
Peoria Standard

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Batavia City Council Met March 1

Webp meeting 04

City of Batavia City Council Met March 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schielke at 7:30 p.m.


Mayor Schielke offered a brief invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


12 of 14 aldermen were present at roll call.

Aldermen (by ward) in attendance in person: Jennifer Baerren (1), Michael O’Brien (1), Alan Wolff (2), Mark Uher (5), Michael Russotto (6) and Keenan Miller (7)

The following aldermen attended via the internet: Dan Chanzit (3), Elliot Meitzler (3), Joe Knopp (4), Tony Malay (4), Abby Beck (5) and Drew McFadden (7)

Absent: Martin Callahan (2), Nicholas Cerone (6)

Also attending were the following:

In person:

City Clerk Ellen Posledni 

City Administrator Laura Newman 

Information Services Director Howard Chason

Via internet:

City Attorney Roman Seckel 

Public Works Director Gary Holm

Community and Economic Development Director Scott Buening 

Human Resources Director Wendy Bednarek 

Police Chief Dan Eul

Fire Chief Randy Deicke Assistant 

City Administrator Anthony Isom

4. REMINDER: Please speak into the microphone

Mayor Schielke reminded everyone to use their microphones.




Ald. Chanzit read the Consent Agenda as follows.

Accept and Place on File:

A. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 2, 2021


B. February 19, 2021 Payroll $972,538.08

C. Accounts Payable Check Register $3,082,219.50

D. City Council Minutes for February 15, 2021

E. ORDINANCE 21-15: Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, 106-110 North Raddant Road, City of Batavia, applicant (JLS 2/17/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CD 

F. ORDINANCE 21-16: Amendment to the Official Zoning Map, 106-110 North Raddant Road, City of Batavia, applicant (JLS 2/17/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CD

G. ORDINANCE 21-17: Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, 1320 Kielion Drive, 1728 Wiesbrock Lane, 1007 Edwards Drive, 700 Norcross Drive, City of Batavia, Applicant (DR 2/15/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CD

H. ORDINANCE 21-18: Amendment to the Official Zoning Map, 1320 Kielion Drive, 1728 Wiesbrock Lane, 1007 Edwards Drive, 700 Norcross Drive, City of Batavia, applicant (DR 2/15/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CD

I. RESOLUTION 21-020-R: Authorizing rescind of MFT Fund expenditure for 2020 Resurfacing Program in the amount of $1,475,000 (RB 2/19/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CS 

J. RESOLUTION 21-021-R: Authorizing using Local Fund for 2020 Resurfacing Program in the amount of $1,448,947.01 (RB 2/19/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CS 

K. RESOLUTION 21-022-R: Authorizing BLR 14220 to allocate $1,450,000.00 MFT fund towards Main Street Reconstruction Project (RB 2/19/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CS 

L. RESOLUTION 20-013-R: IDOT Resolution for Construction on State Highway (GH 2/8/21 COW 2/16/21 13/0) CS

M. ORDINANCE 21-20: Amending 2021 Wage and Salary Ordinance (WB 2/23/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

N. RESOLUTION 21-024-R: IPBC Removal of Sub Pool and Becoming Individual Entity (WB 2/23/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. Knopp, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

7. MATTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: (For Items NOT on the Agenda) None.

8. PRESENTATION: Batavia Toy Drive – Roy and Brittany Bailey

The Baileys were unable to attend the meeting.


President and CEO Margaret Perreault said the Chamber continues to be an economic catalyst in the community. Four scholarships are available for Batavia High School students this year. Applications are due April 30.

Chamber Bucks are still available.

The Chamber continues to support the We Side With Batavia Restaurants promotion. Restaurant Madness will be two weeks this year, Sunday – Thursday, March 14 – 18 and March 21 – 25. A 10% off coupon is in the latest edition of Neighbors magazine. Patrons will also receive another 10% off coupon that will be valid in April.

Virtual programming continues for Chamber members.

March 3, 8 am: Not-for-Profit Forum

March 3, 10 am: 2021 Economic Outlook Presentation

March 4, 9 am: LinkedIn Boot Camp

March 5, 10:30 am: Ribbon-cutting for WindMill Grille

March 8, 4 pm: Well-Being webinar

March 10, 8 am: BC2 morning networking group

March 10, 11:30 am: Vaccination update with Kane County Health Department 

March 10, 7 pm: Batavia Aldermanic Candidates Forum

March 11, 9 am: Boot Camp

March 11, 4:30 pm: Women in Business After Hours

March 17, 9 am: Valley Industrial Human Resources series

March 18: Clubhouse for businesses

March 25, 9 am: Boot Camp

See the Chamber website for details on all events and to register.

Stevie Hopkins of Second City Prints addressed the Council. His company is an international merchandising company in the music and entertainment industries. They recently rented 130,000 square feet in Batavia. They employ 174 people. Their website is secondcityprints.com. They also design and print for local businesses and schools.

Mayor Schielke said he is pleased to have the company in Batavia.

Ms. Perreault noted Second City Prints will receive an award on May 20 for staying in and expanding their business in Batavia.

Ald. Beck left the meeting at 7:52 p.m.

10. APPROVAL: Class L Liquor License for HSRE-DialV TRS LLC, d/b/a/ The Landings Senior Living Located at 2401 Hawks Dr., Batavia, IL 60510 (DE)

Chief Eul noted that this type of liquor license was just created. A background check was completed, and the department sees no reason to deny the license application.

Mayor Schielke noted that he and Administrator Newman recently toured the facility west of Randall Road off of Fabyan Parkway. They will have limited service to the public and the license will allow them to serve drinks to residents.

Ald. Russotto said he has seen commercials for the development and it looks very nice. Administrator Newman shared it is 141 units and provides the whole continuum of care.

Motion by Ald. Russotto, seconded by Ald. Wolff, to approve the license as presented. Motion carried 11 yea/ 0 nay/ 3 absent.

Ald. Beck returned to the meeting at 7:57 p.m.

11. ORDINANCE 21-19: Authorizing Execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Purchase of Real Property Comprised of 400-500 N. Raddant Road, Batavia, Illinois and 901 Swanson Drive, Batavia, Illinois; Identified by Permanent Index Number 12-14-3402- 020 (LN 1/29/21 COW 2/23/21 8/4) CS

Ald. Wolff introduced the item related to the purchase of property for expansion of Public Works. The property is across the street from the current facility, which as had known space constraints for some time. Public Works has equipment stored across the city and some stored outside due to lack of space. This purchase also benefits the Clothes Closet and Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry, which gives them stability during a time when demand for their services has greatly increased.

Mayor Schielke said he understands all positions on this purchase. He said after this item are five tax abatements on the agenda. This item appears to affect the tax bill, but this is a three-section building. One section is for Public Works, one for the Clothes Closet/Food Pantry as well as the ACCESS Toy Drive, the third part will be rented and generate cash flow. This will also allow the city to sell other properties, including an 11-lot property by Grace McWayne. That money could go to offset this debt. Other land could also be sold south of Tower Car Wash. He said in two or three years, we may see a tax abatement item on the agenda for this property. He said he is committed to keeping debt down while also being true to the heart of Batavia.

The mayor noted that the Clothes Closet/Food Pantry and ACCESS Toy Drive speak to the hear of Batavia that we have a reputation for. They are supported by many donations, and church communities have rallied behind them. This purchase would make their services better. These organizations have been a saving grace for people who have lost jobs during the pandemic. He added that he volunteers and staff are tremendous and have a heart for people in need.

Ald. Wolff explained that this purchase would result in an average $2/month tax increase. If the building needs work, we will only bond out for the amount we need to get the work done.

Ald. Meitzler said he is not in support of the purchase. He said it is not a purchase for the Food Pantry. He supports the Food Pantry and the Toy Drive, noting they do phenomenal work. His opposition stems from bonding out $3.5 million for a building when the city has so many capital improvement projects it needs to do while trying not to raise taxes.

Ald. Uher said he echoes Ald. Meitzler. He was a no, then a yes. He said the only reason he is leaning toward yes is that if this purchase is done later, it will cost more. He said city staff need to think about what we need 20 years in the future so that the council can begin to plan for that now. He said he would not do this again.

Motion by Ald. Wolff, seconded by Ald. O’Brien, to approve the ordinance as presented. Because a 2/3 majority was required for the item to pass, Mayor Schielke voted yea. Motion carried 10 yea/ 3 nay/ 2 absent.

Ald. Wolff said they have 70 days of due diligence and 30 days to close. Administrator Newman said they want to do due diligence in the first 30 days. Ald. Baerren added that the bond would still be brought to the City Council to vote on. Ald. Russotto added that the Food Pantry is paying for their own build-out. Ald. Wolff said they have been planning and saving for this for years, and they are prepared to do what they think they will need to do to prepare the new building.

Ald. Wolff added that if Public Works needs more room in the future, the city would not have to renew the lease with the tenant.

12. RESOLUTION 21-019-R: Authorizing execution of Task Order #2 for Phase 2 Design Engineering Services for Mahoney Creek Tributary Detention Basin with HR Green in the amount not-to-exceed $84,300 (AMP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) CS

Ald. Wolff introduced the item related to the next step in correcting the problem of surging water through Mahoney Creek, which causes flooding issues in the area. This project provides a place for water to stay and not overflow the banks.

Ald. O’Brien said we have 100-year floods every year now, damaging homes and Park District property. This project has been underway for a long time, and this is another step toward ending this problem.

Mayor Schielke said Fermilab will be retaining their water as a result of the expansion project they have underway. Ald. O’Brien said Fermilab has done a good job of stepping up and working with the city on this problem. Mayor Schielke said the Fermilab project is one of the largest construction projects in the state, and it has been a cooperative venture with the city.

Motion by Ald. Wolff, seconded by Ald. O’Brien, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

13. RESOLUTION 21-014-R: 2020 Tax Levy Abatement – Abating $396,598 Tax Levy with Water Utility revenues (LP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

Mayor Schielke said he is always proud of the city when they can do tax abatements. He said the fire station buildings were built by increasing sales taxes, approved by referendum enabled by Home Rule. The referendum passed with over 65% of the vote.

Ald. O’Brien said he hopes residents realize how hard the city works to control taxes in Batavia.

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. Wolff, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

14. RESOLUTION 21-015-R: 2020 Tax Levy Abatement – Abating $1,492,350 Tax Levy with Electric Utility revenues (LP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. Wolff, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

15. RESOLUTION 21-016-R: 2020 Tax Levy Abatements – Abating $411,056 Tax Levy with General Fund revenues for Stormwater Bonds (LP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS Mayor Schielke said these stormwater bonds went a long way toward resolving serious flooding problems in the city.

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. O’Brien, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

16. RESOLUTION 21-017-R: 2020 Tax Levy Abatement – Abating $695,850 Tax Levy with Sales Tax Revenues for Fire Station Bonds (LP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. Wolff, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.

17. RESOLUTION 21-018-R: 2020 Tax Levy Abatement – Abating $259,111 Tax Levy with Water Utility revenues (LP 2/12/21 COW 2/23/21 12/0) GS

Motion by Ald. Chanzit, seconded by Ald. O’Brien, to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried 12 yea/ 0 nay/ 2 absent.


Administrator Newman said city staff has met with Batavia MainStreet to plan out the Farmers Market layout and outdoor dining plans, including contingency plans depending on whether IDOT approves the one-way permit before summer. They still hope to have at least part of the Farmers Market on River Street.

Discussions have begun with Executive Director George Scheetz at Batavia Public Library about forming a team to create a historic landmark plaquing project this year. The city will collaborate with the Batavia Historical Society and Depot Museum on this project.

A new submittal for the Landmeier Farm on McKee Street (Winding Creek project) is expected in mid-March. This will be a nice addition of a new subdivision in town.

The city is advertising to request bids for demolition of the city-owned house on Park Street.

With tonight’s approval of amendments to the Wage and Salary Policy, the city will be advertising the Economic Development Manager position.

Survey crews were on-site recently to gather information in support of the city's concept submittal to IDOT for a new pedestrian crossing at Wilson and South River Street.

Fox Valley has been a target of car parts theft recently. Large parking lots and industrial areas seem to be targeted the most. Call the police if you see suspicious activity.

Support local restaurants during Restaurant Madness the weeks of March 14 and 21. The We Side With Batavia Restaurants promotion has also been a big help for restaurants. Thank you to the City Council members who have been involved with that effort.


Ald. Wolff reminded residents to keep street drains clear. Yard waste pickup begins mid-month.


Ald. Wolff said football season is about to begin. Batavia will have six games. Color commentary may be recorded in a studio rather than at the field depending on COVID-19 precautions. Basketball only allows 50 people in the stands, and you have to be a parent. Batavia has a very good team this year.


Mayor Schielke said he has never been asked more about any one subject than about COVID-19 vaccination. Last night, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot invited regional mayors on a call to discuss vaccination. Officials believe the volume of vaccine doses coming into Illinois will allow them to vaccinate a lot of people. Early on, retailers got into the vaccine business and appear to be sending people to far-off stores that need more business. Kane County Board President Corinne Pierog is working to get Kane County control over vaccine distribution. The county wants to set up large vaccination clinics, one of which may be in Batavia. The Police Department has looked at the potential site. Logistics will be important so you don’t have thousands of people showing up at one time. If the site is approved in Batavia, the Mayor will notify the Council. He said the city may have to set up utilities for the site and the city would need to cover the cost of electricity. The request will be brought to the City Council for approval. A lease is currently being negotiated.

Many people are trying to help locate vaccines for others, especially those who don’t have computer skills. Transportation has also been arranged. These are just some ways that the pandemic has brought out the best in people. People are chronicling the pandemic, tracking what went right and what went wrong so people can learn from it in the future.

Thank you to volunteers from the Fire Department who went out to check fire hydrants citywide and clear the snow around them.


Motion by Ald. Wolff, seconded by Ald. O’Brien, to adjourn. Motion carried by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.




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