from the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce to host the Chili Cook-Off, Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10, 2020, 11: 00am to 10:30pm. Street closure requests: S: OOpm Thursday, October 8, 2020 until 1: OOam Sunday, October 11, 2020 ofthe Public Square one block north, south and west. East Main Street from Illinois Street to the west side of Church Street. City services requested: picnic tables, barricades, trash totem, sanitation manpower, clean-up, Police Department personnel and electrical panels.

CHILI CHASE 5K- 10/ 10/2020 Request from the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce to host the Chili Chase 5K & Kids Pepper Dash, Saturday, October 10, 2020, 9:OOam to 11: OOam. Street closure requests: 7:OOam to 11: 00am, North and South Church from alley to alley, East Main Street from Church Street to the west side of Charles Street, 7:OOam to I1:OOam. City services requested: barricades and Police Department personnel.

All members voted aye.




Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderman Barfield to read by title only and m a group Resolutions 3380 and 3381.

All members voted aye.

Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Duco to approve the following Resolutions:

RESOLUTION 3380- 2020 A Resolution requesting permission from IDOT to close Route 159 for the Ainad Shriner's Parade, Friday, May 29, 2020.

RESOLUTION 3381- 2020 A Resolution requesting permission from IDOT to close Route 159 for the Chili Cook Off, Thursday, October 8, 2020— Saturday, October 10, 2020.

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian. (13)


Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to read by title only and as a group Ordinances 8424-2020, 8426-2020, 8427-2020, 8428-2020, 8429-2020, 8430-2020, 8431- 2020, 8432- 2020, 8433- 2020, 8434-2020, 8435-2020.

All members voted aye.

Alderman Hazel made a motion seconded by Alderman Ferguson to approve the following Ordinances:

ORDINANCE 8424-2020 A Zoning Ordinance In Re: 07-FEB-20— Conni and William Tilley.

ORDINANCE 8426-2020 A Zoning Ordinance In Re: 09-FEB-20— Golden Orchard LLC.

ORDINANCE 8427-2020 A Zoning Ordinance In Re: 10-FEB-20— Tom and Paula Haniszewski and Lori Powell.

ORDINANCE 8428-2020 A Zoning Ordinance In Re: 11- FEB-20— Clifton Smith.

ORDINANCE 8429-2020 An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 ( Traffic) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof (Cedar Grove Drive and Longridge Circle)

ORDINANCE 8430-2020

An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 ( Traffic) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof ( Cedar Grove Drive and Sparrow Pt)ORDINANCE 8431-2020 An Ordinance amending Chapter 76 (Traffic) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof.

ORDINANCE 8432-2020 An Ordinance amending Title XV (Land Usage), Chapter 151 ( Electrical Code); Sections 151. 28 Requirements for Commercial Buildings) and 151. 29 ( Requirements for Residential Buildings) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof.

ORDINANCE 8433-2020 An Ordinance amending Title XV (Land Usage), Chapter 154( Property Maintenance Code)of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof.

ORDINANCE 8434-2020 An Ordinance amending Title IX ( General Regulations), Chapter 92 ( Health and Sanitation), Section 92.25 ( Placing of Containers) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof.

ORDINANCE 8435-2020 An Ordinance amending to Title XI (Business Regulations), Section 123.008 (Adult-Use Cannabis Dispensing Organization) of the revised ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois as amended, by amending portions of sections thereof.

Members voting aye on roll call: Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman. ( 13)


Mayor Eckert addressed COVID-19 procedures.


Alderman Rothweiler made a motion seconded by Alderman Ferguson to approve Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of$2,342.21.

Members voting aye on roll call: Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer. ( 13)

Mayor Eckert announced there are yard signs for the 2020 Census if anyone wants one for their yard.




Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Duco to adjourn at 8: 16 p.m.

All voted aye.




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