City of Chillicothe Public Works Committee met June 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The public works committee met on June 7, at 4:30 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall. Present: Chairman Sharp, Alderperson Vanbruwaene
Also present: Mayor Hughes, Superintendent of Public Works Sutherland, Office Manager Passage Engineer David Horton
Absent: Alderperson Bredeman
Chairman Sharp called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Becky Voss 222 Sycamore addressed the committee. She inquired about the rod iron fence that is out at the cemetery. She would like to purchase it.
Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that he had advertised to sell the fence a couple of years ago, however; the city did not receive any proposals. Chairman Sharp stated that this could be brought to the cemetery and parks committee meeting. Office Manager Passage advised the committee that Superintendent Sutherland should check with the city attorney to see if the city would have to seek proposals by advertising again.
Budget 23-24 - Superintendent Sutherland reported for the month of May the expense percentages should be at 8.33% and the following expense percentages for the Month of May are as follows:
Road & Bridge - 8.14%
Motor Fuel Tax - 1.61%
Sewer -5.05%
Commercial/institutional Sidewalk Program - Office Manager Passage explained that the city in previous years had the sidewalk program also apply to commercial/institutional property. The last few years there were no commercial/institutional properties that had applied. The commercial/institutional program allowed participation however; the city would only cover 25% with a maximum amount of $3,000.00. She explained that the total available for the program would remain $22,000.00. An application for sidewalk replacement was submitted by Pearce Community Center. Since the commercial/institutional program has not been brought forth they submitted an application using the residential application, however; they have been advised that they will have to complete a new application. A discussion ensued regarding the commercial/institutional program.
The consensus of the committee was to bring the request to add commercial/institutional to the sidewalk program at the June 12 council meeting.
Sidewalk Applications - Office Manager Passage explained that Pearce Community Center has submitted an application to participate in the sidewalk program, however; since they are commercial/institutional the committee would have to approve that first and then approve their application. She advised that she spoke with Carrie from Pearce Community Center and explained the process. Carrie advised that she was still interested in submitting for the program with the city's participation of 25% with a max of $3,000.00. The city's amount of participation based on their application would be $1,182.75. The consensus of the committee was to present the application for approval at the June 12 council meeting.
Rental Equipment - German Bliss - Superintendent Sutherland advised that he would like to rent a tractor/mower from German Bliss as a cost of $2,200.00 for seven days. He stated he would use the tractor mower at Moffitt Park and other various areas within the corporate limits. He has budgeted in the Road & Bridge budget $6,500.00. The consensus of the committee was to present the request to rent the equipment at the June 12 council meeting.
Removal of Trees- Superintendent Sutherland advised the committee that he has 14 trees and 13 stumps that need removed. He has a proposal from Rick Hamm in the amount of $19,700.00. He requested approval to proceed as he has $20,000.00 in the budget for tree removal. The consensus of the committee was to recommend approval for the removal of 14 trees and 13 stumps by Rich Hamm at a cost of $19,700.00 at the June 2 council meeting. Alderperson Vanbruwaene ask if the city replanted trees. Superintendent Sutherland advised that he does not put trees back in the right of way, however; he does plant trees in the parks.
High Usage Waivers - Nothing to report
Lien Report - Office Manager Passage advised the committee that a lien would be filed on the property located at 1425 Fifth street.
Project Update - Engineer Horton reported:
Sycamore Street Bid letting was held June 5, 2023 three bids were received;
Advanced Asphalt $250,887.50
R. A. Cullinan/UCM $350,000.00
Otto Baum $332,000.00
He recommended that the city accept and award the bid to Advance Asphalt at the June 12 council meeting. Office Manager Passage advised that this would be paid using MFT Rebuild Illinois Funds. The consensus of the committee was to place this as an agenda item for the June 12 council meeting. He stated that a phase 3 construction agreement was necessary for the Sycamore Street Project. This will be for an engineer to monitor the project according to IDOT guidelines. He requested that this be an agenda item for the June 12 council meeting. The funding for this would be from the MFT Rebuilding Illinois funds. The consensus of the committee was to place this as an agenda item for the June 12 council meeting.
He reported that there is a bid letting for MFT overlay bids on June 12 at 11:00 a.m. He recommended that this be placed on the agenda for the June 12 council meeting to award and if the bids come in over the estimate the agenda item would be withdrawn. The consensus of the committee was to place this as an agenda item for the June 12 council meeting.
He reported that he is working with Economic Development Director Amanda Beadles to move forward with the $400,000.00 Grant. The first part of that grant is to purchase the land. Alderperson Vanbruwaene stated he would like to move forward as quickly as possible so we do not loose the opportunity to purchase the land for the drainage area. Office Manager Passage will check with ED Director Beadles to see if we can proceed.
Superintendent Sutherland reported:
Superintendent Sutherland reported that for the month of May he has pumped six million gallons of water and Cloverdale water tower in not full, therefore the pumps are running 22 hours a day and he has to manually shut them down for two hours. He believes this is because of summer camp, residential pool fillings, shore acers pool fill, the splash pad operating, and the drought with citizens running their irrigation systems. He stated that technically we are still under a water restriction, however; it is not currently being enforced. He advised that the tower is now gaining water and he will monitor the situation.
Sidewalk - Third and Cloverdale - Superintendent Sutherland stated that he has looked at the area and created a design to grade, landscape, add drainage box and sidewalk for this area. He has talked with Toby Peters and stated that Mr. Peters is willing to help with this project at no cost. He further explained that public works will do most of the work and that Mr. Peters would do the sidewalk with the city purchasing all materials.
A discussion was held regarding the IVC Property at Fourth and Pine street. Superintendent Sutherland had submitted a site plan from Dave Barker regarding the area where a tree and pole was, which they have removed. The site plan was incomplete; therefore, Superintendent Sutherland will reach out to Mr. Barker and bring back to the next public works meeting.
Old Business
Update - Santa Fe Well - Superintendent Sutherland reported that the well is close to being finished.
Update - Chestnut Well - This well is complete and may be removed from future agendas.
Council Agenda items -Approve - Commercial/Institutional Program to the Sidewalk Program
Approve - Commercial/Institutional Sidewalk application - Pearce
Approve - Rental of Equipment from German Bliss
Approve - Proposal - Rick Hamm Tree Removal
Approve - Accept and Award Bid - Advanced Asphalt - Sycamore Street Project
Approve - Phase 3 Construction Agreement - Sycamore Street Project
Approve - Accept and Award Bid - MFT Overlay
Chairperson Action - Nothing to report
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.