
Peoria Standard

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole Met March 9

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City of Batavia Committee of the Whole Met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Chair Wolff called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

1. Roll Call 

Members Present: Chair Wolff; Ald. Miller, Russotto, Beck (online), Knopp (online),  Chanzit, Baerren, O’Brien, Callahan (online), Malay (online),  Meitzler (online), Uher, Cerone (online) and McFadden (online) 

Members Absent: 

Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Chief Deicke, Batavia Fire Department (online);  Laura Newman, City Administrator; Gary Holm, Director of Public  Works; Scott Buening, Director of Community Development (online);  Howard Chason, Director of Information Technology; Jeff Albertson,  Building Commissioner (online); Wendy Bednarek, Director of  Human Resources (online); Anthony Isom, Assistant to the City  Administrator (online); and Jennifer Austin-Smith, Recording  Secretary 

2. Reminder: Please speak into the microphone for BATV recording 3. Approve Minutes for February 9, 2021 and February 16, 2021 

Motion: To approve the minutes for February 9, 2021 and February 16, 2021 Maker: Uher 

Second: O’Brien 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit,  Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Malay 


14-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried. 

4. Items to be Removed/Added/Changed 

Agenda item thirteen was tabled until next week’s Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting on  March 16, 2021.  

5. Matters From the Public (For Items NOT on the Agenda) 

There were no matters from the public at this time. 

Ald. Beck exited the meeting at 7:03pm due to potential conflict of interest, as she will be a  future business owner within the City with a liquor license.  

6. Ordinance 21-22: Authorize Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with Batavia  Buildings, LLC Relating to the Building Improvements at 18 E. Wilson (LN 3/03/21)  CD  

Callahan overviewed the memo. Newman stated that it is not ordinary that we would give two  types of incentives of this type into the same building. There are several circumstances that  warrant this such as the installation of the fire suppression system, which would increase the  safety of all the buildings on this block. If we were not to do this, the Comedy Club would not be  able to come into this building. The owner of this business has many downtown properties and  over the course of the past two years alone he has made more than $300,000 in investments in  both renovation and maintenance of those buildings. Callahan noted that a lot of the money that  is being spent stays with the building and is coming out of the TIF fund, which this property  owner has been contributing towards. This is a way of reinvesting the money he has already  spent on paying his taxes, which is what the TIF was designed to do. Chair Wolff stated that the  sprinkler system is such a big upgrade to the building with a large cost but it makes every  building around it safer by providing fire protection. Newman noted that the agreement is with  Marco Limited Partnership, not Batavia Buildings, LLC. All of the documentation will be  changed prior to City Council next Monday.  

Michael Marconi, building owner, virtually addressed the Committee. Marconi stated that when  the Comedy Vault owners approached the Committee he made it known that the only way they  could enter the building is if he came forward and asked for funding to put the sprinkler system  in. He does not make it a habit to ask the City for money for his buildings. He spends a lot of his  own money and he also has been helping his tenants survive what has happened with COVID-19.  He discussed the bidding process with the Committee for the sprinkler system.  

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-22: Authorize Execution of a  Redevelopment Agreement with Marco Limited Partnership Relating to the  Building Improvements at 18 E. Wilson 

Maker: Callahan 

Second: Cerone 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Meitzler, Malay, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller,  Russotto, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien 


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried. 

7. Approval: Class D-1 (Restaurant – All Liquor) Liquor License Application for the  Columbian Club located at 1117 N. Washington Ave., Batavia IL 60510 (DE 2/25/21) Newman summarized the memo. 

Motion: To recommend approval of Class D-1 (Restaurant – All Liquor) Liquor License  Application for the Columbian Club located at 1117 N. Washington Ave., Batavia  IL 60510 

Maker: Wolff

Second: Knopp 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Malay, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone,  McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren 


13-0 Vote, 1 Absent. Motion carried. 

Ald. Beck entered the meeting at 7:15pm 

8. Presentation: Doc Watson Smokehouse located at former site of Smashburger (Mayor  Schielke) 

Mayor Schielke introduced the owner of the Doc Watson Smokehouse to the COW. Chris Kowa,  business owner, stated that the Doc Watson Smokehouse is a family owned business. They have  one location currently and opened in November 2017 in Romeoville, Illinois. They are a Texas  style smokehouse and serve craft and domestic beer and wine. They currently hold a liquor  license with the City of Romeoville, Illinois. He will not have a bar in the Batavia location but  will serve craft and domestic beer and wine. They are planning on opening at the end of April  2021.  

9. Presentation: Annual Report from Batavia Bicycle Commission 

John Gamble and Jennifer Ress presented the annual report from the Batavia Bicycle  Commission. The presentation included the following information: 

• Top Priority Crossing and Navigation of Route 31 – excited about the road diet on Route  31 

• Priority 2 Clear Signage, More Sharrows and Bike Lanes in Batavia – bicycle safety 

• Sign Images: May Use Full Lane, State Law 3 Feet Min to Pass Bicycles 

• Recommendations for Signage in Batavia 

o Replace current Share the Road signs with signs that have a clear, simple  message. 

• New Paths:  

o Prairie to Pine to Fermi 

o Raddant tied to Spur 

• Priority Three: Randall Crossing and Main Street Bike Lane 

10. Resolution 21-023-R: Authorizing Purchase of Ford F150 Pickup Truck for  Community Development Department Not to Exceed $29,275.00 (JA 3/1/21) CS 

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-023-R: Authorizing Purchase of Ford  F150 Pickup Truck for Community Development Department Not to Exceed  $29,275.00  

Maker: Wolff 

Second: Russotto 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Malay, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone,  McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren 


14-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried.

11. Resolution 21-025-R: Authorizing Execution of a Contract with Denler, Inc. for the  2021 Crack filling program (TFG 2/24/21) CS 

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 21-025-R: Authorizing Execution of a  Contract with Denler, Inc. for the 2021 Crack-filling program  

Maker: Wolff 

Second: Miller 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Malay, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone,  McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren 


14-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried. 

12. Ordinance 21-21: Creating Parklet/Pedlet Program (LN 3/3/21) GS 

Motion: To recommend approval of Ordinance 21-21: Creating Parklet/Pedlet Program  Maker: Chanzit 

Second: O’Brien 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien, Callahan, Malay, Meitzler, Uher,  Cerone, McFadden, Miller, Russotto, Beck, Knopp 


14-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried. 

13. Discussion: Status Report on Probationary Police Officer Hiring Process (DME 3/3/21) Tabled until the March 16, 2021 meeting.  

14. Continued Discussion: Wagner Road Gate (SCB 2/15/21) CD 

Callahan reported that this topic was a tabled discussion for a long time. The Committee  reviewed the minutes from February 24, 2015 in which this topic was tabled until further  development. Chanzit clarified that his comment recorded in the February 24th minutes was sarcasm and he fully supports removal of the gate. The Committee discussed the major concern  about traffic on Batavia streets, Aurora streets and subdivision traffic. Buening noted that the  City of Batavia has had additional volume of traffic particularly due to the Prairie Commons  development and this topic is still an issue. Buening stated that staff feels it would be appropriate  to have the Mayor sign a letter to the City of Aurora asking them to remove/open that gate within  some period of time to make sure the traffic could flow both ways. If the City of Aurora does not  want to do that we could ask them to move the gate to the common City line so that the traffic of  the Aurora subdivision goes through Aurora, which is not the ideal situation. The ideal situation  would be to remove the gate entirely so that traffic could move in both directions. That allows  for the best emergency response to that subdivision. This is not an easy subdivision to cut  through unless you have gone through it a number of times and know where you are going. We  do not think there is going to be a substantial amount of cut through traffic even if the gate is  removed.  

The Committee discussed how this neighborhood is not a simple cut through for traffic and the  benefits of having two exits out of the neighborhood. O’Brien stated that this was tabled because  we were not sure how this area was going to be developed. Now we are confident with the  development being done and we know the activity that is there. O’Brien stated that he thinks that  we are all in agreement that the gate needs to go away and we should have the Mayor write the  letter. O’Brien asked if anyone has any benefits of keeping the gate and there were no responses.  The consensus of the Committee was in favor of removing the gate.  

Motion: To send a letter asking the City of Aurora to open or remove the gate at Wagner  and Mesa 

Maker: Callahan 

Second: Wolff 

Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Callahan, Malay, Meitzler, Uher, Cerone, McFadden, Miller,  Russotto, Beck, Knopp, Chanzit, Baerren, Wolff, O’Brien 


14-0 Vote, 0 Absent. Motion carried. 

15. Discussion: Zoning Code Parking Minimum Requirements CD 

Callahan stated that he would request that staff work on viewing other ordinances regarding  parking minimums that are out there and make sure it fits our community to bring it back to  Council. Beck stated that we talk about increasing density but what keeps us spread out across  the town is how much off street parking that we have. Beck stated that for a lot of the buildings  that we have done over the past decades we have almost had a 2:1 ratio of building space to  parking area and we do not have any requirements that people build up. That is a pretty stark  landscape with a couple decades of that ratio going. This would be a great step in the right  direction to fill in some gaps and give us some more destinations. Callahan we could repurpose  some of those parking lots into something like the Boardwalk Shops. Buening stated that staff  could look at other communities and see what they have done. The Committee of the Whole  could provide specific direction to the Plan Commission because it is a change to the Zoning  Code. Chair Wolff stated that this is a great time to do this and he would like to have this come  back to the Committee of the Whole to make recommendations to the Plan Commission.  

16. Project Status 

Newman reported on the following: 

• Coordination of the mass vaccine site at the former Sam’s Club 

• Hitchcock Design Group: Fox River Master Plan timeline and the meeting with the Park  District staff, City staff, and Hitchcock Design Group on March 17, 2021 

o Every three months we plan to have a joint meeting with the City Council and the  Park District Board to provide a read out on what has been accomplished on the  project and what lies ahead.  

o Master Plan anticipated in November 2021 

• March 16th there will be discussion about outdoor dining on North River Street 

• Budget and Brief document made by Griffin Price, Communications Coordinator 

• Interior demolition permit has been received for the proposed comedy club at 18 East  Wilson Street 

• Economic Development Manager position has been posted and anticipate the resumes  being due the first week of April

17. Other 

Miller asked about 5/3rd Bank and Newman answered that the RDA says that the developer has  an obligation to obtain an access agreement from their lender.  

Miller stated if anyone is looking at a possible utility shut off in this pandemic time to contact the  utility department because there are payment plans. Newman added that our Batavia United Way  has funding to assist low income and those who have experienced job loss with both utility  payments and rental assistance. There is help out there for those having trouble paying their bills.  It is the last thing we would want to do is turn off someone’s utilities under these circumstances. 

Beck added that there are community contacts that serve Kane and DeKalb County with  assistance programs to those eligible. Newman noted that Batavia Township is who should be  contacted for the State program that is called LIHEA (Low Income Heating and Electric  Assistance).  

Callahan expressed his appreciation for the Council’s priority to discuss suicide and mental  health issues. It has been amazing that our leadership makes sure that we talk about these issues  without stigma and pretense. He asked that this good work continue to be done to help the most  venerable in our community.  

18. Adjournment 

There being no other business to discuss, Chair Wolff asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting  at 8:53pm; Made by O’Brien; Seconded by Uher. Motion carried. 




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