
Peoria Standard

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodford County Board Met October 20

Webp meeting 04

Woodford County Board met Oct. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Chairman Krug announced Mr. Jeremy Caldera with IAS Technologies would be giving instruction on how the new audio system in the new Board room operates. Mr. Caldera instructed all present on how the microphones operated, going on to say for the first several meetings it is possible there will be a lot of reminders about turning the mics on, but in time everyone should be comfortable with the system. Instruction was given prior to the meeting for the use of the new software to enable the recording device as well as the laptop computer for the Zoom functions of the meetings.

Board met and was called to order by Chairman John Krug.

Chairman Krug began the meeting with a moment of silence and then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call by the Clerk. Present: Emily Barker (Zoom), Russell Cotton, Justin Faulk (Zoom), Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf (6:45 PM), John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Jerry Smith, Jason Spence, and Dan Steffen. Absent: Josh Davis, excused; Blake Parsons, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Donald Tolan, excused. Also present was County Clerk Dawn Kupfer. Note: unless noted otherwise, all Members were present in the Board Room.

Board announced in session by the Chairman.

Clerk Kupfer presented and read the Certificate of Giving Notice for this meeting.

Mr. Logan moved the Certificate be approved as read, which motion was seconded by Mr. Nagel and was unanimously carried.

Clerk Kupfer submitted the minutes of the September 15, 2020 regular session County Board meeting for additions, corrections and approval.

Mr. Cotton moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2020 regular Session County Board meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Spence. Chairman Krug call for and additions or corrections to the minutes, hearing none, motion unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug called for public input.

Ms. Hillary Aggertt, Woodford County Health Department Administrator updated the County Board on where the Health Department currently is at during the pandemic. She stated the Health Department is trying to get back to offering some of their regular services, but with the cases on the rise again, it is difficult to do so. Ms. Aggertt said the Health Department has been working with the State Health Department to prepare for possible upcoming changes at local nursing homes and schools during the pandemic. Ms. Aggertt reminded all present that there is a lot of information on the Woodford County Health Departments website, and encourages everyone to keep practicing social distancing.

Chairman Krug called for any further public input, hearing none he moved onto the Consent Agenda.

The Consent Agenda was presented and clarified for the reporting of these minutes.

Mr. Hill moved to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Smith.

Chairman Krug called for any items to be removed from the consent agenda; hearing none, Chairman called for a vote, which unanimously carried.


a. Approval of the appointment of Kristen Fehr to the MDP Board to replace the expired 3 year term of Lindsay Franklin expiring June 30, 2022.

b. Approval of the reappointment of Eric Scroggs to the MDP Board for a 3 year term expiring June 30, 2023.

Petitions, Resolutions and/or Motions:

a. Approval of Resolution 10-20-001 authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to Gulfview Management LLC Series 20 on parcel #02-28-400-004.

b. Approval of Resolution 10-20-002 authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to Troy L. Smith on parcel #07-14-202-003.

c. Approval of Resolution 10-20-003 authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to Joe C. Pioletti on parcel #08-20-314-002.

d. Approval of Resolution 10-20-004 authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to Alicia Lapretre on parcel #10-14-309-014'

e. Approval of Resolution 10-20-005 authorizing the execution of a Deed of Conveyance to TRREI LLC on parcel #16-05-305-019.

f. Approval of the Adopt a Lot Agreement with Maggie K. Cronin for 1267 Millpoint Road, East Peoria, Illinois.

g. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-087 to appropriate $980,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to pay for County Highway general maintenance during FY 2021.

h. Approval of Resolution 2019-2020-088 for the procurement of 5,000 gallons of yellow paint, 4,000 gallons of white paint, and 70,000 pounds of glass beads through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services for roadway striping FY 2021.

i. Approval of Resolution 2019-2020-089 accepting the low bid of $22,201.80 from Kara Company to purchase one new GPS Survey equipment, which includes the trade-in of the existing GPS Survey equipment.

j. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-090 authorizing the County Board Chairman to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT for Section 20-00175-00-AM, County Highway Asset Management Program.

k. Approval of Resolution 2019/2020-091 authorizing the execution and amendment of the Federal CARES Act Grant Agreement.

Chairman Krug called for New Business. First Item under New Business, Item (a) discussion/action on Boardroom Wi-Fi.

Mr. Spence stated the County Offices Committee had this added to the agenda as their Committee had experienced difficulty when they had held there meeting last week and wondered if there had been any plans on installing Wi-Fi. Mr. Logan stated he would refer to the Sheriff, but thought the County was waiting on Heartland Fiber to reach this area. He went on to say that during the interim, the County was planning on piggy backing off of the Health Department.

Chairman Krug called for the next item under New Business, Item (b) the discussion of using 1833 S. Main Street as an early vote site. Clerk Kupfer stated this had been discussed at both Public Safety and County Offices Committee meetings, further stating that in the past it can be sometimes difficult to schedule due to the timing of the elections and when the Assessor needs to hold Board of Review hearings. Clerk Kupfer said all of the furniture basically gets moved out of the Board of Review room to allow for the Election computers and equipment to be moved in from where it is currently being stored at 1833 S. Main Street and her thought was that possibly CURES Grant Funds could be utilized to make this more permanent.

Mr. Logan said the Public Safety Committee had discussed this and no one was opposed to it, however it was mentioned that it the Health Department ever needed the additional space the Board would have to possibly discuss relocating the election equipment to the end of the building.

Chairman Krug moved to Item (c) under New Business, the discussion of the non-union salaries.

Mr. Nagel stated he had not put this item on the agenda, but was willing to get this conversation stated as it will be part of the budget discussion coming up. He went on to say there were two departments which asked for more than what the County Finance Committee suggested; the Circuit Clerk's Office and the Probation Office. Chairman Krug stated we will have further discussion on this when we get to the budget.

Chairman Krug moved onto Item (d) discussion on appropriating for CURES projects.

Ms. Andrews, Woodford County Treasurer said she had been giving this a lot of thought as part of the CURES Grant Funds are for COVID related projects which were not budgeted for, going on to say she felt the County Board should not put a line item on these funds. Ms. Andrews felt it would be better to increase contingency amount by the amount which the County thinks we will be reimbursed for. Her recommendation is to increase contingent in the current budget document to reflect the $400,000.00, and on the other side of that under miscellaneous revenue increase that by the same amount.

Chairman Krug moved onto Item (e) under New Business which was renewal of the Property/Liability/Work Compensation Insurance.

Mr. Spence moved to approve the renewal of the Property/Liability and Work Compensation Insurance, which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug stated there would be no action on Item (f) under New Business, the discussion of the Monarch Mortgage Management Agreement.

Chairman Krug called for Item (g) under New Business. Placing the budget on display.

Mr. Nagel moved the budget be approved and placed on display for 15 days (55 ILCS 5/6-1001), which was seconded by Mr. Cotton. Chairman Krug called for further discussion.

Mr. Nagel stated in June there were 3 assumptions the Finance Committee laid out for the budget builders. They were that all non-contractual employees would not go beyond 2 percent, not to include any extra-ordinary expenses and wherever possible keep the items flat. Mr. Nagel stated the Committee had presenters in July and August, after which the Committee discussed in September what had been presented. There were two departments which made pretty good argument for raising their departments up 3 to 4 percent; further stating the Committee had already discussed raising all non-contractual employees from the 2 percent up to 3 percent. At that point it was still pretty early to determine what the downturn in the sales would look like for the County, which he added was minimal. Mr. Nagel felt it was also important for the Board to know the Public Defender's Office also requested to raise a non-contractual employee 3 percent. Mr. Nagel said there was some discussion with the Committee on whether it would be better to move this employee up to make this person exempt from overtime or to leave them at the 3 percent and keep an eye on the amount of overtime. Mr. Nagel said the last thing he wanted to bring to the Boards attention was on page 27, department 300 technology. He went on to say several years ago there had been the idea with IT to put all the money in that line item. Mr. Nagel stated the Committee decided to go back to the individual departments and have them put in an amount for their office would need for new equipment.

Mr. Logan moved to amend the budget changing three of the levies, which he would like to do in one motion. He moved to amend the Highway levy from $943,860 to $944,553; the Bridge levy from $459,600 to $472,276; and the Matching fund levy from $454,000 to $472,276. Mr. Logan stated these levies are typically held at the max rate and once you take them down it is hard to get them back; Mr. Hill seconded the amendment. Motion carried.

Chairman Krug called for any further discussion.

Mrs. Barker inquired if there were two departments whom were seeking to increase the employee salaries. Mr. Nagel stated that the Circuit Clerk and the Probation Departments.

Mrs. Barker moved to amend the budget as the Circuit Clerk and Probation submitted to allow for non- contractual increases. Chairman Krug asked the Officials if 4 percent was the correct number. Ms. Gilbert, Woodford County Circuit Clerk stated hers was 6.5 percent. Mr. Noar said he could provide the actual line amount, which would from $60,600 up to $73,882; which is seconded by Mr. Kempf.

Chairman Krug stated floor open for discussion.

Mr. Nagel stated there are a few things to consider before we as a Board do this, if we move forward this opens up a can of worms. He respects both department heads for asking for this, but one of the things the Board has been fighting for the last two years, is how to reconcile the contractual employees with the non-contractual ones, with employees getting steps etc., no one has been able to figure that out and there is a discrepancy. Mr. Nagel said this is something which needs to be considered with all employees.

Ms. Lynne Gilbert, Woodford County Circuit Clerk stated she was not trying to push either way, but the non-union employees as it is right now, keep getting pushed farther and farther behind. She went on to say by bringing those employees up to what the union employees get would only be fair. A new hire for the union makes the same as one of my employees which have been on the job 4 years or more. Ms. Gilbert does not want to force her employees to join the union, but it is only fair to bring her employees up in order to keep it fair.

Mr. Kempf stated he believes non-union should be making the same wages as the union employees, especially if they are doing similar work. He went on to say long term he felt there was bargaining power in the fact that union and non-union got paid the same. Mr. Kempf stated he personally would like to see everyone be on a performance based increase.

Mr. Matt Noar said briefly there are two administrative ladies in the office, which has been here since 2012/2014 with the increase with the 2021 budget they will be making $14.18 and $14.09. Mr. Noar said and the union starting wage is $15.00 which puts them at a full dollar behind, and we continue to ask these two individuals to do more and more as probation has evolved over the last few years. He went on to say they have had interest in the union lately.

Mr. Logan stated he could not believe that he is saying this out loud, but it seems like the best option would be for these folks to join the union. He went on to say back in June the Finance Committee was working on a 2 percent increase for non-union employees, and at that time the Committee decided being good people they were going to bump everybody up to 3 percent. Mr. Logan said no matter what you bump it to there are people who are going to be unhappy, and every year the Board has to fight this. Further saying he believes these people are deserving of an increase, but the Board needs to work to find a better way other than pick and choose who gets increases and who does not. Mr. Logan stated he would not be supporting this amendment this evening.

Much discussion followed by many more of the Members sharing their opinions on the topic, both for and against approving the increase. Chairman Krug called for one more chance around the table and then restated what the amendment, which was to change in Probation the line item from $60,600 to $73,880 for two of the employees and to go from a 3 percent increase to a 6.5 percent increase in the Circuit Clerk’s Office for eight employees.

Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Bryant Kempf, Jerry Smith, Dan Steffen, Emily Barker and Russ Cotton. County Board Members voting Nay: Justin Faulk, Richard Hill, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel and Jason Spence. County Board Members absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Blake Parsons, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Donald Tolan, excused. Motion failed.

Chairman Krug called for any other amendments to the budget.

Mr. Spence moved to add $400,000 to the contingent line and to add $400,000 to the miscellaneous revenue line, which was seconded by Mr. Nagel. Motion carried.

Chairman Krug called for a vote to place the budget document on file. Motion passed with one nay from Mr. Kempf.

Chairman Krug called for Item (h) the approval of the Trustmark Health Benefits Two year Renewal.

Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Trustmark Health Benefits Two year Renewal Agreement, which was seconded by Mr. Spence and unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug spoke on Item (i) a letter of support for the Germantown Hills Grade School walk/bike- way over Route 116. Chairman Krug said Mr. Dan Mair, Superintendent at the Germantown Hills Grade School had reached out to him with concerns of how to safely get kids across Route 116. He went on to say Mr. Mair has had the opportunity to receive a grant to build a secure walk/bike path over the road and the only thing required from the County was a letter of support.

Mr. Steffen moved to approve the letter to the Germantown Hills Grade School, which was seconded by Mr. Cotton and motion unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug called for Unfinished Business.

Ms. Hillary Aggertt stated to the Board that the Health Department did have an alternative housing agreement with the Eureka College when quarantining individuals, but since school is in session that option is no longer available. Ms. Aggertt stated the Health Department does have Contact Tracing Funds in which they can use to quarantine people separate from their families, but would like the County Board to help in the search for an efficiency apartment to rent. Ms. Aggertt said the second item the Health Department is the entire state is being declared as a state of emergency, with that the availability of supplies is sometimes hard to acquire. She went on to say some of the providers are using the I-Care system to get direct shipments and she is not sure how that will work with future clinics.

Chairman Krug recognized those responsible for the new Board Room including Mr. Kempf, and Mr. Logan, Sheriff Smith, and Chief Dennis Tipsword for all of the hard work and effort put into acquiring and remodeling our new facility. Mr. Hill added the Board should also recognize Mr. Streid and Mr. Glazier.

Chairman Krug announced there were no presentations for the evening.

Chairman Krug then called for the vote to approve the claims Paid in Vacation since the last meeting of the Board. Mr. Nagel moved to approve the Claims Paid in Vacation, which was seconded by Mr. Spence. Chairman Krug asked if there were any claims to be added, hearing none. Motion carried.

Mr. Logan presented and read Resolution 2019/2020-092 approving the payment of the Claims, which was seconded by Mr. Steffen.

Chairman Krug called for a roll call vote. County Board Members voting Aye: Richard Hill, Bryant Kempf, John Krug, Barry Logan, Charles Nagel, Jerry Smith, Jason Spence, Dan Steffen, Emily Barker, Russ Cotton and Justin Faulk. County Board Members voting Nay: None. County Board Members absent: Joshua Davis, excused; Blake Parsons, excused; Randy Roethler, unexcused; and Donald Tolan, excused. Motion carried.

The Report of the County Treasurer on receipts and disbursement of the General Fund, current fund balances and interfund transfers for the period ending September 30, 2020 was presented, as well as a report on the Revolving loan Fund. Ms. Andrews stated as of this meeting only 260 parcels remain unpaid, going on to state at this time last year there were approximately 340 so collections have been better this year than the past. Ms. Andrews said the Tax sale will be held on November 10, 2020.

Mr. Cotton moved to place all of the Treasurer’s reports on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

The report for the Office of the County Board dated October 20, 2020 was presented. Mr. Faulk moved to place the Report on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and was unanimously carried.

The following communication will be placed on file for the regular meeting of the October 20, 2020 County Board meeting:

 Minutes of the Road and Bridge Committee meeting held September 8, 2020.

 Minutes of the Public Safety Committee meeting held August 10 and September 9, 2020.

 Minutes of the County Offices Committee held on September 8, 2020.

 Minutes of the Finance & Economic Development Committee held on September 8, 2020.

 Minutes of the Health Care Committee held on September 9, 2020.

Mr. Cotton moved to place all correspondence on file, which motion was seconded by Mr. Spence and was unanimously carried.

The respective Chairmen gave the reports of each Standing Committee.

Chairwomen Andrews reported for the Health Care Committee (Health Insurance Committee). Chairwoman Andrews reported they met last week and the main topic on their agenda was the approval of a 2 year agreement that was passed at tonight’s meeting. Chairwomen Andrews stated fund balances remain steady even though they do anticipate a decrease in fund balances at the end of the year due to Symetra Insurance Premiums going up, further stating so far it has been a good year and they are hoping to come out good at the end of this year. Chairwomen Andrews reported the increases they put into place for next year will hopefully take care of any shortages from this year.

Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee, reported they had a review of the Motor Fuel Tax Funds and approved basic purchases of road paint, glass beads etc. which is standard for better pricing. Mr. Hill reported the new Paint Striper has come in and how happy they are about that and they approved a bid for some new updated GPS equipment further stating it came in $8,000.00 under bid even though they only received the one bid. County Engineer Moore reported on a Grant that was submitted to IDOT for asset management on software explaining they are going to put all their highway assets into a computer program which will allow them to make more data driven decisions. A question was raised about stop signs from Mr. Cotton pertaining to the bar code on the back of them. County Engineer Moore explained that they will go out and track them to see if any damage has been done to them and once a year they do a night time inspection to verify the collectivity of the stop signs.

Mr. Spence, Chairman of the County Offices Committee, reported they wanted to thank County Clerk & Recorder Dawn L. Kupfer and family for helping to move the election equipment.

Mr. Nagel, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported wanted to publicly thank all the Budget Builders for their hard work they did to get them to where they are tonight. Mr. Nagel stated he recognizes there are inequities throughout the budget and how the Committee work and talk about it all the time. Mr. Nagel stated if there is anyone to help them resolve this they could use the help.

Mr. Logan, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, reported on the continuing work taking place on the Probation Offices located in the old County Board room how they hope it won’t take too long. Mr. Logan reported on the retaining wall project behind the Courthouse how it is ahead of schedule and it is expected to be done early further stating that will help get the paving project done.

Lisa Jording, Zoning Administrator, reported for the Conservation Planning and Zoning Committee, in Mr. Parsons’s absence. Ms. Jording gave an update on the Wind Farm activity further stating an application was filed as well as payment received and in the bank. Ms. Jording further explained the process of the next steps that would be happening over the next few weeks and expressed everything would be posted on the County’s Website. Ms. Jording stated meetings start at Liberty Bible Church on November 16th, 19th, 21st and December 3rd and 8th, running from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm if more days are needed they will add more days. Ms. Jording then reported for the Zoning Board of Appeals, stating they have 1 special use which will be held at the new County Board Room.

Chairman Krug called for Public Announcements, hearing none.

Chairman Krug stated there were no need to go into Executive Session.

Mr. Cotton moved to adjourn until 6:30 P.M. the third Tuesday in November, A.D. 2020 same being the 17th day of said month, which motion was seconded by Mr. Steffen and was unanimously carried.

Chairman Krug announced the Board adjourned at approximately 8:28 PM.




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