
Peoria Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Peoria City Council met June 27

City of Peoria City Council met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A Regular Meeting of the City Council of Peoria, Illinois, was held on June 27, 2023, at 6:00 P.M., at City Hall, Council Chambers (Room 400), 419 Fulton Street, with Mayor Ali presiding, and with proper notice having been posted. 


Roll Call showed the following Council Members were present: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11. Absent: None. 


Mayor Ali requested a moment of silent prayer or reflection and she led the pledge of allegiance. 


George J. Rothan Architectural Millwork 150th Anniversary 

Mayor Ali recognized Council Member Grayeb for the Pillar of the West Bluff Award bestowed on him by the West Bluff Council at their June 22, 2023, meeting, in recognition of his life there as a resident, leader in service of the community, and continued advocate for the West Bluff. 


Council Member Riggenbach moved to approve the minutes of the Joint City Council and Town Board Meeting held on June 13, 2023, as printed; seconded by Council Member Allen. 

Approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 



(23-215) PUBLIC HEARING Regarding the ANNEXATION of 1602 E. BOY SCOUT ROAD, Chillicothe, Illinois. 

Council Member Kelly moved to open the Public Hearing regarding the annexation of 1602 E. Boy Scout Road, Chillicothe, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Velpula. 

Motion to open the Public Hearing regarding the annexation of 1602 E. Boy Scout Road, Chillicothe, Illinois was approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 

The Public Hearing was opened at 6:14 P.M. 

Following a third call for comments, Mayor Ali determined there were no citizens who wished to speak, and she requested the Public Hearing be closed. 

Council Member Oyler moved to close the Public Hearing regarding the annexation of 1602 E. Boy Scout Road, Chillicothe, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Cyr. 

Approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 

The Public Hearing was closed at 6:15 P.M. 

(23-216) PUBLIC HEARING Regarding the AMENDMENT to the ANNEXATION of 2700 W. ALTORFER DRIVE, Peoria, Illinois. 

Council Member Velpula moved to open the Public Hearing regarding the amendment to the annexation of 2700 W. Altorfer Drive, Peoria, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Kelly. 

Approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 

The Public Hearing was opened at 6:16 P.M. 

Following a third call for comments, Mayor Ali determined there were no citizens who wished to speak, and she requested the Public Hearing be closed. 

Council Member Cyr moved to close the Public Hearing regarding the amendment to the annexation of 2700 W. Altorfer Drive, Peoria, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Oyler. 

Approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 

The Public Hearing was closed at 6:17 P.M. 

CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE, with Recommendations as Outlined: 

(23-217) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Human Resources with a Request to AUTHORIZE the Payment of a WORKERS COMPENSATION AWARD in the Amount of $156,233.04, to a Firefighter Injured on April 9, 2019. 

(23-218) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 18,088 to Amend the Existing Special Exception Ordinance No. 8,901, as Amended, for a SPECIAL USE for CHURCH FACILITIES in a Class R-2 (Single-Family Residential) District, to Allow Three Freestanding Signs and One Wall Sign, for the Property Located at 5504 N. UNIVERSITY STREET (Parcel Identification Number 14-17-451-004), Peoria, Illinois. (Council District 3) 

(23-219) Communication from the City Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the SITE APPLICATION for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food) Liquor License, with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol for SAFFRON SOCIAL, INC, D/B/A SAFFRON SOCIAL, at 124 SW ADAMS, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (Council District 2) 

(23-220) Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the SITE APPLICATION for a Class B (Restaurant, 50% Food) Liquor License, with On-Site Consumption and Retail Sale of Alcohol for CENTRAL ILLINOIS BAKING CO., INC., D/B/A LEBAKERY CAFÉ, at 4700 N. UNIVERSITY, SUITE 14 A & B, with a Recommendation from the Liquor Commission to Approve. (Council District 3) 

(23-221) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL (LANDFILL) COMMITTEE with a Request to Concur: 

Stephen Van Winkle (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2025 



Michael Wiesehan (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 Edward Barry (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-223) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the HOUSING COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Bree Muehlbauer(Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2024 

Michelle Sanders (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2025 

Debbi La Rue (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2025 

Becky Peterson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2025 

Regina Morgan (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2024 

Shawn Hayes (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2024 

Brian Uhlenhopp (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2025 

(23-224) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the LIQUOR COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Timothy Spears (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 Camille Coates (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 


Jessica Shoup (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2026 

Doris Hayes (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2026 

(23-226) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the SISTER CITY COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Rex Linder (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

Kevin Sullivan (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

Melanie Coulter (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

(23-227) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

William Spears (Voting) – Term Expires 6/30/2026 


Brenda Grove (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Pamela Schubach (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Al Cuizon (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Brett Kolditz (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Quentin Campbell (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 


Lorene King (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Donald Jackson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Demario Boone (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Terry Burnside (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Karen Wilson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Shalandra Burch (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Andre W. Allen (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Kelly Petersen (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 


Lenora Fisher (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Raymond Lees (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Jonathan Jenkins (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-231) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Jason Snyder (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2027 

Bill Goad (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2027 

Todd Claerhout (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2027 

(23-232) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor ALI to the PEORIA CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur: 

Richard "Rick” Semonis (Voting) - Term Expiration 7/1/2028 

(23-233) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the MUNICIPAL BAND COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Denise Cooksey (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

David J. Liddle (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

(23-234) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the PEORIA HOUSING AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur: 

Helen King (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

(23-235) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Jada Hoerr (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-236) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS with a Request to Concur: 

Colton Thomas (Voting) - Term Expires 06/30/2026 


Robert Johnson (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2026 

(23-238) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the PEORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES with a Request to Concur: 

Lucy Gulley (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-239) REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the PUBLIC ARTS ADVISORY COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Mae Gilliland Wright (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Richard Zuckerman (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Kari Braggs (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 


APPOINTMENT and REAPPOINTMENTS by Mayor Ali to the TOURISM RESERVE FUND with a Request to Concur: 

Gregory Wilson (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2024 

Bernice Gordon-Young (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2024 

Kiran Velpula (Voting) - Term Expiration 6/30/2024 

(23-241) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Geoffrey Smith (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-242) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION with a Request to Concur: 

Alexandria Lynn Pearson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

(23-243) REAPPOINTMENT by Mayor Ali to the SPRINGDALE CEMETERY MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY with a Request to Concur: 

Pamela Johnson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2027 

(23-244) Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request to RECEIVE and FILE the Month-Ended APRIL 30, 2023, UNAUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT. 

Mayor Ali questioned if the Council wished to have any of the Consent Agenda items removed for further discussion. 

Item No. 23-229 was removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. 

Council Member Oyler moved to approve the Consent Agenda items as outlined in the Council Communications; seconded by Council Member Cyr. 

Item Nos. 23-217 through 23-244 (excluding Item No. 23-229 which was removed for further discussion) were approved by roll call vote under the Omnibus Vote Designation. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 


Lorene King (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Donald Jackson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Demario Boone (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Terry Burnside (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Karen Wilson (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Shalandra Burch (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Andre W. Allen (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

Kelly Petersen (Voting) - Term Expires 6/30/2026 

A revised Council Communication removing Lorene King from the list of reappointments was distributed to all Council Members. 

Council Member Oyler moved to concur with the reappointments of Donald Jackson, Demario Boone, Terry Burnside, Karen Wilson, Shalandra Burch, Andre Allen, and Kelly Peterson, to the Advisory Committee on Police and Community Relations, as amended; seconded by Council Member Cyr. 

Approved, as amended, by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 

REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS, with Recommendations as Outlined: 

(23-245) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council Districts 1 & 2) 

A. APPROVE a CONTRACT with COLOR-AD, INC., for the DOWNTOWN WAYFINDING SIGNS PROJECT, in the Amount of $620,603.00, with an Additional Authorization of $62,397.00 (10%) for Contingencies, for a Total Amount of $683,000.00; and, 

B. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2022-2023 BIENNIAL BUDGET to Allocate $150,000.00 from Capital Funds for the DOWNTOWN WAYFINDING SIGNS PROJECT. (Requires 2/3 Vote of Council Members Voting - No Less Than 6 Votes) 

Public Works Director Rick Powers explained the additional funding was in response to the increase in the construction estimate after the bid was received; however, he noted the engineering costs were within the original budget. He said a trial had been conducted for the Downtown Wayfinding Signs Project that included sign samples, and he said the proposed map for the signs was included in the information packet. He said if the Council approved the contract with Color-Ad, details of the bidding process would be released. 

Council Member Oyler moved to approve a contract with Color-Ad, Inc., for the Downtown Wayfinding Signs Project, in the amount of $620,603.00, with an additional authorization of $62,397.00 (10%) for contingencies, for a total amount of $683,000.00; seconded by Council Member Riggenbach. 

In response to Council Member Allen regarding the scope of the project, Director Powers explained the technology, infrastructure, construction, database maintenance, and signage included in the proposed project, noting additional features for consideration for an increased cost. Discussions were held regarding considerations for visually impaired citizens, the number of signs and their locations, potential incorporation of additional resources and technology in the project, as well as the purpose and potential uses of the QR code on the signs. Director Powers said he would request an estimate regarding the incorporation of audio features from Color-Ad. 

Motion to approve a contract with Color-Ad, Inc., for the Downtown Wayfinding Signs Project, in the amount of $620,603.00, with an additional authorization of $62,397.00 for contingencies, for a total amount of $683,000.00 was approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 

Council Member Oyler moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the City of Peoria 2022-2023 Biennial Budget to allocate $150,000.00 from Capital Funds for the Downtown Wayfinding Signs Project; seconded by Council Member Cyr. 

Council Member Kelly commended Director Powers and Public Works Staff for remaining on- budget for engineering expenses, noting the increased budget was necessary due to the increase in costs of materials and construction. 

ORDINANCE NO. 18,089 amending the City of Peoria 2022-2023 Biennial Budget to allocate $150,000.00 from Capital Funds for the Downtown Wayfinding Signs Project was adopted by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 

(23-246) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to APPROVE a RESOLUTION Approving an ANNEXATION AGREEMENT, Including a Subdivision Plat, for the Property Located at 1602 E. BOY SCOUT ROAD, Sometimes Also Known and Referred to as 918 E. BOY SCOUT ROAD (Parcel Identification No. 09-22-200-015), Chillicothe, Illinois. (Requires 2/3 Vote of Corporate Authorities - 8 Votes) 

A revised Council Communication and Annexation Agreement were distributed to all Council Members. 

Assistant Director of Community Development Leah Allison said the proposed annexation for the non-contiguous property was reviewed by the City of Peoria because it was within 1.5 miles of the existing City boundary. She said an Annexation Agreement was required since the petitioner was proposing to subdivide the land resulting in a lot less than 40 acres in size without connection to the public sanitary sewer. She said the revised agreement clarified the City of Peoria jurisdiction of subdivision regulations in concurrence with Peoria County. 

Council Member Cyr moved to approve a Resolution approving an Annexation Agreement including a subdivision plat, for the property located at 1602 E. Boy Scout Road, sometimes also known and referred to as 918 E. Boy Scout Road, Chillicothe, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Kelly. 

RESOLUTION NO. 23-246 was approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 

Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to APPROVE a RESOLUTION Approving the FIRST AMENDMENT to ANNEXATION AGREEMENT for the Property Located at 2700 W. ALTORFER DRIVE (Parcel Identification No. 14-06-300-016), Peoria, IL. (Council District 5) (Requires 2/3 Vote of Corporate Authorities - 8 Votes) 

Assistant Director of Community Development Leah Allison said the original annexation agreement was approved in December 2022, stating the amendment clarified the intent of the easement to serve as access to the property from Allen Road. 

After he thanked City Manager Urich and Assistant Director Allison for their efforts, Council Member Cyr moved to approve a Resolution approving the first amendment to the Annexation Agreement for the property located at 2700 W. Altorfer Drive, Peoria, Illinois; seconded by Council Member Grayeb. 

In response to Council Member Kelly regarding why the amendment was necessary, Assistant Director Allison explained the zoning regulation in the Unified Development Code stipulated the parcels required the same zoning designation for easement access, and because the parcels affected by the easement were not zoned the same, it was in conflict with the Code. She said the amendment to the Annexation Agreement attempted to rectify the conflict, noting the only proposed change was clarifying the access to the annexed property through the easement, despite differences in zoning that was not clear in the original agreement. 

RESOLUTION NO. 23-247 approving the first amendment to the Annexation Agreement for the property located at 2700 W. Altorfer Drive, Peoria, Illinois, was approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali – 11; 

Nays: None. 

UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Including but not limited to motions to reconsider items, if any. from the previous Regular Meeting) 

It was determined there was no Unfinished Business to address. 


Tobacco License Regulations 

Council Member Grayeb said the City was witnessing a significant increase in vape retails. He asked Staff and Council Members to consider amending the Code to segregate tobacco licenses from other retail licenses and add safeguards deemed necessary to prevent oversaturation and protections for the community. He asked the Council to consider a moratorium on tobacco licenses to allow time for Staff to research and consider options to report to the Council. Community Development Director Joe Dulin provided examples of locations with recent increases in standalone tobacco retailers. He said amending tobacco license regulations was a complex initiative requiring input from multiple departments in order to determine the best path forward for the City, and he encouraged Council Members to provide input and direction regarding the proposed changes. Council Member Grayeb noted changes would not impact existing licenses. 

Monthly Financial Report 

Council Member Cyr asked for the monthly unaudited Financial Report from the Finance Director to be placed on the Regular Business section of the agenda going forward, to allow for questions and discussion from Council Members in preparation for upcoming budget discussions in the fall. 

Downtown Police Response Update 

Council Member Jackson commended Police Chief Eric Echevarria and Police Department Staff for their efforts to mitigate incidents overnight in Downtown Peoria. Chief Echevarria provided an update on efforts and events. He said citizens, patrons, and business owners were pleased with the response to concerns in Downtown Peoria recently, noting the efforts would continue through the summer. Council Member Jackson thanked Chief Echevarria for the update and Corporation Counsel Patrick Hayes for his efforts monitoring the situation. 

Technology Business Initiative 

Council Member Velpula said the Biotechnology Business Initiative had expanded to be more inclusive of all technology businesses in order to foster growth in related industries in Peoria, noting efforts with City Manager Urich, City Staff, CEO Chris Setti of the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council, and others to bring this initiative forward. Mayor Ali thanked Council Member Velpula for his leadership on the endeavor. 

CO2 Pipeline Update 

In response to Council Member Grayeb request for an update regarding the proposed CO2 pipeline in Illinois, Corporation Counsel Hayes said the Council was previously updated regarding a hearing in lowa held by the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), as well as the filing by Wolf Carbon Solutions with the Illinois Commerce Commission. He recommended the City intervene at the ICC level, noting the importance of the City's involvement from the onset of this proposed pipeline to ensure safety obligations were met to defend the health of citizens. He said more information would be provided to the Council as the situation progressed and he said Legal Department Staff would continue argue for the involvement of the City of Peoria in the process, despite the proposed pipeline was outside the municipal boundary at that time. 

Discussions were held regarding the possibility and potential impact of the Council approving a moratorium regarding the pipeline, and Corporation Counsel Hayes recommended reserving the moratorium when the City of Peoria was directly impacted by the proposed pipeline, allowing Legal Department Staff to pursue conversations and interventions with the Illinois Commerce Commission at this stage of their process. In response to Mayor Ali regarding the intervention plan, Corporation Counsel Hayes said an argument would be drafted and sent as a formal letter explaining why the City of Peoria should be involved and asking for permission to intervene. 


Hearing no objection, Mayor Ali granted privilege of the floor to those citizens wishing to address the City Council/Town Board as follows: 

Ginger Adams, a citizen of Peoria, provided a handout to Council Members, and she read a letter from Katy Bauml, a Peoria Public Library employee and member of AFSCME 3464. The letter addressed the ongoing union contract negotiations, the hardships and concerns of Library Staff, including low wages, working conditions, and higher education expectations. 

Nick Firmand, a citizen of Peoria, discussed the dangerous CO2 pipeline infrastructure, federal regulations that were under review after an explosion in Mississippi, and the plan filed by Wolf Carbon Solutions to the Illinois Commerce Commission. He said he was interested in the City's strategy regarding that plan, noting a moratorium would be more than symbolic, and he asked the Council to consider to follow the lead of the Peoria Park District and issue a moratorium. 

Warith Mahammad, a citizen of the Southside of Peoria, said he did not want a CO2 pipeline built near his neighborhood due to safety concerns. He discussed the recent explosion in Mississippi and how the pipeline would impact the region and the trucking industry. He asked the Council to proceed with a moratorium, and he discussed the Teen Club he managed in East Peoria that emphasized safety. 


It was determined there was no need to enter into Executive Session at that time. 


Council Member Cyr moved to adjourn the June 27, 2023, City Council Meeting; seconded by Council Member Allen. 

Approved by roll call vote. 

Yeas: Allen, Cyr, Gordon-Young, Grayeb, Jackson, Kelly, Oyler, Riggenbach, Velpula, Vespa, Mayor Ali - 11; 

Nays: None. 

The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:19 P.M. 


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