City of Eureka City Council met July 20.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Roll Call.
III. Approval of Minutes from July 6, 2020 Council Meeting.
IV. Approval of minutes of the Committee Meetings held within the prior 30 days. (1st monthly meeting)
V. Treasurer’s Report (2nd monthly meeting).
VI. Public Comments on any action to be taken on Agenda items.
VII. Approval of semi-monthly bills.
VIII.Consideration of allowing Woodford County Board to use Eureka Lake Park Pavilion to hold a public meeting. Mayor Zimmer
IX. Recommendation from Eureka Planning Commission to adopt Ordinance 20-04, an ordinance amending Eureka Municipal Code as it relates to sump pump discharge near property lines.
X. Consideration of Enterprise Committee recommendation on replace/repair of high service pump for Eureka Water Plant.
XI. Committee Reports:
Budget Committee – Mr. Prather
Administration and Personnel Committee – Mr. Chambliss
Enterprise Committee – Mr. Getz
Maintenance Committee – Mr. Peterson
Public Safety – Ms. Klaus
Park & Recreation Committee – Mr. Germann
Economic Development & Tourism – Mr. Teegarden
Liquor Commission – Mayor ZimmerXII. New business to come before the council.
XIII.Public comments or Questions
XIV.Adjournment privilege